Panic at Rock Island
Panic at Rock Island
| 02 January 2011 (USA)
Panic at Rock Island Trailers

An island in spectacular Sydney Harbour. Summer sun, top international artists, and tens of thousands of music fans from across the world! Idyllic...until unimaginable disaster strikes.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
whipthedog I often wonder about IMDb ratings. Like, how can someone give a movie a nine (like I did), and other reviewers, watching the same movie give it one. What do they expect??? The story was at least plausible, the acting was good, the direction, the camera work were all fine. I would never write a review about something I am not interested in. I suppose I could just consider them all crap and rate them a one. But I leave the rating to people that have an interest in that particular genre. All in all this is a pretty good effort. It was a TV movie for gods sake. It wasn't meant to resemble a Hollywood greenscreen action flick. If you want to pick holes, check out the latest Hollywood blockbuster at you local cinema.
soundwright Even Kylie Mole would not be proud of this one. As an Australian I apologise and ask that every effort is made to limit collateral damage. I.e. innocent people outside of Australia viewing this in the hope of being entertained. This movie is so bad that it could actually suck the will to live out of the Australian film industry. It achieves this by being a blight on the resume of all involved. A bit like the nations that did not join in with the invasion of Afghanistan. Those not involved now look intelligent and have saved mountains of money by not touching it. Those who did not participate in this movie look good by default. I am genuinely sorry for the many young actors involved who could have spent the day serving tables and flipping burgers without suffering anything like the embarrassment that is to come for those associated with this movie. The only thing that could have saved it was the seasoned experienced actors, but they too contracted the perennial Australian disease of toxic over-acting and taking themselves too seriously. One episode of "Misfits" ,channel 4 UK, and you can see how TV productions can be done well.
Perry Bee I have said it before, Aussies can't make film's, even TV films stink, and this is another piece of rubbish. The acting is just like acting you see in Neighbours.The storyline is just another copy of films we have seen before, nothing new in any sense, so why do they make stuff like this? No bloody idea! If they would have put in zombies due to the infection, then maybe I would have given it a better rating just for the gore and laughs, I just could not take this film serious in any way.A solid 1 out of 10, with other words BLOODY awful mate!And here is some text so my review will be put on the great IMDb.
djakkj47 Pathetic, obviously no research went into this especially how they conducted the autopsy, a grade 4 and they autopsies the way they did.Only 2 police officers on the island to control crowd with. Few security officers, pathetic. Gee how did the bloke get into the tunnel without infecting anyone else on the mainland. Crap ending, another pathetic oz movie. Lots of discrepancies. We took the mickey out of it all the way through. Low budget, C grade acting, the pits. Low budget, worthless entertainment. Come on win you can do better than this. The story line was nothing and predictable. These type of virus movies have been round for years