Peril at End House
Peril at End House
| 07 January 1990 (USA)
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Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Prismark10 The start of the second series and ITV are already dipping their toes in a feature length Poirot as this was shown as a two part story.Poirot and Hastings are holidaying in the Cornish coast. Poirot seems enchanted by a young lady Nick Buckley who lives nearby in a small house. The trouble is she has had several close shaves with death in the past few days. This arouse Poirot's interest in the young lady. When Nick's cousin comes to stay with her, she is later found dead apparently mistaken for Nick.Poirot and Hastings are joined by Inspector Japp. Miss Lemon also joins them and has a part to play in unveiling the culprit.The story works well as a two part story without feeling flabby. The art production, location shooting, costumes still carry the high standards set from the first series.The story leaves little clues behind to help you unmask the eventual killer, the resolution felt it went over a little too fast that included forged documents and cocaine addiction. Polly Walker is ravishing as Nick Buckley.
gridoon Hercule Poirot and Captain Hastings travel to a small seaside English town for some "restful vacation". But that is not exactly what they get, when they meet a young woman who owns a large house near their hotel, and whose life seems to be in danger.This is a 100-minute-long episode of the Poirot series, and I'd be lying if I said that the pacing never lags - it does. At the same time, I wish the post-climax had gone on a bit longer, to allow Poirot to make some further explanations. As it stands, the plot has some unclear points (the bullet....the poisoned chocolates....the cousin that was invited upon the insistence of Poirot....obviously I can't go any further without spoiling things), and it is possible that it doesn't stand up 100% under scrutiny. On the other hand, there's plenty to like here: the wonderful locations and production design, the exceptional acting, the cinematic direction, the small clues planted here and there ("Oh, how I like them!", says Poirot), some laugh-out-loud moments (the scene where Hastings tries to explain who Poirot is to Nick is a small masterpiece of writing and acting, as is the one of Inspector Japp on the beach).As for another reviewer's remark, "how beautiful is Polly Walker!", the answer is: more beautiful than words can explain. (***)
howdymax I had a little trouble finding this production on IMDB because I was looking for a recent entry, I find it hard to believe this movie is 14 yrs old as I write this. David Suchet is ageless. I won't so much comment on this episode as I will on the series in general. There are some who think a 2 hr Poirot movie is about 1 hr too long. I don't agree. For those of us who appreciate beautiful and intriguing locations - this is it. For those who appreciate period planes, cars, and especially wardrobe - this is it. There is a flavor and atmosphere about this series that reminds one of the Jeremy Brett version of Sherlock Holmes or The Great Gatsby. Not so much the period as the loving attention to detail.I admit that these entries can be hard to follow. If you have a tendency to nod out or run to the fridge for a snack, you will probably lose it. If you are looking for blood and gore or high energy explosions, tune into the latest Bruce Willis flick. Poirot makes you think. You have no choice. A&E has been importing these English mysteries to the US for years. Film food for thinking people. If the Brits can do it, why can't we. Hollywood was the benchmark for quality film production since the silent days. Today, our movies are digitized and cartoon like. We have forgotten how to tell a story. We have sacrificed originality and quality for the corporate bottom line. Shame on us.As for this particular story, it's as convoluted as the others. We have the whole ensemble. Poirot, Hastings, Miss Lemon, and Inspector Giapp. As for the other principals, they are competent and professional - just as you would expect. One little quirk worth mentioning. Although the female leads are interesting to watch, they usually fall into one of two categories. They are either cute and coquettish or intimidating and horsey. This movie is no exception. This is not a criticism, it's a compliment. It disproves the theory that you have to inject a traditional sexpot into the movie to fill some kind of void. These imports along with Inspector Frost, Inspector Barnaby, Sherlock Holmes, Cracker, and a few others provide a touch of class that we seem to have lost. I urge anyone who needs a break from the mindless junk we are being fed in prime time, to tune in. You will be rewarded - and with luck, be transported back to a kinder and gentler time when a mystery was a mystery.
Chris-268 One of the very few well made TV movies produced in the last 10 years, Peril at End House features the wonderful David Suchet as Hercule Poirot, along with the other regulars from the A&E series (Hugh Fraser as Hastings, Philip Jackson as Inspector Japp, and Pauline Moran as Miss Lemon). This film also marks the debut of the divine Ms. Polly Walker (the most beautiful actress that almost nobody has heard of). She plays Nick Buckley, the owner of End House that someone is trying to murder!I am a huge fan of the Poirot Series, and this two hour installment is truly a delight. It features beautiful scenery, a well paced and engaging story, and solid acting from almost every cast member. Suchet is THE perfect Poirot, even better than Peter Ustinov, whom I also love. There are several plot twists typical to a Christie story, but these will surprise a neophyte to her work.Finally, how beautiful is Polly Walker! It's truly a shame that actresses like her and Helena Bonham Carter aren't in more mainstream movies. For Polly Walker fans this movie is a must see!