No Time to Fear
No Time to Fear
| 19 March 2009 (USA)
No Time to Fear Trailers

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Steineded How sad is this?
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
cB391 This movie started out really boring, and I usually tune out or fast forward through movies like this. For some reason, I stuck with it, and the story was interesting, it had a few plot holes, and the acting at times wasn't great, but the story kept moving and I was pretty glued to the movie.The ending of the movie like the start was bad. I basically figured it out five minutes in, because it just seemed to be obvious and I was disappointed in that, rather than them working out an interesting ending. The middle of the movie is enjoyable, don't set yourself up for a good ending, but don't give up on it too early either.
Jon Doe I,like always,came here to check out the reviews before watching this movie because The cover looked cheap and bad. I almost just passed it up before noticed James DeBello's name of CabinFever(and many more) fame on the roster. Now don't get me wrong Mr Debello probably wont be winning any awards for his acting anytime soon, but he always manages to make me laugh or tick me off and he tends to be able to pick decent entertaining rolls even if they aren't box office hits."No Time to Fear" didn't follow the 'in' trend of the flood of horror comedies lately. Now don't get me wrong,I like a good Horror Comedy as much as the next guy, but sometimes I just want an old fashioned scary movie thats eerie and delivers. Some of it was a bit over the top, but these guys did a decent job in the end and you can tell that, "No Time to Fear" is definitely a micro-budget Horror flick. I cant argue that this movie does have noticeable similarities to other horror and Sci-Fi movies so it doesn't really offer anything new to the genre as a whole, but if you like low budget supernatural horror I would say that this movie is still worth a watch.
evilfrith I watched the premier of "No Time to Fear" and was actually surprised. I was expecting the usual low-budget horror film with the typical cookie cutter plot line / genre script but instead the script has multiple story lines coalescing into a complete final project that left me wanting more. The low-fi feel of the pic was a welcome departure from the typical "campy" (no pun intended) or over the top gore that is usually found in the genre giving the film a sense of suspense mixed in with some detective work (but then again I may be biased since I enjoy this type of work along with my action and scifi flix). Bottom line: If your a horror / genre fan looking for a slightly different take on the usual fair - check this pic out! I was entertained and I am assuming there may be a part 2 based on the ending? But if your looking for hi-budget, film from a template - so you can easily understand the storyline - you may want to check out a more mainstream film.
slickrock-1 While at the time of this submission there is only one other review, I find it sadly surprising that about 16 people have rated this film and given it a 9 out of 10. Think about that people. Some of the greatest films of all time do not get 9 out of 10 on IMDb and this sophomoric, straight to Chiller Channel got this rating! Must be the cast, crew and their families and friends!I am a huge fan and supporter of Independent film but honesty is honesty and quality is quality and this effort has neither.I tuned in because of the premise: an evil spirit takes the form of it's prey. That sounded pretty intriguing. How does one defeat that? I found the story to be one of the weakest I have seen in recent wasted evenings with low budget, cheesy, Chiller offerings. This plot line, and surprise ending (which I will not give away and let you feel as robbed and let down as I was,) has been done much better and with different results by thousands of others!The premise, a depressed, suicidal young man goes camping with his sister and other friends. He finds a statue in the forest and things go down hill from there - for everyone, but especially the viewer!When you start with a story that seems a patchwork of disconnected pieces poorly stitched together, it takes great, or at least good, actors to pull the venture off. Here we have neither. The strongest effort is turned in by the male lead, James DeBello. He will probably make another film, and I would give it a chance. Not so with the others, especially the female lead, Francesca Cecil. You know the phrase "don't quit your day job"? Well, I hope she has a day job!Ms Cecil is not only unbelievable, vapid and shallow in her attempt - her voice is annoying and irritating.While there were many weaknesses in directing and cinematography, even the wardrobe had laughable elements. In the early camping scenes, Ms Cecil's wardrobe looked like she was running to the mall to pick up some more fake eyelashes and mascara.As the first reviewer noted, why is there a statue in the forest? The reason for this or any other resulting events is never addressed to any seemingly logical conclusion. In fact, the actual "twist" that is the film's conclusion is such a hokey "let's just end this madness" that "unsatisfied" is the kindest description of how one might feel.There was nothing "nice" about this effort and while I support Independent film makers, I would not encourage this type of shoddy work. If I could find something nice to say about this work, I would be happy to. I gave it 2 stars because it was an Indie effort! Pretty weak praise for a show that barely deserves 2 stars. Save yourself the time and watch something else or, read a book!