Paul Taylor : So British Ou Presque
Paul Taylor : So British Ou Presque
| 12 December 2022 (USA)
Paul Taylor : So British Ou Presque Trailers

Je m'appelle Paul, je suis Anglais et j'habite en France. J'ai fait un premier spectacle de stand-up intitulé "#Franglais" which was half in English and half in French. It went pretty well, so I've decided to do another show called "So British (ou presque)". It's the same concept. A show that is in both languages but with brand new jokes and stories that you've never seen before. Et si tu te poses la question: "Est-ce que je vais comprendre son anglais?", j'ai une astuce: si t'as compris cette description, c'est bon. Sinon, j'ai un pote qui peut t'aider à préparer le TOEIC. Si tu ne sais pas ce que c'est le TOEIC, là, je peux vraiment pas t'aider. If your French is good enough to understand this description, you'll bee laughing. See you on stage!

Alicia I love this movie so much
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows