Pink Floyd: Delicate Sound of Thunder
Pink Floyd: Delicate Sound of Thunder
| 21 July 1989 (USA)
Pink Floyd: Delicate Sound of Thunder Trailers

Concert video taken from the A Momentary Lapse of Reason tour. It was largely filmed during the concerts running from August 19, 1988 through August 23, 1988 at the Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, New York, with some additional footage from June 21, 1988 and June 22, 1988 at the Place d'Armes of the Château de Versailles, Versailles, France (used to provide the performance of "The Great Gig in the Sky").

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
hillsack Oh, dear! Roger Waters was mistaken if he thought Pink Floyd would dwindle and die without him, but this album represents all that was wrong with the post-Waters Floyd. First there's 'Shine On, You Crazy Diamond', one of the more amiable soporific Floyd opuses, but their inability to hit the right pacing means it's hiccupping all over the shop here. The numbers from 'A Momentary Lapse Of Reason' are leaden and laden with morose sentimentality, and Floyd's heightened obsession with making the maximum possible impact meant the loss of subtlety and surprise (a bugbear of symphonic rock at the best of times): the songs, like the ecstatic crowd, just thunder on indelicately somewhere in the background. The mechanical 'Learning To Fly' is a clumsily overproduced tune trying to sound spacey. And what is the point of a song like 'The Dogs Of War'? The musically superior 'Us and Them', also featured here, had already made the same point some fifteen years earlier in a much more poetically succinct manner. Even the excellent 'One Of These Days' is messed up; it certainly packs a punch, but there's a dreadfully peppy, stylised 80's sound to it, and that's the problem with the whole album. Rock groups, ever fearful of being labelled as passé, sometimes do the silliest things when pandering to the fickle tastes of the zeitgeist. By that time, Prozac Floyd had descended to the visual dork level of a Howard Jones, with the session men sporting ridiculous mullets and straining out jazzed up sax and guitar versions of the tunes which made Floyd great, accompanied by David Gilmour's silly and irksome growling. The point of this album? Another buck in the billfold.
christianpinkfloyd It is a great documentation of the Nassau 1988 Concerts but the filming is terrible, mostly dark and, virtually, everything moves too fast, thus, one does not get a clear picture of what is happening on stage at all times.You should get this one if you are a collector or a Pink Floyd fan.And one other low point, it is just one hour and 30 minutes of the concert, however, the original concert was about two hours and 20-30 minutes.If you are looking for a Pink Floyd concert, PULSE or Live At Pompeii are far better.
El Guapo-2 The director constantly uses a swooping camera, slow motion, and dissolves over and over and over... the result is the concert film gets very boring quickly. The documentary style that they used to film the concert, i.e. grainy, smoky footage doesn't match the visual style of slow motion and dissolves, especially when it's just repeated for every song. The backup singers were pretty hot! Pink Floyd here is really Pink Floyd version 3. Roger Waters sued Nick Mason, David Gilmour (guitar god) and Rick Wright over the use of the name "Pink Floyd" but the three remaining band members won the legal use of the name "Pink Floyd" but have to credit Waters where credit is due and pay him royalties, I think. Anyway, either the sound editing is horrible or their singing wasn't up to snuff on that day because it sounds really muffled, and along with the way the film was edited, I would not recommend this film unless you are a die hard Floydhead.
jettech7 The movie was not too bad. The concert was real good the effects, lasers and pyros. The only problem is that it does not look nearly as good on the video as I remember them from the concert. The concert CD has much better sound than the video in VHS format.