One-Eyed Monster
One-Eyed Monster
| 11 November 2008 (USA)
One-Eyed Monster Trailers

In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
GazerRise Fantastic!
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
miked6022 ....but this movie is surprisingly watchable.Let's just get this straight, there is nothing new here. One-Eyed Monster "borrows" from several "Aliens take over the world" movies. It is derivative in overall story and alien presentation to at least a dozen films. Several scenes, themselves, are practically snatched out of other flicks and inserted at will here.What makes this movie entertaining is it's level of campiness. The special effects are terrible, but that only adds to the comedic silliness. The actors and actresses do a fine job in this sci/fi black comedy. Never thought I would type these words, but Jeff Denton is brilliant as the sleazy director. Usually terrible in any movie he does (and very often fodder in my IMDb reviews), Jeff Denton steals every one of his scenes. If you come across this movie on the Sci/Fi Channel, or if you could pick it up cheaply on eBay, it is certainly worth at least one viewing. Just don't expect to see "Independence Day."
gavin6942 A hostile alien wreaks havoc on the cast and crew of an adult movie.I think the plot of this film more or less explains why it is such a great horror comedy. Ron Jeremy is taken over by an alien, his penis detaches itself... and then it starts killing people. I guess you could screw this up, but they did not.The film revolves around jokes -- dozens and dozens of jokes. You might think after two or three penis jokes it would get stale, but it never really does. Combined with a fair amount of gore and just a hint of sex, it keeps your attention and your laughter throughout. (For a film about a bunch of born stars, the nudity is very tame -- only one person is even partially naked, and then only for a minute.) Oh, and Charles Napier. Wow. A serious actor, with plenty of solid credits behind him... and he appears in a film where he not only fights a penis, but delivers one of the greatest monologue ever spoken about aliens in Vietnam. Priceless. This speech alone is worth the view.
Paul Andrews One-Eyed Monster starts as a bus-load of hardcore porn stars arrive at an isolated log cabin on a mountain, along with the crew T.J. (Caleb Mayo) & Jonah (Jason Graham) they are there to shoot a hardcore porn film. The star is ageing porn actor Ron Jeremy (Ron Jeremy) who has trouble getting his nine inch member up these days, while outside a strange burst of light from the night sky engulfs him. Back on set & in action with his ageing co-star Veronica Hart (Veronica Hart) his penis attacks her & then rips itself off Ron's groin & goes on a mad killing spree as it tries to mate with all the nice young female pron stars on set. The trapped cast & crew assume that Ron's penis has been possessed by an alien life-force & is trying to spread it's seed throughout humanity by taking control of Ron Jeremy's penis & having sex with as many women as it can. The only question is, can they stop it?Co-written, produced & directed by Adam Fields this comedy horror is like a ten year old dream come true, a few naked breasts's, a bit of blood & a one note joke about an alien possessed killer penis that I am sure will appeal to those with a rock bottom sense of humour but for anyone looking for a funny & witty horror comedy expect disappointment. At less than 80 minutes long One-Eyed Monster actually drags in places, the character's have a few amusing one-liners every now & again but generally they are stupid clichés who irritate. The killer penis gets like a minute of screen time. All the kills are off screen. There are about two scenes with any actual nudity. For a supposed gross out horror comedy about an alien possessed killer penis running amok during a hardcore porn film shoot One-Eyed Monster is unbelievably tame & none eventful. To give it some credit the sexual innuendos, one-liners & double entendres can be quite amusing at times but does get a little boring by the end & there's only so far penis jokes can carry a film. I won't even bother picking holes in the script as it's clearly not a film to be taken seriously even though at times one did get the impression that the makers were treating it all very seriously, too seriously in fact.AS I already mentioned despite it's premise & situations One-Eyed Monster is amazingly tame, I think only one actress bares her breast's while no-one is killed on screen at all. There's a brief shot a woman with a hole in her head & someone gets sliced in two but otherwise that's it. The production values are reasonable, it looks better than one might have expected I suppose. There are a few homages here that are easy enough to spot including obvious ones from Jaws (1975), Aliens (1986) & Tremors (1990). The effects are alright but on the few occasion when you do actually see the alien possessed killer penis it looks like a fresh big long brown turd.The acting isn't too bad, ageing porn stars Ron Jeremy & Veronica Hart appear while porn starlet Carmen Hart also appears & is terrible. God knows what an old pro like Charles Napier is doing in this.One-Eyed Monster is a film that has a magnificent & simply outrageous premise that in the right hands hands could have been the gross out horror comedy of the decade, as it is it's a boring tame mess with only a few one-liners & sexual innuendo to recommend it. One-Eyed Monster is the type of film that people want to like (like Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus (2009)) for it's sheer outlandishness but when it comes down to it the film itself is just poor.
B L I think this is a very funny, and well executed movie. They did just what they set out to do. The humor of it is not just in actors delivery, which I thought was just right and well directed, but also in and of itself. What I mean is that OEM almost laughs at itself. I think it is unfortunate that some would see it and just not "get it". Perhaps some people are too literal minded or take things at face value, or have never laughed at the sound of someone pouring a tall glass of Kool-Aid just because it sounds funny. I think OEM has a great sense of humor to it. I particularly enjoyed Jenny Guy's performance as Wanda. I think that she was very funny without trying to be. That commitment to the glass onion of a world that Wanda lives in is what was so funny. The role of the bombshell void of complex thoughts is easily and usually ruined by actresses trying to be funny. However, Jenny nailed it. I enjoyed other performances in OEM as well, but Jenny Guy really stood out to me. The pace clips right along and I was entertained from beginning to end wearing a wry smirk that was frequently interrupted with laughter. The whole idea/story is just so silly it's brilliant. bravo!