Out of Sight: Stop the Stigma, Start a Conversation
Out of Sight: Stop the Stigma, Start a Conversation
NR | 19 September 2017 (USA)
Out of Sight: Stop the Stigma, Start a Conversation Trailers

Out of Sight takes a close look at how our society treats adolescents at-risk of suicide, or suffering from depression - and its dire consequences. It addresses the idea that such issues are best kept "out of sight."

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
imdb-57919 The film shows the dramatic impact that mental illnesses have on our youth
Leah Anne Out of Sight: Stop the Stigma, Start a Conversation thoughtfully and elegantly brings the epidemic of adolescent suicide to the forefront and begs its viewers to take steps toward change. Moving interviews by first-hand survivors and the families of those affected by suicide are hard to watch, but ultimately portray a message of hope in their reminders that things can get better if we can learn to move past the stigma associated with depression. The filmmakers' dedication and extensive knowledge of the subject are evident in this educational and truly beautiful film. An absolute must-see that is guaranteed to hit close to home.
Valerie Wood Out of Sight is an excellent documentary that discusses an important and poorly understood issue. It tells its story largely through interviews with teenagers who have or currently struggle with mental illness and suicidal thoughts. It also includes the stories of adults who have been affected by this issue, sometimes irreversibly by the loss of a child to suicide. Despite the sad subject matter, the tone is ultimately hopeful and leaves the viewer inspired to make changes in their lives to better support their friends or organizations who work in this field. The people behind this film, most of whom were in their teens themselves when production began and who have been working on a shoestring budget, have made something very impressive and everyone should find time to see it.
fodotheriverspirit Out of Sight is a true eye opener to the realities of mental illnesses in teens and young adults. It features many touching first hand accounts of mental illness and seeks to inform the population of whats going on behind the scenes. The documentary is short but does hit home with the points it makes. The crew behind the movie did a good job of taking the stories from a dozen plus people and driving the point of how shunned and hidden away mental illness is in our society. The crew did an amazing job of editing the film and its easy to follow throughout the entirety of the movie. This would be a great film to play in the classroom as well. A true must watch that will change your life.