Paul Simon: Under African Skies
Paul Simon: Under African Skies
| 11 May 2012 (USA)
Paul Simon: Under African Skies Trailers

Paul Simon returns to South Africa to explore the incredible journey of his historic Graceland album, including the political backlash he received for allegedly breaking the UN cultural boycott of South Africa designed to end the Apartheid regime. On the 25th anniversary of Paul Simon's GRACELAND, acclaimed documentary filmmaker Joe Berlinger offers a glimpse at the controversy surrounding the decision to record the album in South Africa despite a UN boycott of the nation, which was aimed at ending apartheid. In the run-up to an eagerly anticipated reunion concert, Simon, Quincy Jones, Peter Gabriel, David Byrne, Harry Belafonte, Paul McCartney and others reflect on the decision to record with local artists in South Africa, and the cultural impact of the album that delivered such hits as "I Know What I Know" and "You Can Call Me Al."

VividSimon Simply Perfect
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
bbbaldie I was amazed to learn how Graceland came about. Turns out many of the songs were instrumentals from the African groups involved which Paul tweaked a bit and then later added lyrics to. What a great tale of creation and cooperation! Paul was vilified by a few for breaking the boycott against South Africa, despite the fact that he performed with exiled artists and also shared with the world some very talented black artists who certainly weren't supporting obnoxious government policies. The angry ones are nowadays pretty much over it, as depicted in the film.What keeps this from being a 10 is the useless addition of Oprah Winfrey and Whoopi Goldeberg. They had nothing to do with Simon's actions, and their opinions matter as much as mine, in other words, not at all. Whoopi, shouldn't you be out pleading the case for Roman Polanski or something? Off to listen to Graceland now...
VivienLancellotti This is the morning after my watching Under African Skies, the documentary movie on Paul Simon and the artists he collaborated with for the Graceland record, some of whom were part of the group Artists Against Apartheid. They jammed, recorded, and later toured with the music that joined white and black cultures in a time where these were in the thick of aggression in South Africa. Simon travelled to where the roots of rhythm were to be found, joining his poetic lyrics to his fellow's music, with their indescribable vividness and rawness, blending African lyrics like "If there is no chicken/You can hunt an owl,/Take its head off and/It looks like a chicken./We eat it on the train" with "she's got diamonds on the soles of her shoes..." He was in South Africa during the culmination of Apartheid, before Nelson Mandela was released from jail. Graceland took two years to make after his ten-day visit to the country. Three weeks after its successful release, it received its first and totally unexpected criticism. It came from the ANC, stating that Simon had extracted and promoted music from South Africa thus breaching the UN decree to boycott the country in all international acts, which was upheld as a last-resort effort against the Apartheid regime. Together with his musical companions Simon had given the world a gem, as some of the best South African musicians joined hands, and voices, and hearts with him to record and tour. Together they created a pure sensation. The listening world received a key of access that would give the battered country a focus of attention under a positive light while, throughout the disastrous regime, many had hopelessly ignored it. They toured in America, Europe, Africa, always under the threat of political aggression connected to reactions to the claims made by the ANC. From another front they were backed by the collaboration of artists like Miriam Makeba, to whose life the film was dedicated. Makeba was one of the many exiled from their homeland, not even being granted permission to attend her own daughter's funeral. The segregation and violence regime robbed South Africans of their land, their integrity, their freedom. The musicians of Graceland, those wizards of groove and soul, gave everything they had to share and contributed to its termination. When Mandela was finally released from jail he personally welcomed Simon to perform Graceland in his country. The film was documented as Simon reunited with the South African musicians of Graceland, 25 years after its initial release, in celebration.
lucia-thie Under African Skies rises above the standard music documentary to celebrate an iconic artist and/or album. In this case, it is set against the controversy about working with South African artists in a time when there was a UN cultural boycott against South Africa. What is shown in this documentary is how the iconic Graceland album (released in 1986) came about and most importantly: how the tracks were created. Defying and defending the free spirit of an artist, Paul Simon, who is above all a musician and not a politician, brought his fascination and respect for South African talented musicians (Ray Phiri, Ladysmith Black Mambazo) to the world via this album. Old footage is interspersed with newly shot material of Paul Simon's visit, 25 years since he first set foot in South Africa, and playing again with these same musicians. Warning: it is not possible to view this documentary without humming, singing and dancing along with the songs : )
nikkievertshammond What joy! It is rare to find yourself beaming in a dark theatre at the people on the screen, but the joy of the performers, fully engaged with the music, was irresistible. It helped that I'd been privileged to attend the original Graceland tour in the 80's and had actually brought both my daughters, ages 11 and 16, with me. I beamed all through THAT performance as well. "Under African Skies" gives the cool background details about how the whole project started and unfolded, including the political flak Paul Simon and the team went through from the left. What a delight to meet the guys from LadySmith Black Mombaso, and hear the tale from their point of view. Some strange white guy wants to play music with them - such open hearted folks, despite apartheid, they went for it for the love of their music. I want to see this movie again AND I want all my friends and family to see it too. My only problem is if they don't love it as much as I do!