Painted Angels
Painted Angels
| 21 July 1998 (USA)
Painted Angels Trailers

The story centers on the life of a bordello in a midwestern prairie town in the 1870s. The whorehouse is run by pragmatic madam Annie Ryan and the film follows the life of several of her girls.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
veerybird I'll watch paint dry if the painting pulls me in. The well-developed characterization did exactly that. Early on in the film, when Eileen stands up at her sister's wake to sing My Lagan Love, a haunting Irish air in her raw and sincere alto, I knew I would be watching the story of sisters past. I'll admit some of the dialog was thin, perhaps could have been much better crafted, but the portrayal of the poignancy of the respective lives of the "girls" in Annie's house held my interest all the way.Indeed plots and subplots do exist. How will Eileen deal with her profound sense of loneliness? How will Katya's survival instincts save her? What will happen to aging Ada? How will Georgie deal with the pain she causes her sisters in slavery? How will the house survive to continue to support its girls, for as Nettie says, much worse places exist? The painterly cinematography is at once rich and stark. Many times the camera dwells on one of the girls alone and brooding, achieving the effect of a colorized daguerreotype. Chick flick? Yep.The soundtrack performed by Continuum Orchestra is one reason why I've enjoyed this film through many watchings.I agree with an earlier poster that the VHS packaging did this artistic film a great injustice, and perhaps ultimately resulted in so many bad reviews here.
whatshisfacesoutpost When I was in the US Navy and aboard ship, I sat through some (what I thought) were really bad flicks. However compared to this movie they would have won academy awards! This has got to be the worst movie that has ever spoiled a piece of film. How in the world it ever got past the cutting room floor is beyond me! It is the most boring piece of work I have ever seen. Ever heard of watching paint dry? That would be exciting compared to this film. I have no idea how anyone could rate this insanity above a one! The only person who could sit through this, and rate it a 2 or above, would have to be Hellen Keller. Thank God I bought this at a garage sale for a dollar, I would just scream if I would have paid over that! Hopefully I can use a piece of this tape to repair a good one, or just erase it and start over!
mcteer The film is made in the manner of a dark brooding Scandinavian melodrama and is more of a slice of the darker side of prostitution. I saw it on video by Sterling and they should be shot for the box promotion which indicated more of a sensual sexual randy tale: "Expert in the pleasures of the flesh, these women...put the wild in the west." Obviously the person writing this did not bother to watch the film. On the video cover three saloon dressed typed women were added (none of whom were in the movie) further adding to the false advertising of the film. Yes it is slow and even boring and hardly uplifting, but it is a tale of women trapped in a degrading 'lifestyle.' The nudity in this film is about as titilating as the nudity in Jennifer Connelly's "Requiem for a Dream".
plascup This film plods to say the least! I saw one couple get up and walk out. We have no TV at home so found the novelty of moving pictures just enough to hold our interest. The only redeeming feature was the acting, it was convincing despite chronic editing and lack of direction. You felt the story wanted to go somewhere but the makers were too frightened, maybe due to the budget. What story there was, was difficult to grasp with the few threads we were given, but then there are awful cliches as well. Lines like, "why did you do it?" after one actor tries to kill themselves, I wasn't sure if they were doing this for real to get out of the film. Another was to do with some blood. You couldnt help but cringe at the lack of imagination. All the time though you felt a character may explode into life, a dialogue may start that interests you. But no, that could have verged on being entertaining.In summary I felt the makers got bored with this and it showed.