Pee Mak
Pee Mak
PG-13 | 28 March 2013 (USA)
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Mak's friends just want to protect him, but his wife Nak won't let a small thing like her own death get in the way of true love in this horror-comedy.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Pallavi Bhatnagar I was just browsing for some Thai horror movies to watch and came across Pee Mak. I didn't go for reviews coz i just wanted to spend my time some way or other. But to my surprise this movie turned out to be one of the best movies i have ever seen. A perfect combination of horror, comedy and romance. All the 3 in 1 platform makes it the best Thai movie i have ever seen. There are some scenes where i was laughing and the next moment i was crying and the very next moment i was again laughing. Anyone would think i went mad. This movie is that awesome!! A must watch!! If you don't watch this movie then you gonna miss something very awesome in your life. So don't wait. Just go and watch it. Its available in youtube.
3xHCCH I think the only other Thai movie I have seen before was the thrilling and haunting horror film "Shutter" (2004). After I watched "Pee Mak," I discovered that these two films were actually directed by the same man, Banjong Pisanthanakun. "Shutter" was his directorial debut, "Pee Mak" is his latest and biggest hit. Mak came home from the battlefield with his four soldier friends, namely Puak (with the winged victory hairstyle), Ter (with the glasses), Shin (with the bun) and Aey (with the mustache). They were met by his beautiful wife Nak with their newborn baby boy. However, it did not take long for his four friends to notice something strange about Nak. This leads to a merry comedy of errors and terrors, Thai style.Being in a foreign language and in set in the past, I am sure a lot of the nuances are lost in translation. However visual horror and slapstick comedy is universal. While "Pee Mak" is also a horror film, the more commercial and memorable aspect of this film is actually more of its comedy. The horror takes a back seat to the comedy here. You just simple have to watch those hilarious sequences of the silly gang at the dinner table, playing charades, in the haunted house of the amusement park, the boat on the river and in the Buddhist temple with the monk! These scenes were laugh-out-loud funny beyond words! A deglamorized Thai/German actor/model Mario Maurer(as Mak)and the four actors playing his friends indeed have great comic chemistry and timing together. They were such a delight playing cartoonish nincompoops and stupid idiots as they were terrorized by the ghostly presence around them. Thai/Belgian actress/model Daveeka Hoorne also has her dramatic moments as Nak, as her character was mainly the straight man of this farce. I am sure she had a difficult time keeping a straight face in front of all that livid foolishness around her.I am sure Filipino film fans will have a good time watching "Pee Mak". The inane comedy/horror genre is also very popular here. I am sure we can even think up of specific local comedians who can play these crazy roles. What "Pee Mak" adds is the Thai cultural setting that gives it that unique exotic and mystic feel that should not be missed. 7/10.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Pee Mak Phrakanong" is sort of an interesting Thai ghost movie. It stands out from the usual ghost movies that come from Thai cinema, as this one is a mixture of horror and comedy - sort of a Thai ghost version of "Ghost of Mae Nak" meets "Shaun of the Dead". And the end result is actually quite enjoyable, fun and exciting.The story in "Pee Mak Phrakanong" is about Mak (played by Mario Maurer) who returns home to Phrakanong after having served in the war. Here at his how awaits his wife Nak (played by Davika Hoorne) and their child. Mak have invited his war buddies along home with him. However, something is wrong in Phrakanong, and the villagers are avoiding Mak at all costs, claiming that his wife is dead. But how can Nak be dead when she is right there in their home, cooking his meals and looking after their child?Storywise, then "Pee Mak Phrakanong" manages to blend the horror and comedy genre quite well, and the movie has lots of funny moments and also manages to build up some suspense - suspense that usually climaxes into something hilarious and will have you laughing instead of being scared.And the story actually had a good love-story woven into its fabric as well. However, if you have watched "Ghost of Mae Nak" from 2005, then you should essentially be familiar with the story told in "Pee Mak Phrakanong".The acting is good enough in the movie, although you should be prepared for some really scared and whiny characters. But despite this, then the characters were fun and likable.The movie was great, lots of laughs, thrills and funny moments. However, it got a little bit over-dramatic towards the end. It was as if the balloon deflated once you get the to the temple scene as the movie draws to a closure. The ending could have been better in my opinion.But all in all, a good new take on the Thai ghost genre, and a much welcomed addiction to the genre mix of horror and comedy. I rate "Pee Mak Phrakanong" 6 out 10 stars.
ctowyi We were not disappointed. We laughed until our stomachs ached. Banjong Pisanthanakun (Shutter, Alone, 4bia, Phobia 2) is a freaking genius!  This time he used the over-used Nang Nak legend and craft out a comedy-horror fest. Yup, it's comedy first followed by horror. If you are a fan of the best part of 4bia and Phobia 2, you will find yourself in the familiar company of the four irrelevant dudes. I thought we would be jaded since we are fans of the mentioned anthologies but we were laughing like nuts at all the ingenious situational comedy.  There are also quite a number of pop-culture references like Ang Lee, David Blaine, 300, Last Samurai thrown out at us with gusto. It did get a bit repetitive in the middle act but the final climatic act in the monastery saved it. Pisanthanakun even brought on the indispensable melodrama then and it managed to surprise me with a nice twist on the legend I know quite well. Pisanthanakun could also balance the movie very well - shifting from comedy to horror in a heartbeat. But he had great help from the 4 actors whose comic timing is just impeccable.