"Pax Americana" is a scary film. It attempts to shed light on a global issue that has been almost completely ignored by mass-media to the date. This is the militarization of space, that is, the use of space for military purposes (mainly by the US) as opposed to peaceful aspirations, such as weather monitoring, help in search and rescue, help in potential natural disaster detection and scientific research which seem to be the intentions of most countries in the world.However, the film shows in a very clear and dynamic way how the US has been using its resources to develop and explore the endless possibilities that space provides as the (military) high ground and how countless money has been spent on research destined to such aims while most of the world agrees that space should not be abused in this way, as the consequences for humankind could end up being devastating. The film explains, for example, how the amount of debris in space would increase alarmingly should there be weapons in use, and how this may very well lead to the collapse of the world as we know it.In short, I left the cinema completely shocked, appalled and concerned by this issue that I knew nothing about prior to watching this film. I urge everyone to see it as it works as an extremely informative yet entertaining account on an issue that concerns us all.