Nothing But Trouble
Nothing But Trouble
NR | 06 December 1944 (USA)
Nothing But Trouble Trailers

Two bumbling servants are hired by a dizzy society matron to cook and serve a meal to visiting royalty.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Lawbolisted Powerful
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
bkoganbing Nothing But Trouble, one of Laurel&Hardy's last comedies relies more on the well known characters they've created as opposed to Hal Roach like gags. It's not a bad film, but I fear disappointing to their fans then and now.Even in wartime America Stan and Ollie just can't find work. But a desperate Mary Boland in a typical rich empty headed dowager hires the two of them as cook and butler. Needless to say they're not real good at these jobs like all the others they've tried over the years in short subject and feature length movies. Boland and her husband Henry O'Neill regret it before the film is over.But the boys also meet young David Leland who is an exiled king from some Ruritanian Balkan country that Mr. Hitler has overrun. Even in exile the young king has enemies.Best part of the film is when the boys try to serve Ollie's favorite specialty Beef Oliver as he names it. It's quite a slab of meat and most under cooked. They bring in a cross cut saw to try and slice it up.I wish there were more moments like these.
Michael_Elliott Nothing But Trouble (1944) ** (out of 4) Laurel and Hardy meet a young boy and soon they discover that he's really a King. The duo must protect the boy from a few people trying to kill him. Once again, I had heard this was a pretty bad film but while it's miles from Hal Roach material, the film contains a few laughs and has a little charm to it. It's too bad Warner isn't including this in their upcoming set but my recording from TCM, which seemed to be remastered, will do just fine. The best moment takes place in a zoo where L&H must try and steal a streak away from a lion. Another nice moment is when Laurel is trying to ref a football game. Most of the gags are lazy and fall on their face but the film is a decent time killer.
scoobyleigh93 Working as chef and butler in the midst of the depression, Laurel and Hardy ruin a dinner party and get hired to be a chef and a butler by rulers of a country, in the process they, accidentally foil a plot, by enemy agents, to poison a young boy king. i like the parts when Oliver and Stan are trying to cut Oliver's famous steak with a saw!!!. then Oliver imitates a lion. this is a classic movie,i wish it was on a DVD. i cant find it. but i watched it on TV. all their movies are good. this should be considered on the good movie list for Laurel and Hardy Movies,its one of my favorites. i also would like to mention other Laurel and Hardy movies that are great. Sons Of The Desert Blockheads The Music Box These are also great Laurel And Hardy Movies.
The_Movie_Cat The ten films Laurel and Hardy made after parting company with Hal Roach have an atrocious reputation, though this is probably better than most. It's never very funny, but it at least feels like a Stan and Ollie picture on occasion.Yet it's amazing how undignified some of the scenes are for the boys. Seeing Stan and Ollie degrading themselves by getting stomped on by children, or Ollie on all fours impersonating a lion, is excruciating to watch. Also of note in the two MGM movies is how Americanised Stan's speech is. Did Cumbrian-born Stan always utter things like "gee", "swell" and "ain't"?What also puzzles is how the post-Roach pictures not only misunderstood what made Laurel and Hardy funny, but also their basic nature. I've always thought of the duo as humanitarians, yet here they turn away a young boy who tells them that he's being beaten by his uncle. Okay, they later rescind on the decision and go completely the opposite way into pure sentimentality, but it still worries.The plot (which overshadows Stan and Ollie's involvement at times) is unusually macabre; a tale of intended infanticide for political gain. However, David Leland does bring a lot of enthusiasm to his role as the boy king, and the scene where Stan argues unknowingly over poisoned food is amusing.On the negative side, the back projection used in the film betrays its budget, and some of the dialogue – "Stanley, at times you're most trying" "Well you can't blame me for trying" – seems a self-conscious, For Love Or Mummy-style attempt to emulate past glories. Yet even though the movie is proficiently made but not very funny, I did crack up at the suicide scene. Okay, so Harold Lloyd could have sued (It turns out director Sam Taylor worked on eight Lloyd movies, including the obviously sampled Safety Last), but this one bit of nonsense did work for me, and almost brings the film's standing up to a level of mediocrity. Almost.