Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Roy Hart
If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.
Keeley Coleman
The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
a frank Adonis movie, with Paulie from rocky, attempted to be a dramatic movie the likes of Donne bras co, good fellas, casino, mean street's, instead should have been made into a comedy..good acting by oliver, and Sal...nice movie to rent, went straight to video. frank Adonis actor in twelve academy award winning pictures, including good fellas, and wall street, should have done a better job on this one. should have started out making a comedy. frank Adonis filmed the movie in bensonhurst the idea was good, but, the story itself was too weak to carry this small cast. Mr demeo 's acting was very good and he is seen in various other films.
For a Film that is most obviously done on the cheap, this has to be one of the greatest Mob movies of the late 90s, Besides Casino. The Characters are Very believable and the Acting is superbly done. The Storyline is excellent too. Burt Young as the Boss of Bosses is superb and gives you a very believable character. You could make comparisons to true Mob stories in this film too. I.E: Gotti and his suits and the Capo Jonny Boy strikes a strong resemblance to old Johnny Boy himself, god rest his soul.The only gripe I have with this film is the female actress playing the main character, Tony's Girlfriend. It does put a downer on the film when you have superb actors in superb locations and you have this actress whom I personally dont think has the abilities of the rest of the cast.Anyways, definitly rent this Movie, it is a definite must for Mob fans and don't be put off with the Low budgetness because this definitly sits nicely alongside Goodfellas, Casino and quite possibly Godfather 2.
This is one of the best independent Mafia movies I have ever seen. It is the tale of a local Italo-American kid from Bensonhurst, Brooklyn struggling to cope with tough decisions. Do you follow the natural insticts and obvious road or do you try to do what your heart wants? De Meo has grown up in the gangster environment and, yet, he has a passion for films and would love to be an actor. Simultaneously he falls in love for the first time with a nice local Italian-American girl. This movie also deals with the modern state of Cosa Nostra. It is in disarray. Rats are seen everywhere due to increased pressure from the feds. Loyal gangsters are, unfortunately, bumped off and whacked just because the underboss has nightmares. If Cosa Nostra needs to survive, its members need to be more united and trusting of each other. Cooperation between the hoods is fundemental otherwise Cosa Nostra will fall. This movie is shot on low budget, but the local filming is fantastic and any Mafia buff MUST SEE this flick!!!!