Not So Fast
Not So Fast
| 30 July 2014 (USA)
Not So Fast Trailers

A sudden power outage traps an unsuspecting young woman within the restrained space of an empty straight corridor, where an abstract but malevolent entity is in total control. Can the powerless woman run towards the escape door?

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Kirpianuscus A woman. a green door. a spirit. and the end of hall.a not most inspired end. at the first sigh. but , maybe, just the end is the ingredient giving coherence to a story who, perceved as drean, has the chance to explain , more realistic, the entire essence film. a dream well known, because the director gives to his public nothing more than he has. ordinary stories, known fears and dreams. this is not an exception. because many from us has his own green door. far by him. closed when you are so closer.
Syo Kennex Not So Fast is a short horror film by David Sandberg, the creator of both the short horror movie and full movie of Lights Out. Released in 2014, David Sandberg seemed to have brought it to the horror genre again after the spectacular Lights Out.Within this, a woman is trapped in a corridor with a demon and she cannot get to the door no matter how much she tries to escape.Camera shots were used brilliantly to create suspense, and the hallway lengthening made me more and more anxious. This was a brilliant short horror film. There was a brilliant building of suspense, I really felt on edge and uncomfortable and as the woman's fate seemed sealed, I was shaking with fear.Unfortunately, the ending fell short. It was really unclimatic. It was a real shame how it ended, and would have done better when her fate seemed to be sealed. The characters seemed to have no character or depth at all and it totally ruined the short as a whole. It was a shame, and so I've only given this four out of ten stars.
Horst in Translation ( "Not So Fast" is a 2-minute short film from 2 years ago and the writer and director is David F. Sandberg. we also see him at the very end. The female lead actress is Sandberg's regular Lotta Losten. We see a woman in a hallway, but she cannot get closer to an exit door. Every time she moves forward, it moves further away again. A pretty strange occurrence we have here. Are supernatural powers in force here? Watch for yourself. You will find the solution at the very end and it's all somewhat explained I guess. I don't think this was anywhere near Sandberg's best, maybe one of his weakest, but still a solid watch for such a runtime. The camera work is very simple in here and adds little to the atmosphere. It's still decent overall. Worth checking out for sure.
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