One Perfect Day
One Perfect Day
| 19 February 2004 (USA)
One Perfect Day Trailers

Tommy Matisse, a gifted musician, undertakes an odyssey of self-discovery and tragedy in Melbourne's dance music scene.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
leilapostgrad Some moments in "One Perfect Day" are total crap, while other moments are nothing short of mini-masterpieces. Let's start with the crap. The title has nothing whatsoever to do with the movie. It doesn't take place in one day, it takes place over many days, and most of the days are pretty horrible. Then there are the cheap story-telling devises. They practically spoon-feed you the plot when the director of a famous opera company talks about the need to find a new musician who can make opera more relevant to the public today, and while he's taking, we're shown images of the young and rebellious Tommy, who hears music in everything from trains to homeless people. Cheesy! But after Tommy's sister dies of a drug overdose and he discovers the world of Australia's club and trance music scene, "One Fine Day" starts to get interesting. Yes, it's full of predictable good guys and bad drug deals, but the music is transcendental! When Tommy is spinning at an all-night beach rave and his dead girlfriend is singing while he's playing violin, the music is nothing short of ecstasy for the ear. I honestly can't decide if I love it or hate it.
Rhys (DrBugSmith) O.K, this is no cinematic great but firstly (I know this may be hard for some mainstream Americans) but you have to compare this movie to other Australian productions. In other words firstly ignore the buckets of trash we're exposed to from our movie industry.. And compare with standout exceptions like e.g Lantana,Goddess of 1967', etc. This movie I can say did captivate me emotionally, aurally and visually. Didn't sit well with the main character sister's drug death, needed greater depth and perception in reality. I really didn't know anything about the film before I sat down (except dance music) so I was surprised by the level of dramatic elements in it.. Quite possibly "Go" dulled my radar??? A overly fun film this isn't but hey I'm proud of this particular level of achievement for an Aussie film.
jimmy1212 One perfect day is one of the most amazing films i have ever seen. It made me laugh and cry and inspired me to try so many sends an obvious message about drugs which everyone can understand after seeing this film. it also has a message about music. it shows that no matter what kind of music you're into or what experience you've had, jut giving composing a go can make so many people happy. one perfect day shows music as an alternative to drugs because of the natural high it gives. you don't need to like dance music to enjoy one perfect day. its very sad and very beautiful. i love it!
ArmyJonHall Possibly the best Australian movie I've ever seen (not including The Castle, however). Superb scenes backed up with an even better soundtrack make this whole film a feast for the senses and emotions. The only bad thing I have to say about this film is that there were a few extraneous scenes which could have been cut out, but all up the pros definitely outweigh the cons, much in the same way that Mike Tyson outweighs a 15 year old school girl. The final scenes at the Vodafone Arena rave are absolutely amazing, I'd recommend people to see the entire film just for that one scene.Totally amazing.