| 17 April 2010 (USA)
Pig Trailers

A man lives in a caravan in the desert with Savannah, a mentally handicapped woman he keeps in a cage. He has abducted several people and keeps them prisoner.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Lawbolisted Powerful
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
DMentD Cinema In Mason's latest film, "Pig", which he wrote, produced and directed, Mason has ventured into unchartered territory with both his filming technique as well as with his content. More on that subject later."Pig is not for the faint of heart, and has been described as gruesome, brutal, unsettling, violent, savage and a despicable experience. The film was shot completely in secret from fans and followers alike, and stars frequent Mason collaborator Andrew Howard, as an lunatic leading a family of psychopaths who inflict unspeakable evils on a group of hapless, captured victims" And that perfectly sums this film up. At first, this may sound like yet another "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" rip-off, but it most assuredly is nothing of the kind. Mason takes the theme of the crazed group of people abducting and torturing innocents that we first became familiar with in "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and takes it to an all new, and extremely disturbing level! Where "Chainsaw" had the look and feel of a documentary, "Pig" gives the viewer the sense that they are actually there, face to face with these maniacs, as they commit their atrocities. And these heinous acts are far more evil, twisted and sadistic than anything that the Sawyer family ever even dreamed of committing. Welsh actor Andrew Howard (who you can next see in the remake, yes, another remake, of the classic exploitation film, "I Spit On Your Grave".), who stars as the lead character, (Note: none of the characters in this film, with one exception, have been given a specific name, however Howard's character refers to himself as "Daddy" often) is terrifyingly fantastic in the role. Watching him in action in this film truly feels like you are watching an authentic madman at work. Howard commits these horrendously violent and sadistic acts on his victims with such glee and a childlike joy that it is truly hard to watch at times, yet you find yourself unable to look away.Getting back to the previously mentioned innovative factor to this film, the first hour and 26 minutes (as I counted) "Pig" is filmed in one take (A take is a single continuous recorded performance), with the remainder of the 1 hour and 34 minute film being comprised of multiple takes. This means that the actors (especially Howard who is on scene throughout most of the film) were able to continue filming without any mistakes, breaks,etc, for the entire hour and 26 minutes. A very innovative and impressive feat. It's hard enough to imagine a filmmaker, his actors and entire crew, being able to shoot such a long take without any errors or accidents, and given the fact that this is such a brutal and chaotic film, it is all the more unfathomable. Much respect is due to Mason, Howard and the entire production crew for being able to pull this off so perfectly. Horror is meant to horrify. To disgust. To repulse. With "Pig", Adam Mason has delivered on all counts. The film is shocking from start to finish. With an ending that is guaranteed to be 100% unpredictable!
James (m_e_m_n_o_c_h) I watched the film for free on FearNet, and I must say I had a good time watching it. The cinematography was great, especially considering that it was mostly done in one take. Just imagining how difficult it would be to set up the FX (no CGI here) while still rolling still boggles me.I admit the acting and dialogue wasn't the greatest, but really, how many horror movies can you think of that excel in these categories? True horror fans have adapted to overlook these things and see films as the whole. We can laugh when the dialogue doesn't make sense.I loved the Public Radio background and am wondering if this is an actual radio program or made up for the film (probably the latter).. I mean, it sounded authentic enough.I can definitely tell this film was fun to work on; wish I could have been there. If you're like me and aspire to see a wide variety of horror films and not just the crap that makes it to theaters, give this one a look.
Alan Simpson Let's get things straight right away, PIG is a deeply unpleasant and offensive film – not just in a grotesque visual manner but as an endurance test of cinematic tolerance for the viewer. In its simplest terms PIG is a 90 minute snapshot into the life of a brutally deviant trailer trash serial killer – little to no dialogue, the most minimal of plot structure but for the mature horror film fan a deeply gratifying film experience.In the lead role Andrew Howard manages to maintain a believable level of depraved intensity with even the odd moment that looks like his own psyche is being deranged by the role he's portraying whilst his shadow 'retard' sister adds to the visual and aural assault on viewers.Don't be under any illusion, PIG is a challenging film experience and most definitely not one for a mainstream multiplex film fan - well the film (welcomingly) has no moral value whatsoever and is pure 1980's vintage video nasty fare, reminiscent of the final 'family dinner' reel of Texas Chainsaw Massacre but with PIG kicking in from the opening scene and rolling with that intensity throughout the entire film (which in itself might be testing for even some horror fans but for this old genre buff was a welcome challenge to behold).Filmmaker Adam Mason has proved yet again that he's one of the finest talents from the Britsploitation scene, with PIG he's produced a film that's part old school classic exploitation cinema (James Ferman era BBFC would have positively imploded on viewing this one, be under no doubts this would have been banned outright back in the day) and part challenging modern improv horror theatre.Destined to become a horror film festival favourite – excellent.
mairead6 The ingenious marketing for this was let down by technical hitches, but filmmakers take note and run with the idea faster than Forrest, this is how its done.I am now a self-confessed Pig. After the initial err of anticipation, once in I was captivated. I echo the Rob Zombie sentiments. However, I liked it, as much as one can 'enjoy' the patronizing, sadism and brutal human torture that is 'Pig'.Film appreciation may influence my view on homages/comparisons to others, but this merely enhanced 'Pig' than deflected from it. Most will notice the 'neverending take' Mason delivers - it does feel tedious and 'drags' the film yet with enough visually to sustain momentum especially 'cat and mouse' scenes. Yea. More of this please. A technical first combined with valid effort that made me all the more uncomfortable - waiting, itching for some kind of release - felt like a POV almost. Viewer participation without lifting a finger..I would give 'Pig' a go if you've a strong stomach - its not the worst film nor the best. Then, it doesn't claim to be. It is what it is. Better in places, a relief when its not. I found myself thinking. The inevitable 'RUN!, NOW WHATS HE DOING?!', then smiling at radio commentary.. . Clueless?. Welcome to my world.Self-examination has begun. This isn't your run-of-the-mill indie horror. Its the human condition. Personified. Howard's chillingly brilliant, consistently raw and seriously twisted. The captives did themselves justice, notably Mr Burnet, with sheer persistence. No victims here. *shuds*. Life just got that more terrifying.If a film makes me think, interpersonal or otherwise long after its done..Its my kind of film. Mason did good. Squeaky toys will never be the same.
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