Paradox Alice
Paradox Alice
| 20 April 2012 (USA)
Paradox Alice Trailers

In the near future, a team is sent on a dangerous mission to Europa to retrieve and bring water back to a dying Earth. Their operation unexpectedly goes awry, jeopardizing not only the lives of those on board but also on earth, resulting in the possible extinction of the human race.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
MannyInNewYork Looks cheap, sounds cheap, acting was bad but that could be the cheesy script and poor direction. It's as if the writers were trying to deliver some faith based message but ended up with some lousy soft core space porn. A stupid story and a cringe worthy video. The other reviews with spoilers pretty much sum it up -it's garbage. I watched it out of curiosity while killing two hours waiting for rotisserie chicken to fully cook. Chicken got 10 stars, movie got 1.
Leofwine_draca PARADOX ALICE is a typical indie drama with a science fiction backdrop. The main characters are on a spaceship heading into the deepest reaches of space to carry out their mission. The thrust of the film is on human drama at all times which makes this a humdrum exercise in filmmaking. The characters sit around in dingy locations and converse for hours with little else going on. There's no lousy CGI which is a good thing but the setting is only half convincing. Still, it's better than the non-existent story complete with dull characters and their heartache that never really proves all that affecting.
jlthornb51 Powerful science fiction which serves as a dark cautionary tale for our times as well. Well directed and imaginatively written, this is an important film that pulls no punches and makes a statement with raw, stark imagery. The story deals with an effort to bring water to a dying earth by way of a risky space mission. A limited budget causes the special effects to be less than those desired but this does not diminish the power of the motion picture in the least. The script features incredible insights and some sharp dialog indeed. A cast of familiar faces is superb in their respective roles with Stella Staggs as Alice a true standout in a performance that is nothing less than that of a lifetime. The tension is incredible and the pace is frenetic as this saga of our doomed planet unfolds in horrific imagery. The shattering climax is one that will have audiences reeling in their seats and is something not to be missed.
metaspencer All I need to do is rehearse the 5 main steps of the plot line to convince you that this movie is not good:Step 1: A team of four people flies in a modest sized spaceship to Europa (a watery moon) to gather enough water to save humanity back on Earth. It appears that, in the future, people have gone thirsty and a modest sized spaceship full of water will be enough for everyone to drink. This is just dumb.Step 2: Earth gets blown up, taking some of our own moon with it. No one really knows why chunks of our moon are missing in the wake of Earth's explosion, but that's the deal.Step 3: With just three dudes left on the water tank / spaceship (the one woman on board died), one of the dudes turns into a woman. Yeah, and turning into a woman means squirming around on the floor while growing long, blonde hair and long, Lee Press On Nails. In the gender transformation scene, the Lee Press On Nails literally erupt out of the finger tips of the former dude who is now a lady.Step 4: Then the rest of the movie, roughly half of it, it dedicated to the story of another one of the crew members, a bible-thumping young guy, getting all religiously horny for his now- femme-bot crew member. His biblical horniness makes him crazy.Step 5: Oh, and the movie ends with the newbie-femme alone in the ship, pregnant, finding a new inhabitable planet to replace Earth, but being chased by a Klingony space ship.See? Paradox Alice is not good.