R | 05 November 2007 (USA)
Pigs Trailers

A college ladies man accepts a challenge from his dorm buddies - sleep with the entire alphabet, A through Z, before graduation. The rules are simple: the rarer the first letter of the girl's last name, the higher the payout. All goes well until he falls for the "X". Now he's torn between his feelings for the girl and winning the bet for his friends.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
mweigand-1 A predictable formula, poorly acted, cliché dialog that no one would say in real life. At many times, you can't understand what the actors are saying, and frequently the music covers what they're saying. I kept waiting for things to pick up, but the humor declined, until the final minute, which I give the directors a lot of credit for. To follow such a bad script and premise so long, and then throw the Hollywood ending in the toilet is brave. I just don't think very many viewers will wait that long for such a small payoff. Teenagers hoping for a lot of skin probably won't wait 'til the end for that payoff, either. Two chuckles and a pretty girl don't make up for everything that's wrong with this movie. If it were someone's student project, I'd cut them some slack. Kind of like a porno without the sex scenes. The cinematography at times literally looks like a porno.
wildpeace10 A guy keeps files on the girls he sleeps with since he wants to sleep with all girls based on their alphabet names.He then falls in love with one of them.His friend betrays him by showing her the files and explaining her the plan.Girl gets hurt.Guy tries to win her over saying he's a changed man since he met her.It might seem like a good story on paper but the script and direction is pretty dull.Some of the dialogue is also pretty awful.Now if you saw the cover of this DVD and read that it even compares itself to PORKY'S, you just might think that this is a movie with a lot of nudity in the tradition of American PIE for example... but you'd be wrong.The sex talk is there but if you want nudity,you'll have to search elsewhere.Apart from a brief breasts shot at the end(we don't see the girl's face),it's pretty much nudity free.if you still want to rent it,you might want to check the special feature whip 'em out pigs unrated auditions (features breasts auditions)and the filmmaker and cast commentary where you'll learn how they did this movie on the cheap.
victor Average wanna-be-comedy for the time when you got some free time and really nothing else to do. Acting is pretty much OK, jokes not-so-fun(unless you enjoy flat sex jokes). Usually i'd give it 4. But it earned my 8 just for the ending. And for "the producers were strongly advised to include female nudity"! Now i know why "american pie presents" got amount of boobs that would impress even a soft-core pr0n director! Anyhow, too bad they couldn't get some humor from the last 1.5 minutes of the movie to the whole 85 minutes. As i said- only if u got free time and nothing else to do. Ah, yeah, don't watch it with your girlfriend. Ever.
Wesley Oh, I expected this to be complete rubbish but I was totally disappointed, in a good way! Totally had all that you want from a comedy. It made you laugh in almost every scene. The fact that it had sex in most of those scenes only made the experience that much more enjoyable. And for me, a guy, this was a BIG plus. Unfortunately, my girlfriend disagrees. She thinks that making women merely a sexual object is something that we as a society have spent generations trying to make unacceptable. But, what the hey, you get to laugh for 85 minutes and isn't that what life is all about in the end? So, you have two choices, you can go see Pigs or you won't. I guess most of you won't see it, which, ironically, makes you all pigs...
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