Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience
Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience
| 09 February 2007 (USA)
Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience Trailers

A unique documentary about troops' experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan, based on writings by soldiers, Marines, and air men.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Luke Goldstein (goldwriting) There are experiences that can never be truly traded away or passed along, no matter how hard we try. The amazement and beauty of childbirth, the crushing sorrow of losing a parent, or even the serenity of knowing a job is well done. Try as we might, these things exist inside us and everyone else will only feel a sliver of what it is like through how we describe it. One of the most profound and life altering experiences is war and no one is affected by it more than those on the front lines. There is always training, there is always a new method to try to prepare, but no one comes back from war the way they went in. Our country is now in the midst of welcoming home thousands upon thousands of soldiers from the fighting in Middle East and those brave warriors face not only the struggles of reintegrating into society (and finding a job), but figuring out rote answers to that all too common question, "What was it like?" Those can be extremely hard conversations to have, but this film documents a program trying to help those soldier find a path to communication.Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience is an essay/memoir writing program that teaches soldiers how to use creative and journal style writing to get their thoughts and experiences cohesively onto paper. These tales of horror, fright, bravery and solitude pull the curtains away from the glorified image of war and patriotism, humanizing the soldiers.The film brings together not only some of the authors of the essays, but also fellow writers, professionals in telling stories, who happen to also have personal experiences with wartime and being soldiers themselves. Together they weave a painfully accurate and unflinching tapestry of what wartime is really like, not painted in the bright red, white and blue of the flag, but doused in the blackest of night and dripping with the deep red of dead enemies, comrades and innocents. Some of them show the confusion suffered at the other end of a motor attack, while others detail the adrenaline rush of being ambushed and making the split second decisions on whether the person your sights is a combatant or a bystander, and does it even matter.One by one, you hear about the deconstruction of the basic human belief to protect life as it rages against the programmed need to defend your country, your fellow soldiers and yourself. The documentary does not play itself out as a case for pacifism by any means, but there lingers a certain belief when the screen finally goes black that philosophers have intoned for years: in war, there is no winner.Politics and beliefs aside, the real effort and success of this is the program itself and how it helps those soldiers returning from a living hell on earth, find their way back into a society that will never be completely theirs. It allows them to find a method of communication, almost a new way of speaking to the uninitiated about the nightmares they have lived through and continue to struggle with. More and more soldiers are coming back with PTSD and a variety of psychological issues, leading to drinking, drugs and a silently suffering uptick in post-return suicides. This program is certainly not the only weapon needed in the fight for the mental health of our returning warriors, but every effort counts and they're are worth it.
sarah-e-ungar For anyone who is interested, Operation Homecoming will be airing on Documentary Channel Sunday, July 8th at 8 PM. I'll definitely be watching! What I like about Operation Homecoming is that it gives a well-written, real life account of the men and women fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The poems and short stories being read were absolutely heartbreaking. I remember one poem, "Things a Soldier Should Know", was a list of everything this particular soldier wished he had known before going to the war. The part of that poem that struck me the most was "The people smiling in the street could be celebrating over your dead body tomorrow." This movie is an excellent education for the American public of the true nature of war.
heglarlr The director of this film Richard E. Robins has had experience in directing. He directed The Century: America's Time, volumes one through six. These films are narrated by Peter Jennings. Jennings and Robin's take Americans back through the last hundred years of the country and covers important happenings that America has experienced. Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience is part of the Operation Homecoming initiative. This initiative is from the National Endowment for the Arts to gather the writing of soldiers and their families who have been experienced the Afghanistan and Iraqi Wars. This film is comprised of American Soldiers stories as they fight the battles of war. The stories that the soldiers have written down are their own thoughts and emotions to the hostile situation that surrounds them. Each soldier that is filmed in this compelling documentary has his/her story transformed into a dramatization; this offers a deeper examination of their wartime experiences and brings their words to life.Operation Homecoming brings to the surface the actual experiences of a soldier and emotional tolls war plays on them. The soldiers write down their experiences for themselves and their families but also unconsciously to America, to let us know what is happening over in their world of war and fighting. War time literature helps illuminate many themes within the 60 minutes of this documentary. The day in the life of a soldier, the emotional and physical effects that war plays on armed forces, that war is not the pretty picture that some have painted it out to be, sometimes you have to do things that you do not always want to do, death and life, all these are themes are represented in this documentary. Those who are in the film are American soldiers who have gone through the wagging wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. They sit and tell the camera there stories and why they wrote. They are accompanied by older, established writers like Tim O'Brien and Tobias Wolff, who reflect on their experiences in Vietnam. While the interviews from those who have recently served in war provide a modern perspective, the words of the older writers give a more historical perspective. The editing in this film is very precise and accurate. It has to be in order to give the viewers a real sense of what the soldiers are saying. While the stories are being narrated pictures and scenes of war are being played, the pictures are put together in order to portray the story. One of the stories is portrayed through a cartoon, some are pictures, and some are real soldiers. The camera that is being used to film is held at eye level, straight on, no more than a few feet away from the interviewee. This gives the viewer a better feeling of closeness to the words the solider is saying. The camera backs away only to get shots of the interviewee's movements, body gestures, or the entire body; when the camera does this it is turned or adjusted at different angles, giving the viewer different perspectives of the interviewee. The lighting used during the interview takes a very natural setting. It isn't to dim or to bright. The frames are broken up into different questions that are being asked, after a seat of questions the last soldier interviewed story is told through narration. Music is used in the film to add to the dramatic stories being told. The music is all instrumental, and gives a deep serious tone. While the soldiers are talking before the camera, music faintly plays in the background to give way to the upcoming suspense of their stories.
fwomp I think I've been socially hardened by documentaries that don't show all sides of a story, or instill the documentary-makers' opinions or images (see SICKO) in place of what should be being told.So it is with a heavy sigh of relief that I wholeheartedly recommend this Academy Award nominated documentary, OPERATION HOMECOMING: WRITING THE WARTIME EXPERIENCE.First let's look at why this film is so successful. It's fresh. Most war writings are done by established or well-groomed writers, giving them decent syntax, etc., but lacking that up-close and personal process that goes along with firing weapons and being fired at during war. And this is where Operation Homecoming succeeds. The writings are all firsthand accountings from soldiers who've walked the walk and talked the talk.Secondly is the unique filming. Each segment contains a different milieu and a different style of filming. From animation to quick-flash photography of those that've given their lives, the stories are told in a highly interesting fashion that keeps the viewer very interested.Thirdly is the internal conflict that so easily comes across. From the beginning of the film when soldiers discuss their upbringing from childhood and being told killing is wrong, to being thrown into a situation where you're trained to kill for "God and Country," the film watcher understands the conundrum these men and women are put into.The final successful element is the men and women themselves and how they deal with tough situations. There's never the "Why am I here" question asked. They know why they're there. They don't care about policy or partisan politics or money or oil. They care about the guy to their left and right who's protecting their backside during a fire-fight.Each 'chapter' (if you will) contains a title and the story of a soldier. From the grunts on the ground, to the medic flying the injured to Germany, to the honor guard who sees the dead to their final resting place, Operation Homecoming is truly a unique gem in the documentary genre.
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