An action-packed slog
Am I Missing Something?
Aneesa Wardle
The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Sarita Rafferty
There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
what happened to the explicit oral sex scene? there must be two versions of this film out on DVD! the "r" rated version must be in theaters in the states perhaps there is an unrated version out on the U.S. market i saw a copy of the original and it goes beyond graphic, it's explicit, though it fits and blends with the storyline so well that it fit's and works without causing gasp and giggles. it makes me wonder that if once again our rating system should be reviewed? movies like this could impact and change the puritanical views of Hollywood and those who censor movies "made in the USA". the European standard of love making scenes are mature and accepted by the general public. i personally think it's time we ( Hollywood ) make and produce films with tasteful yet explicit love scenes that fit and blend into the movie so it appears natural!
A disturbing film, this, climaxing, as it does, with an intensely intimate reunion between a naked man and his young son, but in its confused structure it contains a poetically imagined visual exploration of the innocence of an idealised amnesiac.The plot follows two threads, the weaker of which is the gradual revelation of Graham/Pablo's condition. Wound through this, though, is a beautiful description of his condition, and his meandering path towards a partial awakening, driven by his affair with Irene.The affair is the strong thread, while the specifics of the plot are carried by a seemingly tacked on collection of characters: Graham's best friend, who can reveal the cause of his condition in a clunking flashback, his manipulative boss and his comic book mad scientist psychologist: all of whom have an interest in keeping him lost and dependent.The failure of the film lies in the conflict between the two threads. One is visual, meandering and sublime, while the other is structured like an inept thriller, all expository dialogue and unresolved patterns of symbolism.Nevertheless, I enjoyed Novo. It keeps flirting with the abyss of taboo and shying away into something beautiful, as in the quarry, with the double bassist and the two women, when a setup for a scene of cheap pornography becomes a segment of peace and rejuvenation. I still don't get the tooth, though.Odd, clunky and a narrative failure, but with an almost redeeming beauty.
It's difficult to decide who or what is the target audience for this film. Jean-Pierre Limousin presumably had the chance to explore the problems of amnesia on a serious level and opted instead to use it as an excuse to make a soft-porn movie. Having seen, loved, admired and respected Se Souvenir des belles choses which explores memory loss - albeit as the result of Alzheimer's - in a profound and heartbreaking way, not least in the luminous performance of Isabelle Carre I find that Novo is an insult to Se Souvenirs. I have no problem with soft porn per se - and even if I had I'd virtually have to give up going to movies so prevalent is it today - but I do have a problem with writers/directors who attempt to respectablise it by cloaking it as here in the guise of medical research. The sad thing is that fine actresses like Julie Gayet - so wonderful in Clara et Moi - and Anna Mouglalis - who seems to have hit into a double play after last week's Le Deluge and now this - are wasting their time on dross like this.
I just rented and viewed this film a couple of days ago and.... I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!! I am sorry but this film is just a waste of.... film, you know? I am a big Eduardo Noriega fan but he just wasted his time going over the border to France to star in this pretentious film, and I love French films! This is an arty film without arty actually applying to any facets of the film in a positive sense, that is. An attractive female lead is wasted as well despite some interesting shots of her pubic hair. Anyway, do not waste your time with this film. There are a number of nude scenes that include both leads that are un-erotic. An the beautiful young Spanish actress Paz Vega is totally wasted as is Eric Caravaca in a supportive role. Next!!!