| 01 June 1996 (USA)
Overkill Trailers

American Police officer Jack Hazard heads for South America after being ordered to take time off by his boss after a raid goes bad. Once there, however, he finds himself caught up with a stranger wanted by the government, and soon ends up in prison. He and his unwanted companion escape, and now Jack must try to get back to safety while being hunted down by an iron-fisted tyrant.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Harry Lags Jack Hazard (Aaron Norris) is an L.A. cop who's wish is just to relax and stay out of trouble. Jack can't seem to relax after the department forces him to take some time off after a raid goes bad. In the end though, he's going to need another vacation.Just like his real life brother Chuck Norris, Aaron Norris smashes, dashes, and clashes with the baddies in this film. Aaron is a one man wrecking crew.IN THIS MOVIE AARON PROVES 3 THINGS: 1- He's every bit the martial artist his brother is. (After all Chuck is the one who trained him.)2- He's a fairly okay actor and with time would have got better.3- And if he had not gone into directing, he could have become an action star.Don't pay attention to all the bad reviews about this movie, It's not that bad. I actually thought this film was pretty good, with some good fight scenes and action scenes too. Conclusion - If you are a Chuck Norris fan, then you will like Aaron Norris in OVERKILL too. I really OVERJOYED OVERKILL..
Comeuppance Reviews Jack Hazard (Norris) is a cop on the edge who is sent down to San Carlos (actually Puerto Vallarta, Mexico), presumably because his name is too awesome for the LAPD. All Hazard wants to do is just relax and be shirtless for a while, but he runs into the nerdy Steiner (Moskow) who has, as seems to be very common in this time period, a computer disc. What's on the disc you ask? All the dirt on an unscrupulous, evil land developer named Lloyd Wheeler (Nouri), of course. Naturally, Wheeler sends Hazard and Steiner into the "Jungle of the Shadow People" so he can hunt them down and kill them. But Hazard has a few tricks up his sleeve for Wheeler and his gang of baddies.Aaron Norris...yes...AARON Norris here makes his bid along with relatives Chuck and Mike to be another action hero. And just in time too, as I was starting to worry that the world was running short on Norrises. He's an odd-looking man, a sort of cross between David Heavener and Don Swayze. He's the perfect star for those who find the work of Lorenzo Lamas too intellectually challenging. His line readings are beyond wooden, they're petrified, much like the trees of the jungle the movie takes place in. He's yet another goofy meathead, perfect for this movie however, which is yet another "Most Dangerous Game" retread. By 1996 they really should have known better.Perhaps that was the prevailing feeling on the set of Overkill, (which doesn't really live up to its name by the way, nor does the promise of the name "Jack Hazard" get fulfilled), as Michael Nouri was probably only involved so he could go to a warm, sunny location, sleepwalk through a one-dimensional role and get a nice check. You can't really blame him, but Aaron has even less energy than Chuck Norris, he doesn't talk much, and when he does, his performance can best be described as shirtless and mulleted. So he's not bringing the energy level up too high.Of course, there are the classic clichés and silly lines as well. This was director Ferrandini's only directorial effort to date, and he's much more well known as a stuntman, having a long and rich career in that field. He's done stuntwork for Comeuppance classics such as Breakin' (1984), Zero Tolerance (1994), Hologram Man (1995), and Invasion USA (1985), among other Chuck vehicles. With time, his directorial abilities may have improved, but I guess we'll never know. Much of the movie is too dark to see, and needed more light. The plot is something we've all seen before and the audience must try way too hard to get invested, and at a certain point it's just a lost cause. The movie needed some pep. Interestingly, the plot is similar to another Norris vehicle, Mike's Death Ring (1992).By 1996, the music for these movies was just not as good as it used to be, and the movie has no memorable song. There is a song, "Paradise", by the perplexingly-named "Food for Feet", but come on. The days of Steve Butler and "Always on my Mind" were clearly long gone by now.Overkill is stupid and has an unbelievably lame ending. Our standards for movies like this are very low, but Overkill still did not meet those already rock-bottom standards. Overkill is "Hazard"ous to your health.for more insanity, please visit: comeuppancereviews.com
rowman2222 I can't say I know what it is but I can offer this. My friends and I were vacationing in Puerto Vallarta when one day we were approached by a woman on the beach. She was a casting director for a film they were shooting nearby and needed extras to be "Swat Cops." It paid 50 bucks and would make a great Spring Break story. So we showed up on the set and were told it was going to be a very exciting movie as it was starring Chuck Norris's brother, Aaron. So we get dressed in the wardrobe and show up on the set when the Director yelled at the casting director telling her that he didn't want any extras that were bigger and better looking than the Star. We didn't get paid but we got free food out of the deal and a lot of funny pictures behind the set. And we hung out the next day with Pamela Dickerson who said she was the female lead. Her name does appear in the credits but having never seen the film, who knows what part she had.
wiz420 This movie has a special place in my heart. I suppose if you're looking for a good action flick or a story with any substance, this ain't the one for you. However, if you have a forgiving sense of humor, appreciate trite cinema clichés, bad over-acting, bad under-acting, shallow, vapid writing, ridiculous stunt work and slapstick-like choreography, you've come to the right place.You can play a great drinking game with this movie. Every time a character uses a redundant line or explains what is happening for the viewer's sake, take a drink. You'll be smashed.I think my favorite scene in the movie comes up early. There is a struggle in the hotel lobby. Lt. Jack Hazard starts to wreck shop, but the guy he is destined to reluctantly protect is being strangled under a water fountain in the plaza! He manages to survive for the minute or two it takes Jack to get everything under control, but by the pained look on his face you can clearly tell that he is having trouble breathing, the water is splashing all over his face! He makes very loud choking sounds so you can tell he's really suffocating!This one should go down in history.