No Retreat, No Surrender 3: Blood Brothers
No Retreat, No Surrender 3: Blood Brothers
R | 25 January 1990 (USA)
No Retreat, No Surrender 3: Blood Brothers Trailers

Two feuding brothers (one a policeman, the other a martial arts expert) of different political views, join forces to avenge the death of their father, a retired agent, killed by the mafia.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Leofwine_draca This is a decent little martial arts flick very much in the Hong Kong mould – although it's an American movie, there's a lot of Chinese talent behind the scenes which means that the varied fight scenes are identical to the ones you'll find coming out of Hong Kong during the same period. The film this directly reminded me of was Yuen Biao's ABOVE THE LAW, for example. It's the third in a series of films that seem to get slightly better as they go along. The first was a fun take on the KARATE KID story, the second used a Rambo-era Vietnam backdrop for the action, and this one is just a stand alone action flick.The first thing I noticed was that the acting is absolutely diabolical – the worst of the series, and among the worst I've seen even in this genre. Keith Vitali is a more than able fighter but his attempts at emoting are frankly atrocious – and it's little wonder that he didn't go on to star in much after this. Loren Avedon, returning from the last film, is better, but not on the level of a Van Damme or Seagal in their heyday. Not that it matters much – the supporting cast are bad enough to make Vitali and Avedon look good on occasion, with the exception of Rion Hunter, the weird-looking bad guy who plays this thing down to a tee. Wanda Acuna, in comparison, the Puerto Rican love interest, is awful.But anyway – who watches these flicks for the acting? I certainly don't – it's all about the action, and that's where NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER 3: BLOOD BROTHERS triumphs. The fight scenes come thick and fast and are expertly choreographed to best show off the genuine skills of the participants. They can be funny (Avedon pretending to kill his brother) and they can be violent (the last, extended bout which doesn't disappoint at all) but the key thing is that they're all good – even the brief ones. They're also packed with stunts, from the usual 'guys smashing through windows' stuff to that effect I love, where somebody is kicked and spin around and around, incredibly fast, in the air before hitting the ground. Weapon play, shoot-outs, and the classic two-versus-one climax – I loved every bit of it.Okay, so the story is pretty weak when it comes down to it, although the opening murder of the father was sufficiently violent to have me shocked and rooting for the good guys to kick some backside. The film meanders in places, and comes across as very dated in terms of the fashions, the haircuts, and the mannerisms, but hey, it was still the '80s when they filmed it. BLOOD BROTHERS is nothing more than a popcorn action flick and works very well for what it is.
peterpants66 Loren Avedon unleashes a full six pack, no make that 30 pack of butt kicking action in the third installment of the series. This movie is about family, its also about the laundry list of dead or permanently injured stunt men in this flick. People get attacked in this movie like I've never seen and you may have to rewind certain shots about a million times cause there too priceless. Like when Loren Avedons dad in the movie is taking on the thugs in his house, and he Leaps at one guy and knocks him so ridiculously far off the set its...well its amazing is what it is. This movie has so many lines and fighting that you just don't have time to rest its a constant bombardment of plot twist and foot and fist. The fighting is shot furiously fast too, this movie makes a lot of other martial arts movies look slow. And the ending...well thats just a whole nother scaffolding story. If your a fan of the late eighties early nineties kick-boxing action genre then look no further, this movie along with part two and king of the kick-boxers are some of the best. Loren Avedon for life. Don't rent this OWN it.
bad_habitt Wow. Just wow. This film and its video cover easily have the greatest tagline of any film, in the greatest series of movies ever. Putting this film into words does not do it justice. Loren Avedon is one of the most amazing action heroes of all time. The fact that his career during its success period only featured 3 amazing and mesmerizing movies, it's like he was Bruce Lee, in the way that he was so amazing for such a short period of time and he gave the art away. See it, but see it as a film enthusiast, starting from hiring it at the video store after studying and looking over the video cover, then come home and put it in the vcr on a summer evening. You will have an experience that only the most fortunate people on earth experience.
AlbertV79 This film is the best of the three No Retreat, No Surrender films. This is your typical revenge movie, but it involves two rival brothers, played by martial artists Keith Vitali and Loren Avedon. At first the brothers totally hate each other, but then their father's death brings them together as they take on the terrorists responsible for their father's murder. The fight scenes are a thrill-a-minute, the highlight being in a garage with Avedon and Vitali teaming up to fight terrorists. This is in fact the best of the three and I strongly recommend you see this film!