One Hell of a Christmas
One Hell of a Christmas
| 10 December 2002 (USA)
One Hell of a Christmas Trailers

"One Hell of a Christmas" is a dark and action packed comedy that takes place in a modern city as well as in a fearful underworld. When Carlitos is released after doing 2 years of "hard time", he attempts to redeem himself and sets an example for his 5 year-old son. However, when a friend confronts him with a very dark and horrifying scam for some quick dough and good times, he declines, but never the less he soon finds himself entangled in a web of sex, drugs and Christmas carols.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Paul Magne Haakonsen Right, well this is a movie from my home country, Denmark, and I must say that I was cringing throughout most of the movie because of the awful thick Danish accents everyone had as they tried passing off as being Americans. It was just embarrassing.The quality of the movie was altogether fairly bad. The picture quality looked like something that was filmed with a remnant camera from the 1980s. And the dialogue was just horrible and mostly delivered in an atrociously bad way."One Hell of a Christmas" (aka "The Claw") is one of the most boring and awful movies that I ever had the misfortune to suffer through. It was so bad that I had to give up an hour into the movie. Everything about this movie was just awful, from the script to the acting.This movie is a wide swing and miss from director Shaky Gonzalez. And it is most definitely a movie to give a wide berth if you are looking for a properly entertaining movie. As I mentioned above, I gave up an hour into it, and now the DVD will just sit on the shelf and collect dust. I am not even going to bother coming back for the last half hour.
video_vampire2000 I liked this flick, everybody else on here keeps busting its jingle bells because of the budget, but to tell you the truth I was impressed that they put something that good together, with what they had to work with...I would recommend this movie to any student filmmaker as well anyone else. I mean honestly does a movie really need a multi million dollar budget, and a buncha well fed Hollywood hams to be watchable...I mean for all you guys that are dissing it, you sure seem to know it form the opening credits to the end! Perosanally, i think its so sad that so many self proclaimed film gurus on the net have such a cynical attitude, towards the B-movie side of the horror genre (must admit though I have seen some crummy low budget flicks e.i. drive in 'gag')
hokeybutt ONE HELL OF A Christmas (1 outta 5 stars) And 1 out of 5 stars is being GENEROUS! Dismal low budget hodge-podge of a zillion horror movie clichés... and even some Latino gang movie clichés added in for good measure. Our "hero" Carlitos (Tolo Montana... trust me, you are never gonna have a reason to remember this guy's name) is a just-released convict doing a bad imitation of Al Pacino from "Carlito's Way". (Maybe his name is some sort of "homage"? Oh, who cares already!) Anyway, he meets up with his pal Mike (Thure Lindhardt... a bargain basement version of Jason Mewes), who has just gotten hold of some kind of stolen talisman that gives the owner incredible power (except, I guess, the power to not have his talisman stolen... which seems to happen with great frequency). Carlito says he wants to go straight and lead a clean life and win back his estranged wife and child... but insofar as Mike and Carlitos are back into the drugs and whores on his first day out of prison... I don't think that's gonna happen. So, there is also some kind of mysterious body-switching guardian who goes after whoever has the talisman to kill, maim, hurt, whatever. Terrible acting, terrible special effects, terrible story, terrible plot. This one dead prostitute who comes back to life to fight Carlitos is almost scary-looking... but the effect is outdone by this terrible cartoony voice they dubbed in for her. Another winner from the people at Fangoria Magazine (whose mag is almost as bad as the movies they endorse... almost). Avoid this trash (located in a Wal-Mart bargain bin near you).
younginfluential-2 Stinky Gonzalez's work cannot and will not go unappreciated. In a room full of cynical young men and women this film triumphed, leaving us awestruck in its wake. As it flawlessly wove from scene to scene with the grace and raw passion lacking in most of its B-movie contemporaries we were all struck silent..looking forward to Angels of the night, hoping that it can hold a mere candle to this Monolith of B-Cinema.