Paul McCartney Really Is Dead: The Last Testament of George Harrison
Paul McCartney Really Is Dead: The Last Testament of George Harrison
| 01 September 2010 (USA)
Paul McCartney Really Is Dead: The Last Testament of George Harrison Trailers

In the summer of 2005, a package arrived at the Hollywood offices of Highway 61 Entertainment from London with no return address. Inside were two mini-cassette audio tapes dated December 30, 1999 and labeled "The Last Testament of George Harrison". A voice eerily similar to Harrison's tells a shocking story: Paul McCartney was killed in a car crash in November of 1966 and replaced with a double!

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
breakdownthatfilm-blogspot-com Conspiracy theories are one of those touchy topics for some people. In a day where as easy as the public has access to almost anything at the touch of their fingertips, one would think hardly anything would be private. Yet some people still believe there are individuals higher up that have their own agenda and continue to push it to this day. Whether it's true or not has yet to be proved and that goes for any other conspiracy theory. Even more of a reason as to why only select groups of people believe in certain theories is because there are so many for each case. Some of which contradict other theories, while some add or remove events or reasons from others. This is why when theories have conflicting proof, many people do not believe the ploy being made. Whether it's been about a celebrity or infamous criminal, there's been several suspicions made for these people. For this film, the premise is to prove that Paul McCartney from the popular English rock group The Beatles, truly is dead via narration George Harrison.Directed by Joel Gilbert, a producer/director to other documentaries and some conspiracy films, this documentary is the official one made for this case. There have been other films made but as for reaching the public's eye, this is probably the one. According to Gilbert at the film's introduction, his studio, Highway 61 Entertainment received an unknown package in July of 2005 with no return address. Inside it contained mini cassette tapes labeled with writing saying "The Last Testament of George Harrison". In these tapes the voice speaking reveals supposedly the entire true story that indeed Paul McCartney is dead and the one we know of today is actually the winner of a look alike contest who took his place. This alone (like any conspiracy) does raise some eyebrows because, the whole idea is crazy and questions the very nature of how incidents are handled. However, even before bothering to listen to the rest of the story from the cassettes, there are already some glaring holes in this story.Looking at the packaged received date alone is a problem. The package was delivered in 2005? So who delivered it? George Harrison died in 2001 so who would Harrison entrust to deliver this important information? Also why wait until 2005? What's the significance? Another glaring issues is that Gilbert also states he had the tapes sent to three different forensics labs to determine the authenticity of the voice and match it to Harrison. The answer - "the results were inconclusive" he states. Okay,...then just play the tapes as is anyway and let the audience think for themselves. But no, instead Gilbert hires actor Lance Lewman to perform as Harrison and dub over the actual tapes. Is this to make the story sound more realistic? It won't if the audience knows it's an actor re-dubbing the actual audio material. It's almost like Gilbert knew the actual recording wasn't close so they decided to make it sound close. That doesn't sound honest and it's very questionable on an ethical level. Then there's the matter of execution to this documentary. The way it changes from chapter to chapter is fine but each chapter has clips of what looks like re-enactments but edited to not be very clear in its presentation. This is also a bit strange because it can confuse the viewer. Is it supposed to help the audience think up of what was happening while the story is being told? Even some of the photos used don't exactly look entirely correct and there's a lot more evidence to sift through. How did Lennon have roughly 50 more songs to make after McCartney's death and they all pertain to McCartney if Lennon and McCartney wrote these songs is another weird coincidence. At the same time though, even with all these inconsistencies, some of the evidence is oddly enough real. Things like the backwards replaying and hearing "Paul is Dead, Man, Miss Him Miss Him" or "Turn Me on Dead Man" is quite eerie. And it's not just the recordings that make this story sound plausible to some degree.Seeing all the albums being analyzed for deeper meanings and having certain areas pointed out that appear on all the albums that came out after McCartney's "supposed" death is strange in its own right. Why is it that the McCartney double is depicted with hands only over his head or how come he's always the only Beatle not facing the same way as the rest? It's always McCartney, so there has to be some kind of reason behind it. Since this is a documentary dealing with history, a cinematographer was not needed. But the historical pieces and archive footage from the past is well appreciated and helps give the viewer a better understanding how certain events led to the rest (or so its claimed). The music composed by Wayne Peet is another nice touch. Especially the main tune used in the introduction, the light flute triplets sound like it belongs in the 60-70s and stirs the intrigue a little more when it comes to understanding what allegedly happened in 1966. Who knows, maybe McCartney is who he is or not.This conspiracy documentary does bring up some valid points and coincidences but there's a lot of contradicting and confusing evidence as well. With a re-dubbed narration and strange re-enactment footage, it doesn't solve or confirm anything. Thinking about it does sound disturbing though and the music helps with that too.
Bill Denert Growing up in the 1960's I was a huge Beatles fan and remember vividly the "Paul is dead" hoax back in the fall of 1969. Naturally, out of curiosity, I also looked at the clues that I heard about on the radio and, like an immature 15 year old, I played my Beatles records backwards. The only thing I really got out of it all was that I ruined some of my records in the process.When I saw this "mockumentary" on Amazon I bought it, again out of curiosity. Unfortunately, my curiosity got the best of my wallet and nothing else. The "voice" was not George Harrison's, but a cheap imitation. Also, what was really insulting to the intelligence of core Beatles fans was the film's awful chronological inaccuracies. For example, "George" talks about the album "Rubber Soul" and it's song contents that offered clues to Paul's demise. Unfortunately, this album was recorded in the Fall of 1965 and released by Capital/EMI for Christmas of that year; a FULL year BEFORE Paul's fatal accident in November, 1966."George" states that "Yesterday and Today" (which was only released by Capital in the US and not in the UK) was made AFTER "Revolver". Again, bull twinkies. Revolver was released by EMI on August 5, 1966, almost a full THREE months before Paul's "accident"; "Yesterday and Today" was released in the late Spring of 1966, again a terrible inaccuracy in the timeline. In short: a lot of goofs, but possibly unnoticed by those who know nothing about Beatles music.This film is an insult to George Harrison. George was a remarkably brilliant musician and couldn't possibly be inaccurate about these accounts.If Paul's death was an MI5 cover up, then why didn't the CIA cover up Elvis' death in 1977? I'm sure that hundreds of Elvis fans would have jumped out of windows upon hearing about his death! Is MI5 more competent than the CIA? Never mind, you don't have to answer that question!All in all, this film is awful. Don't waste your money on it.
TheRowdyMan Most Beatles fans will already know the infamous urban legend of McCartney being replaced by the other Beatles. This "documentary" adds the original spin that MI5 was behind the mass deception (there you go). As a serious air-tight case for conspiracy it fails from the start. The first three albums with "clues" were actually released before the supposed death date of McCartney given in the film itself(!). As a mockumentary it's over long and boring. Given that it's meant to be George's "last testament", fake George seems to waffle on much about the "clues" like a wikipedia article, missing out on a chance to expanded on the insane "behind the scenes" story. The voice over that's meant to be Harrison sounds nothing like him or anything even a resembling a Liverpudlian accent. As a piece of camp, the grim tone and gory "dead McCartney" pictures are too on the nose for this fun for fans – making seem more like a Faces of Death style feature then a fanboy "what-if" film. And the final scenes cross the line from being stupid to just plain offensive.In the right hands, it could of been a fun idea, but instead tyhe mess comes off as sleazy.
havok3595 We were having a really bad day and decided to see this on Netflix streaming because it looked interesting. It definitely delivered in being the bar none most obviously fabricated thing ever.I can take with a grain of salt George supposedly narrating an hour and a half worth of "evidence" in a stunningly quiet hospital room, and even asking his wife for the taping equipment.'s so specific that there's no way. Add to that: Capital, not the Beatles, selected the song listing for Yesterday and Today, which was a very sore spot for the Beatles.Yellow Submarine was recorded for Revolver, not Yellow Submarine, which additionally was a soundtrack, not an album. Far moreso than, say, Hard Day's Night or Help since the Beatles only contributed one album side to it.Hello Goodbye and Strawberry Fields Forever were not on the original Magical Mystery Tour release, but were added later because the original double EP format was unable to be released stateside (they previously existed as singles).Let It Be was in the can before Abbey Road was recorded.And so on and so forth.It kills me that the people putting this together were so sloppy yet packaged it as some kind of definitive proof. I laughed for hours after it was over. And the William to Paul transformation video was spectacularly hilarious, even as over-saturated as it was.