Noble House
Noble House
| 21 February 1988 (USA)
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Ian Struan Dunross is chairman of Struan & Co, the oldest and largest of the British-East Asia trading companies. To the Chinese, that also makes him "Tai-Pan" ("supreme leader") of the "Noble House". Unfortunately, with his power, he inherits ancient promises, dark secrets and deep financial problems on a small island full of people who want to see Struan's fall so they can become the Noble House. Dunross' worst enemy is the vicious Quillan Gornt, a lesser tai-pan, and he's doing everything in his power to bring the Noble House to ruin. Drawn into the fight between Gornt and Dunross is an upstart American billionaire who tries to gain a foothold on the Hong Kong market and has made a deal to steal something that will give him power, even over the Noble House. Unfortunately, that something has fallen into the hands of a powerful Chinese overlord...

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
emuir-1 The distillation of James Clavell's rich and intricate book into a six hours mini series meant that much of the detail and some minor characters had to be cut, along with at least one major thread, that of the espionage network, which was only touched upon by the exposure of one spy, and the unresolved gun running. The mini series could have used another two hours to fully develop the espionage network involving Britain, Mainland China and Russia planting sleepers, and double agents. Watering down the espionage plot resulted in the intelligence official Crosse being a one-note character. I guess we can be thankful that it was not a two hour movie! The TV version differed from the book in that Ian Dunross was a widower, rather than a happily married man, which allowed him an unnecessary affair with Casey. and it was moved forward from pre-Vietnam 1963 to the 80's, when the cold war was not quite so cold and the fear of what would happen when Hong Kong was returned to China was not quite so acute. I will admit that Deborah Raffin was well cast as the tall loud and brash American woman trying to make it in a man's world, but I could not resist the urge to fast forward her scenes. What became of Philip Chen, last seen threatening to deal with the theft of the half coin in a Chinese Way? We never saw him again. Other than the truncated storyline, my only problem was with the insipid art design. I found the bleached out look of the European homes, hotels, and any scene in which Deborah Raffin appeared very disconcerting. When a blonde woman wearing white or cream is in a room with white or cream furniture, neutral carpets and very pale green walls, with men in cream colored clothing, the whole scene has an anemic look as well as making her merge into the couch. At the first party, Casey Tcholok is described in the book as wearing a deep emerald green dress, not white silk as shown. The emerald dress would have made her stand out, which is what she was meant to do. I have watched both the VHS tape and the vastly superior DVD, and even on the low quality tape found the art design poor.The DVD was brilliantly sharp, to the point where you could see the hair dye and artificial grey streaks. Overall, the sumptuous look, other than the aforementioned, was a feat for the eyes, especially the views of Hong Kong, the race course and the beautiful gardens, and the crowded harbor life.
msulli2 I got the DVD from a place in of E-Bay. It worked fine playing on my computer, and as a DVD movie in my X-Box 360. It does have a different format (PAL) and may not work in all players, but if you love this mini-series as much as I did, you'll get it and watch it on the computer or find a way to watch it! Check E-bay...I think I just searched for Noble House, and it came up. the shipping was pretty quick as well...Pierce Brosnan is great as Ian Dunross...I've also read the book, and find the changes they made in the miniseries not all that disappointing.
Virginia 1948 This film is a wonderful Sunday escape. Where is the DVD? I've tried to write to Pierce Brosnan, as well as the distributors. No one answered. The locale is away from the US. The characters are fully developed. There is enough intrigue to keep the most earthy type of personality interested. The dialog is quick. Mr. Brosnan shows his penchant for a preliminary James Bond here - well admired. Sorry, but the blond lady does very little for me. She was a decoration, but hardly someone to leave the role of Tai Pan. The beauty was the lovely oriental lady. And the shark was the handsome American. Gritty, petty, and greedy. Tell me where to buy the DVD - we will be first in line!
ebiros2 This is a surprisingly good mini series. The story is cast in Hong Kong, and there's dynamics in doing business there that we people of the west don't quite understand. Noble House captures that and then some. The glamor and opulence of belonging to the richest elite in Hong Kong's business circle sets the tone for the entire story. Things that will be taboo in the west is permitted there like having concubines, and going to parties with them (instead of your wife !), and old guys are actually flaunting it to show off their wealth and virility ! But of course all this has price to pay and everyone is paying in this story. The story is loosely based on an actual existing trading company - Jardine Matheson Holdings, and the building that is portrayed as Struans' headquarter was the actual Jardine Matheson and company's headquarter in Hong Kong, before relocating to Bermuda in anticipation of Hong Kong's repatriation to China in '97.Pierce Brosnan is at his best as the Tai Pan of the Noble House (Struan's), and cast of characters surrounding him are equally glamorous (like Tia Carrerie, Julia Nickson). Overall, a great fun to watch, but make sure you set aside enough time because it's 6 hours of non-stop entertainment.
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