Opposite Day
Opposite Day
G | 07 November 2009 (USA)
Opposite Day Trailers

The world goes backwards on Opposite Day. The kids become adults, and the adults become kids.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Tepie Meng This is probably the most heart-warming movie I have ever seen. The content and storyline were creative yet relateable In a positive way. The author included some advanced scientific innovation but yet keeping everything simple and easy to relate. There was also quite a good sense of humor implied from time to time making the story entertaining. In addition, it is educational at the same time. It has taught me how to appreciate every moment of my life, to learn to see things from different perspectives and understand others, and to know the value of a family. The Opposite day is the type of movie I can't easily grow tired of. I still feel contented every time I rewatch it.
thebigh69 It's a movie for kids, people! Get in the spirit and watch it like a kid would, and have a little fun. Okay, the plot's kind of confusing aside from the opposite day premise, and the acting is, well, often juvenile, and it's all a lot of silliness, but that's the point. It's like kids wrote and directed it, which is what makes it good in the eyes of a child.Of course, the message is that being a parent is harder than it seems -- duh, any adult can see that one coming. But most kids won't.My 7-year-old girl enjoyed it, and it was fun to watch it with her as her parent -- and that's all that matters.
cynthia-jimenez1 As I watched this movie, questions similar to the comments others have already posted ran through my head. It was odd to see the brother and sister for example, waking up in the same bed (their parents bed) and the parents in the children's' bunk beds. Other than that, I wouldn't take the movie too seriously, after all it was a comedy (somewhat). Pauly Shore didn't behave as ridiculously as he has in other movies, which was good. He didn't over do the acting as I was expecting, and the same for the children. The children did a great job in my point of view. Children do overact, as in the many children shows on t.v. I wondered though, who's voice sang the songs. My grand daughter and I thought maybe it was Celina Gomez? I could not find any information on that. Does anyone know?
danielacadet The movie is cute, that's it, cute... but I don't know if my mind is too corrupted by this world or what, but I couldn't pass the thought of incest! When the kids switched with the adults, the parents become the kids and the brother and sister become the mother and father? It was a little disturbing to see how the "now kids" call the brother and sister mom and dad as they take on their new roles as parents. Very very weirs. That made me think, how about if the family only had two brothers? will the adults as kids call them dad and dad? and even more disturbing, how about if the family had a boy and 4 daughters? will they become a polygamist family? I think the director could have avoided this by just having the kids becoming adults, but not necessarily the parents of their parents.Sorry!