Padre Pio
Padre Pio
| 18 August 2000 (USA)
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The poor Italian peasant boy Francesco already has visions of Jesus and Mary as a child, but the Devil visits him too. He, Francesco, is quite certain that he will become a priest. After entering the Capuchin Order it becomes clear that Padre Pio (his new name) has powers which can not be explained rationally: he heals the sick, knows the names, problems and future of complete strangers.

Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
rosbrowne I visited San Giovanni Rotondo, Padre Pio's convent twice way back in the 1970's and met many people who knew him. I only wish I'd known about him much earlier. (I wish I'd actually KNOWN him personally.) When I discovered this film on You Tube recently, I was absolutely delighted. It has brought back many happy memories and I feel reunited with Padre again. My worry is that it will disappear from YOU Tube and there is no English dubbed version on DVD. Why not? I shall be very sad if it disappears. would it not possible to release an English version? Please do if you can. I wouldn't want to be without it. I thought the music was a bit overpowering and sentimental at times. Padre Pio was not a sentimental man and sometimes I thought the music didn't fit the person. However, this is "nit picking" and did not spoil the film for me, I have read several other reviews and am in agreement with all of them. If you find the film, watch it. I'd recommend it to everyone. Lovely casting, Lovely Padre Pio and the hard hearted Monseignor was very moving at the end. Bravo!
muehlbau This is an honest movie about a Catholic saint who had more than his share of run-ins with the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Some of those run-ins were justified, in that the Church always treats supernatural experiences with great suspicion because of the possibility of fraud or even demonic influence. Some of them were the result of basic human pride and jealously.But the movie is realistic and even-handed in its depictions of the members of the Church, and Padre Pio would have been the last to suggest that the Church was evil because people in it are evil.Padre Pio was a remarkable person who was given remarkable gifts by God. This movie does him proud. The acting is phenomenal, the scenery exquisite, and the soundtrack is very moving. I wish they did more movies like this in Hollywood, but maybe they can't, their budgets are too big and they are fixated on profits instead of telling a stories.
Marcin Kukuczka Carlo Carlei's film PADRE PIO is a very detailed depiction of life and mission of the great saint from San Giovanni Rotondo (Apulia, the Coast of Gargano), a charismatic person who aimed at loving God and suffer for goodness. This is one of the best Italian films ever made and it is a pity that it has hardly become popular. I love this movie because of many reasons:First of all, Mr Carlei shows Padre Pio (1887-1968) not only as someone who always wins, a kind of "religious superman" (sorry if this term is offensive) but a person full of innate struggle - SOMEBODY WHO HE REALLY WAS. Padre Pio, except for the fact that he had Holy Wounds of Christ on his body, he was, first of all, a very good and pious priest. He invited people to confess their sins and reconciled even atheists with God. And this is particularly noticeable in this beautiful movie. That's great since it gives a viewer a right picture of the saint.Secondly, a very good aspect of the film is Padre Pio's mercy and help for the poor. This proves the fact that Jesus lived in him. I was moved by the scene when a woman from San Giovanni Rotondo comes to church and prays to God to help her as she had no food to give her children. She lacked even basic head wear. When Pio saw her, he took as much money as he could handle in his hands and gave it to her. At this moment, a beautiful sunlight went through a window... Or another memorable moment when he plans to build a hospital for the poor, he says to one of his "spiritual daughters" Cleonice Morcaldi that Christ is in every ill person but in poor ill, He is twice as much. And when the hospital is built, his words to the doctors: "Remember, if you don't bring LOVE to your work, all your efforts are nothing!" Isn't that true???Finally, the director shows the truth of how church "persecuted" dear Padre Pio. The priest (Jurgen Prochnow) who comes to him on the day before Padre's death (22 September 1968) does not have to be historical but he represents the whole hierarchy in church and those who persecuted Padre Pio throughout his life. Fortunately, the end is surprising. I loved his words: "Christ is usually so close to us but we fail to recognize Him. What a blindness!!!After seeing this movie, now I do realize why more than 7 million people a year come to San Giovanni Rotondo. Padre Pio was a great gift from God to the dark 20th century, so much shocked by hatred of two world wars and atheism. Do see this film and you will look at the world, and especially at Holy Confession differently! He is also a great example for priests.Padre Pio was canonized by His Holiness John Paul II on June 16th 2002. Saint Peter's Square rarely saw such huge crowds of people of different races and from various parts of the world...
frankj-3 Hard to believe that this was a made-for-TV; I watched it in Italy at its first showing, where it attracted a huge Italian audience. Even if you are not a Catholic, or have little knowledge of Italian, the film's production values are outstanding; beautiful photography and evocation of the Italian countryside; outstanding performance from the film's star, who achieves an uncanny resemblence to the real Padre Pio. Over-long in its made-for-TV form, but some of the film's longeurs could be cut to bring it down to a normal length for a cinema release, which must come in Italy following the film's huge TV success. One to watch out for if it comes your way.