Outlaw Trail: The Treasure of Butch Cassidy
Outlaw Trail: The Treasure of Butch Cassidy
PG | 01 October 2006 (USA)
Outlaw Trail: The Treasure of Butch Cassidy Trailers

Three boy scouts, one a great-nephew of Butch Cassidy, and their pretty girl friend hunt for the lost treasure of the legendary bank robber in 1950s Utah. A modern gang of outlaws wants to grab the loot, too, and soon the intrepid heroes are fleeing for the lives on trains, rafts and automobiles.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- The Outlaw Trail: Treasure of Butch Cassidy, 2006. A 50's time period film that follows the stories and legends of Buth Cassidy and Sundance Kids as told to their descendants. Their grandson struggles to clear up the outlaws good reputation and name by looking and finding the treasure that was used to do good in the urban community for many needy people.*Special Stars- Ryan Kelley, James D. Hardy, Arielle Kebbel, Brent Weber, Bruce McGill.*Theme- Family is ageless and helps their own.*Trivia/location/goofs- Goofs involve although the story takes place in the early 50's on major character uses a contemporary language colloquialism, "hang with the guy" in dialog. Als o the audience will see the entire film crew in reflection in car's side as it drives away.*Emotion- A beautiful, well paced, well written, well acted 50's film that is really a treasure hunt. The casting and suspense is genuine and plays well. A great overlooked film with all of the same intelligent aspects of Indiana Jones and Last Crusade, the early scenes dealing with the Cross of Cortez.*Based On- Western lore about Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid legends.
salthollow This is a real wonderful "B" movie that has heart. Think Hardy boys. It is a simple, but very entertaining film won't cost you your soul or sleep. It will fire up your children's imaginations to explore and create. Don't shy away from it, it is worth every minute just for the fun factor. It has Love, bad guys, good guys, planes, trains, drama, small town folks, mountains, boy scouts, old cars and trucks, horses, history and friendship. It is a simple story that boys and girls will love with old school values and painful hidden family memories. Thoughtfully done, with great locations and somewhat campy story line that draws form the 1950's, it is wonderful entertainment that you should not miss.
Jinn On the Butch Cassidy~Sundance Kid Legend. I saw it on a preview before another DVD movie, (actually I was scene speeding), and it looked so interesting I "rewound" it and it looked very cool, so I hired it on my next trip to the video shop. ("DVD shop" sounds weird, lol).While I expected the movie to be longer and with more twists, more turns and perhaps a few booby traps (I dunno perhaps I've seen too many Indiana Jones movies, lol...) Though it was a very interesting take on the legend and an enjoyable watch, my 2 beefs were the bad guys should have had more oomph (and better lines) and the girl seemed out of character in places. A city girl gone country - although her attire was right for the period, the frump skirt didn't suit her adventurous nature ... And her character - at first she was screeching at being thrown into the back of a van and later, completely comfortable leaping from a height onto a speeding train? And then later on when they were in the mine she asked in a timid voice ... "are you sure is this safe?..." - Probably safer than jumping onto a moving locomotive, Dear....Although I enjoyed the movie, such character flaws (and bad scripting) takes me out of it. That aside, I liked Jess' character best for his enthusiasm and adventurous spirit and faith and of course Butch ... and Sundance was cute! It's definitely worth a look-see for a run romp through history and legend.
microx96002 I just caught this movie by accident on the Encore/Wam channel, and I was very pleasantly surprised. Take the legend of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and the never ending mystery of were they, or were they not gunned down in Bolivia.This movie concerns a young kid, possibly the great-nephew of the infamous outlaw, who believes that Butch Cassidy returned to the United States and buried a treasure somewhere in the Utah wilderness.The action that follows is good old fashioned clean adventure, as 3 boy scouts and their girl friend go hunting for the treasure, pursued by villains, led by Bruce McGill. Lot's of gunfire, jumping trains, escaping down the river in a raft without paddles. All reminiscent of the old Saturday matinée serials. If you like old fashioned fun, and remember the way movies used to be, then young and old can enjoy this one.The only thing I would take from it, is the pacing was a little slow, and the very ending was a bit "sappy" and looked "tacked on". Otherwise get ready for action adventure with lots of old cars, trucks, train and even a bi-plane, and relive the old days of the Saturday serials!