Nobody Gets Out Alive
Nobody Gets Out Alive
| 31 January 2013 (USA)
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A group of college students escape their troubled lives but only to find themselves fighting for their lives from a revenge seeking mad man.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
KnockKnock1 Look if you're expecting high production values, this ain't the movie you watch. Open minded Horror fans watch these really extremely low budget films in the hope of seeing the stars of the years to come, new talented directors to keep an eye out for, cheap thrills, blood and maybe some good looking Women being chased around by maniacs. This movie has some of that, not a lot, but enough to make the movie a decent night's viewing. It's shot and lit very well. It doesn't make you think the crew don't know what they're doing or where to point the camera (a good example is The Zombie Diaries, awful awful film). The breakout star of this film is Jen Dance, who is really beautiful in this and well cast as the timid sweet city girl out in the enclosed tense setting of a creepy looking forest.Views seemed to be polarized. I don't care, I liked it.5/10
tony vanden This so called horror movie as to be one of the worst movies of the last decade, absolutely dreadful from start to finish, the only good point is that you only have to, if you can, put up for it for 70 odd minutes, everything about this film is done very badly the acting, the plot as been done a thousand times before and much better, the so called special effects, my 13 year old daughter could do much better, I have noticed that the special effects creator as written a revue, and she is that bad her grammar sucks just like her so called special effects, she is sorry to say but have to be honest stupid, she even put her real name to the 10 star revue, what a plonker . for your own good stay well clear of this turkey
rgblakey There are horror films coming out all the time, but when it comes to the slasher genre there are multiple elements that are a must for it to work. You have to have a great kills, a cool story, and above all else a memorable killer. The latest to try their hand at the genre is Nobody Gets Out Alive that attempts to deliver homage to 80's slasher flicks, but does it work? Nobody Gets Out Alive follows a group of partying teenagers who head out to the woods for a weekend of camping fun. But when each of them is slowly killed off they believe that the legend of the town lunatic might prove to be more than just a story. This film has almost everything it needed to become a memorable hit, but sadly is missing one of the biggest parts which is the cool killer. The story works fine, but the killer itself lacks anything to really bring the fear level up to anything other than bland. This plays more like a thriller featuring some slashing as opposed to a full on slasher flick. The performances are pretty bad, with a few that deliver average at best, but that's pretty normal for a lot of these films, but you make up for it with the great kills and nudity, but not so much here. There are some decent kills that are fun to watch, but it still plays it too safe to deliver the goods.This is one of those slasher flicks that had every element it needed to work, but missed the mark. Even the average killer had a decent back story to create the legend, but still struggles to do anything. It takes a long time for anything to start happening and by the time it does you may have already lost interest.
Lauren Palmer Down the Road shows every film maker trying to make it that it is possible. Real Talent can make a movie on any shoe string budget. The flow of this movie is great and acting is superb. Not to mention the special effects and makeup in the film are fantastic. Pretty scary how real they look. This Philly film crew has what it takes to make it big and the talents to compete with any big budget crew out there! Go out find where Down the Road is screening and go see it!!!! You won't regret the amazing experience. This film wins awards at every festival it is submitted in. Best Feature Film amongst the list!!! Support artist, watch this film!!