Nostradamus: 2012
Nostradamus: 2012
| 09 January 2009 (USA)
Nostradamus: 2012 Trailers

Documentary about Nostradamus's quatrains.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Kai Center of the galaxy and Nostradamus - at the time of Nostradamus (1503-1566) wasn't even concept of the galaxy. "Flat Earth centre of the universe" was the major heavily guarded by church idea at that time. Giordano Bruno was burnt for "the Earth revolves around the sun" statement by bible fanatics in 1600.The Milky Way galaxy has 100 billion stars with planets - millions of them aligning with the centre of the galaxy at any given moment. It's not a big f***ing deal! Nostradamus catrenes - just read them in their original language, they are written in such fuzzy symbolic language that you can put any meaning you like in their interpretation.Just another lunatic "end of the world" raving waste of resources. I can't believe it's sponsored by History Channel.
thesar-2 Thank goodness they all picked December 21, 2012. In all honesty, I am a VERY late Christmas shopper, in fact, my usual day of choice is Christmas Eve, so I am going to save a bunch of money that year! In fact, I think I'll go out and max out credit cards and buy a home I can't afford. Even if they're wrong, everyone else seems to be buying homes that can't afford, hence the reason for the housing problem. I digress, that's irrelevant, but what should be relevant and obvious is that I don't buy into the whole Sun & Milky Way on 12/21/12 = something really bad…perhaps…maybe…might happen theories. Though I appreciate this semi-documentary not officially taking a stance, I heard not a one like me. Not one person to discredit Nostradamus or the other worried cultures. (On a side note, thankfully, they predicted the end times way out of their own future as well as their children's grandchildren's future. Hmmm.) To me, though it tried to remain unbiased, I didn't hear the other side say this is all rubbish. A little background: I am Christian, and I believe that there are to be 7 years of Tribulation until Christ's return. This of course, would mean 2012's out the window, it's too soon. Where were those people? In all arguments/documentaries that simply cannot be proved, I appreciate both views, even if I don't agree. Here, you get the Michael Moore, albeit more professional and a heck of lot less humorous, version. And it's boring, to boot. I wanted to see what they think was going to happen, but alas, no one knows. They range from asteroids, war, famine to the actual end itself. All talk. At least it ended on a positive side with the Hopi's "survival" outlook.
Twhite001 This close as you can get to Nostradamus Quatrains. It gives a revelation of the upcoming catastrophic events before and in the year 2012 as predicted by the prophet Nostradamus. I feel the History Channel did a fairly good job delving into this topic as it is very controversial. To be quite honest, I was hoping it would be longer than it was. All I can say is, be open to the possibilities when watching this movie. As a spiritual message, the film is overwhelming, bringing tears of renewal to the believers in the audience. Even if you are not a believer, though, I still think there is something in this for you. This film will rock your world, and that's an understatement. In conclusion, not everyone will like this movie. Some will love it, and some will hate it. But, I think that if you should at least see it before you judge it. My opinion: 10/10
terryyy Although I would be slightly inclined to agree with kranav's comment, I still feel that the History Channel did a fairly good job delving into this topic as it is very controversial. To be quite honest, I was hoping it would be longer than it was.There is always one person saying "I can predict the next 500 years and I'm sure we'll be able to match an event up with at least on my predictions", the different is, Nostradamus has accurate predictions. Although his method with his drawings may seem ambiguous to some, there can only be so much that they can define. If someone is able to match up an event that has taken place or and event that will take place with his Quatrains then the only thing you can really do is consider it a possibility. All I can say is, be open to the possibilities when watching this movie and don't think that Dec 21st 2012 will be the end of the world as it can also be start of a new beginning.