| 01 January 2004 (USA)
Parasite Trailers

An abandoned oil rig in the middle of the North Sea. Dr. Christine Hansen is charged with the task of testing an experimental cleaning fluid which could revolutionize the oil industry. Hired to carry out the tests is Jacob Rasmussen and his rough and ready crew of deconstruction engineers. But within hours one of them is missing under suspicious circumstances. Things go from bad to worse when environmental activist Mickey Hennessey and his hard-bitten associates seize control of the rig, taking everybody on board hostage. But very soon oil workers and environmentalists will be compelled to join forces in an evolutionary battle for survival. For a savage new life-form has made its home on the rig. And it is hungry.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Right, well it is obviously clear that director Andrew Prendergast is a fan of the original "Alien" movie, as most of the things shown in "Parasite" (aka "Hell's Mouth") is either a homage to "Alien" or a blatant rip off.The story takes place on an oil rig in the middle of the ocean, thus leaving all people isolated and cut off from any immediate help. Where a new and alien life form has made its nest and is preying on the humans that inhabit the oil rig.A monster or alien movie needs to have proper special effects, that either blow you away, dazzle you or make the creature and the atmosphere work well. "Parasite" didn't have that, and as such the movie was just another B-movie creature feature. The idea and concept of the creature was good, but it wasn't executed to a satisfactory end result.The acting in "Parasite" was as to be expected. I can't really claim to remember a single actor or actress standing out from the rest of the bunch. But then again, such a movie is not going to be a Shakespearian thespian experience."Parasite" is definitely among the top ten of bad monster movies that I have had to sit through in my track record of watching movies. I didn't even manage to watch it to the end, as I had to give up about halfway through out of sheer boredom and a lack of entertainment.As such, then I am rating "Parasite" a meager one out of ten stars. I am sure that there is an audience out there somewhere for a movie such as this. I just wasn't in that particular target audience.
BA_Harrison The utterly diabolical Parasite AKA Hell's Mouth (a British movie, I'm rather ashamed to say) opens with an oil corporation clean-up crew on board an unconvincing CGI helicopter flying through an unconvincing CGI storm to an unconvincing CGI oil-rig in the middle of an unconvincing CGI North Sea where they are to test an experimental detergent. Unluckily for them, the spray affects the genetic make-up of strange, non-specific, worm-like creatures inhabiting the unconvincing CGI rig, transforming them into big, toothy and very unconvincing CGI monsters that prey on the humans—including a small band of eco-activists who try to take over the rig.An incredibly unimaginative creature-feature obviously inspired by Aliens but made on a fraction of that film's budget and with none of the talent, this uninspired mess is almost unwatchable, with zero tension, virtually no scares, but loads of interminable 'action' scenes that involve the characters crawling around air ducts pursued by the worms. After the unconvincing CGI monsters are burnt to a crisp as the unconvincing CGI oil-rig is destroyed by an unconvincing CGI explosion, the survivors escape in an unconvincing CGI capsule where they bob around as an unconvincing CGI sun rises over the unconvincing CGI sea.Director Andrew Prendergast desperately tries to alleviate boredom by chucking in a gratuitous shower scene in which the crew's sexy female mechanic (played by Margaret Thompson, who reminds me a bit of Juliette Lewis) saves water by sharing with two of her male colleagues, and by having sexy female scientist Dr. Christine Hansen (Saskia Gould) wear a tight white vest which gets ripped to reveal her midriff during the finale, but even this flash of female flesh cannot prevent Parasite from being a stupefyingly dull watch.
unbrokenmetal I had the DVD lying around for a year or two and didn't watch it yet, because those many bad reviews made me think it would be a waste of time - but now that I finally watched it, I realize I strongly disagree with most reviews and actually think this is a good example you can make a passable little genre movie with limited budget and unknown actors. The story of "Parasite" revolves around Doctor Hansen who wants to use an abandoned oil rig as a testing ground for an enzyme intended to help clean anything polluted with oil. Although that sounds like a good idea, environmental activists led by her ex-boyfriend Mickey appear on the rig. They suspect the company wants to sink it. Jacob Rasmussen, Hansen's right hand man, ruins the enzyme experiment with an overdose of the biological substance. Little worms grow to gigantic size, start eating the crew members, and there is nowhere to run on the oil rig...Surely "Parasite" holds some of the clichés and stereotypes of the monster genre, but it has original ideas as well. Mickey looks like a terrorist with his black mask, but he'll be more useful to Hansen than Jacob who ought to be the hero, but fails miserably, trying to save only his own life. The two women are the most skilled crew members on the whole rig, though.*** spoiler *** I waited for the typical monster movie ending, you know, "one beast survived in the left corner, now wait for the sequel", instead Hansen has her revenge on the evil company which is a much more enjoyable solution. Bravo! *** end of spoiler *** Some cheap special effects, especially the explosions painted with a computer program, are below average TV quality, but it was a really good idea to have the activists film their actions with a hand-held video camera and use the footage for a certain "Blair Witch" documentary style effect, dark, poorly focused, but it's pretty much like you were on the rig yourself: whoosh, what was that? A lot of action towards the end with an increasing number of worms, and finally it was 90 enjoyable minutes for me, of course nowhere near a masterpiece such as "Alien", but considering what you can do with a low budget, a nice effort.
fibreoptic This movie sucks! Why? Well, what happens when you combine 'Aliens' with 'Tremors' with 'Deep Rising' with terrible acting, poor story and mediocre CGI? Parasite! This is about a renegade business man who works for an oil company who has plans to mess around with bio-hazard chemicals to produce some kind of monster which he can study and probably sell to the highest bidder. Add a bio-hazard team, an environmentalist terrorist team and an ex environmentalist terrorist (who is now working for the oil company and renegade business man) and some mini CGI 'Tremors' worms into the mix and yet again we come up with this steaming pile of dog doo called Parasite. This movie could have been good, it really could but the cast and crew of this movie have no right to be in the movie business. They have obviously set their sights too high. It is a blatant rip off of the movies i just mentioned and (get this) these giant slugs have acid for blood. Even a couple of scenes are very similar to a couple of scenes from 'Aliens'.*Slight Spoiler (if that's possible)* This movie is very boring too, it is really slow to get started and judging by the quality of a few scenes the director has just come out of film school or something. The directing is just plain awful! It's really pathetic when this woman (of the bio-hazard team) and this guy (of the environmentalist terror team) get into a fight. One second they're fighting and with a bit of bad direction and bad editing (and terrible acting) there is some sexual tension. It's really badly put together. One scene has the leader of the environmentalists rushing down a ladder because there is one of the monsters following him and he falls and breaks his leg. He can hardly move but does the monster worm go and eat him? Nope. It just waits for him to be saved and attacks when the lit petrol is about to explode. ARRRGHHH stupid bloody film! The whole story might sound like a good idea but trust me, it sucks! You've seen it all before so why see stuff you've already seen, done badly? One CGI effect was alright where the woman was like half eaten but still alive but that's near the end of the movie. Stay away and see something else. 2/10