| 20 October 2009 (USA)
Pandemic Trailers

A slow-paced, action thriller about a virus that strikes a New Mexico county and the local veterinarian who gets caught in the middle.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
hopesfall42 As the previous guy that reviewed this said this movie is a complete waste of time. I am 100% agreeing with him there is too many flaws in this movie the one that stuck out most for me was the military uniform.... if you are gonna put one in the movie at least make it look legit ... they didn't even have the US army patch and no unit patches so it looks like a bunch of old idiots put on ACU's and their mission was to screw everything up. The Actors are horrible and they lack character. Id have to say the best part of this whole movie is when people die and that blood starts going in their face veins. I thought it was cool but still the movie is a total waste of time 0/10
jjbink This is one of those films that you forget about as soon as you turn off the TV. There are so many holes in the plot that even with major repairs it wouldn't hold water. The acting is mediocre, at best. The main character completely misses the mark on being the beloved heroine. In fact, I'm sure that I'm not the only one that was happy to see her go in the end. If only as an indication that movie would soon be over.It really was just a terrible mash-up of every army conspiracy theory movie out there, right down to it being in the water.I can honestly say that this was one of the most boring movies I've seen in a long time. I'm usually able to find the merit in any movie, but this one left me grasping at straws. I found myself wishing I'd have let my partner pick out the movie this time. May I please have back my 90 minutes? ...and for the record, a pandemic is an outbreak of infectious disease that spreads through human populations across a large region, NOT a tiny town in the middle of nowhere.
vicvega1284 I saw Pandemic at the store and instantly though to myself Zombies!! I was wrong this film focuses on the relationship between the small town mainly a small group of characters in this small town and the Government during a Quarantine. This is not a horror film it is more of a Sci-Fi B movie thriller and a pretty good one. The acting is good all the performers were good except maybe two of the Army Soldiers in the background who would only have a line or two. There were not many special effects but the effects they did have were done really well. I really liked the ending of this movie it gave the film so much more depth and had me thinking about the film after it was over. I can only give it a 5 though if you are a fan of the genre or really interested check it out otherwise not much will be missed, for most of this has already been done before and better.
CailinPro This is an entertaining thriller. It's definitely not an Acadamey contender but it's got a good ride for the audience. Even though it's not a deep, meaningful movie; the movie goer is left pondering different elements of the story line. The acting's fine. This is a good popcorn movie to watch. Pandemic is Jason Connery's first film to direct and there are some minor mistakes, but nothing that makes this film a screwup. He's has potential of being a really good director. I don't think anyone who was involved in making this film would be embarrassed by it. It's a low budget film that delivers. Any movie, that can take the audience's mind off from their daily lives, is a success. That's what movies are all about.