One Last Dance
One Last Dance
| 22 May 2006 (USA)
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An assassin is hired to kill the men responsible for kidnapping an important man's son. With every death, the killer gets closer to the last kidnapper's name... his own.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Mike Keating One Last Dance is the story of T, a mysterious hit-man contracted by a local mob boss to kill the people responsible for the recent kidnapping and murder of said mob boss' son. However, things don't quite go according to plan, and as the bodies piles up, T finds himself questioning just how close to home his next target will be...Can you say cliché? Good, because that's what One Last Dance is almost exclusively made of. The characters are exaggerated types and the ordinary plot has delusions of grandeur. While the dialogue does have its moments, such as a particularly informative conversation on the finer points of making a cup of tea, most of it is faux-cool and decidedly average.The movie isn't helped by director Max Makowski either, with his unnecessary just-out-of-film-school camera tricks and gratuitous use of CGI for the smallest of things.Its saving grace is the performance of Francis Ng, who plays T with the right balance of world-weariness and romanticism essential for any hired killer, and when he's off-screen, you certainly notice his absence. Ng's T keeps holds your interest when the plot fails and keeps the film afloat.Good hit-man movies are stylish, smart, and cool, but for all its glossy trickery and pop-culture references, One Last Dance is not.
massaster760 As I'm writing this review I keep asking myself, "Why should I like this film?" The plot line is hopelessly jumbled, the humor awkwardly rendered, some of the characters are just plain annoying, and the action leaves much to be desired. When looked at from a rational perspective, this film is a mess... but, it's a strangely compelling and enjoyable mess.Featuring a Chinese and American Cast, a Brazilian Director, and shot on location in Singapore, One Last Dance is the story of a kidnapping gone wrong. "T" (deliciously acted by Francis Ng), is a hit-man who is assigned to take out a gang of thugs lead by Ko (played annoyingly by Joseph Quek) who have kidnapped a tycoon's son. T is given his marks through small red envelopes called "lisees" which contain the name(s) of his next victim. Along the way T falls for the beautiful Mae (Vivian Hsu in a thankless role), not knowing she's the sister of Ko. When Ko's name shows up in one of T's Lisees, T faces a hard decision. To be sure there are a lot of things to like about One Last Dance. Francis Ng is mesmerizing as the disenchanted hit-man and helps save this production from its numerous faults. Harvey Keitel is good even though he's not given much to do. Also of note in a positive light, is the film's cinematography and soundtrack, competently filmed and masterfully scored, featuring Pakk Hui's amazing song "Broken Orange" (seriously the song is worth watching the film alone) which nestles its way inside your brain and refuses to come out for days.On the negative side, the film's humor is uneven and often irritating. One wishes they focused more on Francis Ng's character other than Joseph Quek, who attempts to provide the film with a dose of humor but misses the mark more often than not. Another annoyance is the films use of computer generated blood, which, quite simply, looks terrible. Not to mention the irregular plot. I know this film is meant to be "pieces of a puzzle" and as much as I admire the ambitious attempt it seems to needlessly clutter the production. Most people will need a second viewing to pick through all the overlapping and seemingly unrelated scenes to piece together the time line and plot.For all of it's faults, I still came away really liking One Last Dance. It's definitely an original piece of work, is entertaining, and features some scenes of true cinematic beauty. I just wished it was a better film.
wahc2004 Complete waste of two hours..The movie tries to be cool like lock stock but doesn't even come close. The "Ko" character is hugely annoying. Wished they killed that guy in the beginning of the movie instead of making us endure him until the very end. Why the heck does the film poster have "Cannes film festival" at the front? Appears to be a cheap marketing ploy to get the punters in that what. Same goes for having Harvey Keitel in the movie who's brilliant acting ability is just wasted here. The movie tries to be hip 'n cool and keeps "asian" humour. It's really embaressing as it fails miserabily. Don't waste your time on movie. Black mark for the director. As for the actor who plays "Ko", he deserves to be on the dole after this performance.
wmmm-1 A very well written story. The film gives a kaleidoscopic view of the underground world with an emerging focus on the role and life of individuals. The film provides reflections on deepest human emotions portrayed in a world where one does not expect such feelings to exist nor the desire to right wrongs. The film is challenging and a puzzle which slowly unfolds. Overall an interesting movie showing the more than two faces of the crime world. What We see is a sobering and even tragic picture of the crime world. There is fine acting and good selection of locations. For English speakers who must follow the translation some of the impact of the film in Cantonese may, unfortunately, not be fully appreciated.