Nowhere to Hide
Nowhere to Hide
R | 20 January 2000 (USA)
Nowhere to Hide Trailers

Detective Woo is on the trail of the mysterious gangster Sungmin, a master of disguise who always manages to elude his pursuers. Eventually, the cop tracks down and confronts the master-criminal in the suburbs of a coal-mining town.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Jasper (Wsbr) I saw a trailer on an obscure DVD (don't remember which though) half a year ago. The trailer made use of the Bee Gee's song that's in two of the scenes in the movie. Then I read most of this IMDb comments.A month ago I found the DVD (I'm always searching secondhand stores) and yesterday I put in in my DVD-player. Watched the trailer on the DVD again. It was a different one. Not as catchy as the one I saw earlier that made me want to see (want to have) this film. Then I watched the opening scene/titles and the 40 steps scene. My wife and I where about to start watching another film (Wanted, 2008). I asked for her patience and showed her the 40 steps scene first. She agreed with me that that was a beautiful scene and she was positively surprised by it hypnotic style. Then we watched Wanted. (Which had cool special effects but didn't convince me in any way: could have skipped that one...) Half an hour ago I finished watching Nowhere to Hide.I think it is a fascinating movie. Storywise it's not very deep or wide, but that's alright with me. The acting, the photography, the directing and so forth I find very very good. The 40 steps scene reminded me very much of the better Miami Vice (televisionseries) episodes: music framing something horrible, continuing through the whole scene (not fading right after the dramatic climax, but going on for minutes and breathing out inevitability).Now (while writing) I am playing the movie again.One could say I really like it. I agree with most of the very enthusiastic reactions I read on IMDb.
Joe This film is not an obvious one for everyone. To quote the main star "You don't think this is your normal cops & robber film do you?". The story follows primarily the chase between a clever and elusive gangster, charged with murder, and a very unorthodox detective.The setting is South Korea, home of the best cinema in the world this decade, and the race is taken against a backdrop of mixed directorial styles such that it overtakes the story, although this is no bad thing. The direction blends together styles that Tarantino I'm sure would be jealous of, as it puts his effort in the same vein (kill bill) to shame.This shouldn't be though to forget the acting with the lead role of Detectie Woo being a great charismatic character even with all his faults.If you want to watch a strong movie with style and originality. Then this is it. Engaging and interesting, and very very modern, will be a seminal movie for the genre in years to come.
Acharne I trusted in my IMDb brethren that this movie would be at least mildly original and entertaining. Well I was wrong. This was quite possibly one of the worst movies of the past ten years. The direction was that of someone trying to make a European style film while working with a really bad Hong Kong wannabe script. Even the box claimed it was 'In the style of John Woo'. Ha ha. John Woo has made both good and bad movies but they had directions, plot, and occasionally even a touch of character development. This movie had nothing. It had disjointed scenes that didn't follow in to each other at all, attempts at comedy that looked forced and worse yet, a confused looking cast. In one seen the lead jumps on another guy and the camera shakes. Yes that's right, it shakes. I haven't seen anything that lame since 'Hard to Die'. This movie was a painful bore with misleading billing and absolutely no redeeming qualities except that it ends eventually. Please don't waste your time, go and watch teletubbies, Jaws 4, Rocky 5, ANYTHING other than this tripe.
zimlich "Nowhere To Hide" is absolutely one of the most visually stunning movies I've ever seen. Every scene is a cinematographic masterpiece. Myung-se Lee is a master of effectively using "particle storms" ... falling leaves, rain, snow, flowing sheets. Iparticularly like the ways he use contrast, high and low. While Lee uses high contrast, black & white scenes and low contrast, grainy shots, I like the contrast between scenes. I like the high contrast between innocent scene (falling leaves and the little girl hopping down the stairs) and violent scene that follows (hard rain and murder on the very same stairs). He effectively use low contrast between the good guys and the bad guys. Detective Woo's father told him, "If you don't want to become a gangster, you need to become a cop. This is a MUST SEE movie.