Omega Cop
Omega Cop
| 19 July 1990 (USA)
Omega Cop Trailers

The year is 1999. John Travis is the toughest cop alive... In fact the only cop alive. He and his elite force stand between murderous mutants and the remains of humanity...

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Clarissa Mora The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
marc-1025 A post apocalyptic action movie with lots of karate, guns, explosions, strange make up and Batman ( Adam West ) in the command centre. What's not to like? Well....nothing really, it's actually pretty good. In a B-Movie cheese-fest kinda way.The Director Paul Kyriazi only ever directed 5 films. Mostly martial arts based. He is no Tarantino, nor is he on par with Enzo G Castellari, but he does a pretty decent job. I only have one gripe - now I'm a fan of 70s & 80s grindhouse movies and as such, I love a bit of camera zoom to add some drama, but Kyriazi goes slightly overboard. Practically every scene feature multiple zoom shots. A minor issue really.The story involves some kind of apocalyptic solar flares which seems to have wiped out most of the population. It's a bit vague and not really explored in much detail, but who cares.This movie seems to have taken influence from films such as The Bronx Warriors. Some of the makeup is identical. It works. Where it fails to meet the grand scale compared to Bronx Warriors, it makes up for in action. The fight scenes are solid. Not quite as good as some of the other budget martial arts films such as the No Retreat No Surrender series, but a decent effort all the same. The supporting cast are all more than competent. The characters are well defined and they deliver their cheesy dialogue with pride. The two lead characters on the other hand leave a lot to be desired. Ronald L. Marchini who play John Travis comes across as a poor man's Chuck Norris ( Oh how glorious that would have been ) - He's a decent martial artist, but he's no actor. But again, this doesn't seem to matter. After the first few minutes, your brain begins to accept that the character actually talks like he's re-sighting lines and has a facial movement problem. No big deal. Chuck Katzakian who plays Wraith on the other hand, doesn't really have any redeeming features. He doesn't fight, he cannot communicate very well and he looks very hot in his leather Nazi SS uniform. Adam West has a small role as Travis's man on the radio, which works well and helps to break up the onslaught of running and fighting scenes.The costumes are good, nothing exciting but good enough. The sets are limited but again, good enough. It looks like they though about the locations and used the budget wisely. Most of the scenes are set in one of the Five locations. There are some continuity problems, which I suppose should be expected but some are just a little too obvious. Spoiler alert***** One at the end is totally ridiculous. Travis Runs from an exploding building in boots, combats, shirt and cap. He runs towards the lake, he jumps in the air, he dives towards the lake in slow motion.......hold on......first we see that somehow, mid-air, his cap and shirt have we see that he still has khaki trousers on.....oh no....hold on.....they are shorts!!..........and he is now bare footed.All in all a hidden gem and definitely recommended for B-Movie fans. The UK DVD release that I have is a double film pack twinned with Psycho cop. There is no release information on the cover or disc at all. There is a sequel called Karate cop, by a different director which I will be reviewing soon on UKFilms net.
Comeuppance Reviews Starting with some very funny Adam West narration about global warming (written by West himself), we are first introduced to the crazy world of John Travis (Marchini), whose saga even extends to another movie, Karate Cop (1991).Travis is part of a team of aptly-named "Special Police" run by Prescott (West). They patrol the post-apocalyptic wasteland while listening to incredibly catchy Beach Boys-type songs, and fight the scavs, who are homeless baddies. When called to break up an auction of slave women (Marchini must have a fetish for bondage as he himself is tied up in both this film and Forgotten Warrior), his team, including a guy who resembles a bulked-up Dave Coulier, are shot and killed. Thus leaving Travis as...wait for it...THE ONLY COP ALIVE!Travis's trademark weapon is a bunch of pipes barely held together by electrical tape, meant to be some sort of multi-barreled shotgun. He is put in charge of the safety of two women, causing him to say in his trademarked deadpan monotone: "I feel like Mother Goose." Their hideout is a baseball dugout, which is apparently immune from radiation of any kind. Travis's goal is to defeat the dastardly Wraith (Chuck Katzakian, the head crime boss in Death Machines (1976) and try to bring the girls to Montana where there is apparently fresh air and water. Will Travis succeed or die trying?If you printed the word "silly" onto a piece of film, it wouldn't be nearly as silly as Omega Cop. The scavs have funny, nonsensical makeup and Wraith looks 75 years old, and is draped in leather. A major plot point in the movie is Travis's hat. He spies a punk scav wearing his "Special Police" cap and says: "That-guy-has-my-hat". (Remember the monotone.)For some reason Troy Donahue and Stuart Whitman are on hand to class up the movie, but in actuality, are further muddying their careers. One feels especially bad for Whitman, in his role as a doctor. He is forced to wear ridiculous makeup and spout inane dialogue about the environment.Like Mickey Rooney in Maximum Force (1992) and Joe Estevez in Money To Burn (1996), Adam West never leaves his one room set. He never talks to Marchini face-to-face. West's one-roomer is welcome but the movie could've used more West antics. He says he can't leave the room because of "Solar Flares". Very convenient. His bolo tie and mullet are not enough.Omega Cop is a supremely wacky, fun, bizarre, Marchini triumph for the ages! For more insanity, please visit:
tyokom When I found this movie in the 2 dollar bin at my local video store, I wasn't prepared for what would happen. When I put it in, I had no idea that by the end of it, I would never be the same again...Ron Marchini, possibly one of the finest actor's in our time, is sterling in his portrayal as John Travis, the toughest and last cop alive. Adam West does a good job as Ron's, "boss", Prescott. This movie left me with a deep respect for law enforcement, and made me really aware of the o- zone layer problem. I must've watched this movie at least 10 times now, and each time is greater than the one before it. I'll pick up a new line, or phrase that Ron throws around and it will be like the first time again. Ron is my new favorite actor, and I am looking to buy some of his other films.I'd just like to say thank you Ron, in case you ever see this. I truly love you and your work, you are, simply put, a God.
axegrinder20 One of the best B-movies made. Great filming location Stockton,CA. I just love the feel that you get from it when the movie first starts. As soon as you see the desert and here that whistling wind your hooked. You can tell that the budget was limited, but they pulled it off great. There is 3 great looking women, they don't have has much of a role as John Travis. But what can you say John Travis is bad, he can just about do it all. Oh yea Adam West is in it too (Batman). He doesn't have much of a role but he's there through the whole movie. But anyway if you get a chance definitely check this flick out, if your a B-movie enthusiast.