| 04 January 1998 (USA)

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Tom Casey reports to the police some youngsters stealing from cars. He becomes the target of the 3 teenagers, who start to terrorise him and his family.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
OllieSuave-007 This is a made-for-TV thriller in which Rob Lowe stars as Tom Casey, who witnesses three teenage punks stealing from cars and reports their crimes to the police. As a result, the teenagers begin to terrorize him and his wife in retaliation.This movie has its few suspenseful moments at times, making you eager to know what Tom Casey plans to do in dealing with those teenage boys and to stop them from their constant terror. Lowe wasn't bad in portraying Casey, doing the best as he can in this movie that lacks a lot of satisfying moments. You really want to root for him in giving those punks a taste of their own medicine, but, of course, with the lax judicial system, justice isn't swift.You also really want to hate on the teenagers after all the pain they've cost; the actors who portrayed them did an OK job, with actor Eric Michael Cole's role being the most sinister and evil. Jennifer Grey, who portrays Casey's wife, though, was quite mediocre. She doesn't appear to be very believable in her emotions at times, although she tries. You do end up generating sympathy for her and Rob Lowe's characters.Overall, it's a movie with some decent thrills, but you'll be left craving for more good guy vs. bad guy action.Grade C-
bkoganbing Rob Lowe and Jennifer Grey star in Outrage and play a thirty something married couple who arouse the ire of a trio of punk preppies. And it all starts with Rob Lowe being a good citizen and the system victimizing him. It all starts with Lowe seeing these kids breaking into his car and reporting same. They even catch the leader Eric Michael Cole with a licensed handgun Lowe was keeping in his glove compartment. So what happens the kids who are nicely connected, especially Cole with lawyer Kathryn Harrold for a mother get a slap on the wrist. Lowe gets arrested rather speciously in my opinion on a charge of carrying a concealed weapon and gets 15 days and a criminal record to boot.But the kids especially Cole think they have to get even and Lowe ups the ante quite a bit with his attitude. After that these children of privilege sadistically torment Lowe and his wife and Lowe gets deeper and deeper in what could be some real trouble.A talented cast puts over this film which does have a tendency toward the melodramatic. Cole is some piece of work, you can see a future Gordon Gekko in him if he can control himself just a tad.Lowe and Grey who were Brat Pack charter members in the Eighties fill out their roles well as you can see some of their characters from the last decade grown up a bit. The film is definitely for fans of their's.
TxMike Our friends Evelyn and Ron loaned us this DVD. Nothing much ground-breaking here, but it does gives us a chance to root for the good guys.Rob Lowe is Tom Casey, hard-working insurance salesman with a pregnant wife. Jennifer Grey, post-nose-job, is his wife Sally Casey. His car had been vandalized, and one evening he observes what looks like 3 high school boys, dressed in uniforms with neckties that suggest they are from wealthy families, getting ready to vandalize another neighborhood car. So he calls the police and asks them to check it out, and catch the boys in the act. They don't need to, but burglarize cars just for the thrill of it.Eric Michael Cole, in his early 20s, plays the leader of the brats, Jeffrey Bateman. He is the smart, talented one whose mother happens to be a very good lawyer. He has two friends who cruise with him, but they just go along with Jerrey's mischief.The rest of the 90-minute movie is about Jeffrey taking revenge for Tom having been responsible for their arrest. They terrorize him and his wife in very drastic ways, stopping short of physical harm.SPOILERS FOLLOW: Tom even has to spend 15 days in jail for a felony firearm possession rap, because the boys find a loaded gun in his car when they are vandalizing it. When he gets out, they apparently abduct his pregnant wife. They lead him, via coded messages, on a chase all over town. Finally Jeffrey is caught in his lie, and arrested. My only regret, in the movie, was that Tom never had a just cause to shoot the kid through the temple.
jehaccess6 This TV movie was a very good effort considering how limited was its budget. The lead performers, Rob Lowe and Jennifer Grey, give good efforts and mostly conceal plot deficiencies. Jennifer is about 4 years older than Rob, but that did not interfere with her performance.I noted several Canadian actors in supporting roles in this film. Although the credits do not mention where the project was filmed, the producers probably filmed in Canada to lower their production costs.Rob Lowe, 'Tom Casey', was fairly effective here. He only fell short when trying to portray an enraged victim turning on his tormentors. His attempt to intimidate one of the juvenile pack fell flat. His character was supposed to be fairly intelligent, but never learned to stop reacting to the manipulative behavior of chief tormentor 'Jeffrey'. He fell into one disastrous situation after another. A cooler head would have seen the pattern and started to try to turn the tables by anticipating the trap and setting one of his own.Jennifer Grey, 'Sally Casey' did all she could with her limited material. The plot never allowed her to give any good advice to her husband when one disaster followed another. A smart woman would have been able to see the pattern and stop being such an easy victim.I am a major fan of Jennifer Grey and saddened at how little exposure she has had after 'Dirty Dancing'. TV movies and bit parts in major films are mostly all she has been able to land since then. Perhaps she acquired a reputation for being difficult to work with in 'Dirty Dancing' and it has limited her roles since then. Perhaps she could still patch things up with Patrick Swayze and he could help her get roles in some of his new productions.The portrayal of the juvenile pack that tormented our hero seemed mostly credible. The members of the pack of rich preppies seemed to have never had fathers to channel their energies in productive directions. The pack leader, 'Jeffrey', especially seemed to have a boiling rage against his mother and society. His doting lawyer mother had the money and contacts to prevent her little darling from ever suffering for his outrages on society.The ending scenes fell off in believability. 'Tom' breaks free from police custody and holds 'Jeffrey' hostage at gunpoint. When incriminating evidence against 'Jeffrey' surfaces at the hostage scene, 'Tom' is magically absolved of all offense and allowed to walk over to the hospital where his wife is being treated. He would have still faced charges for his acts in the real world.