PG | 29 July 2000 (USA)
Nightmare Trailers

Hye-jin's homecoming should have been a joyous occasion. She was especially happy to see her childhood friend again, the shy Eun-ju. However, when a secret is revealed, harsh words are exchanged. These words deeply affect Eun-ju and,in the next scene, we see her plummeting from a 30-story building. In a flashback provided by Seon-ae, we learn that the ghost of Eun-ju is hunting down all of Hye-jin's friends and killing them. Is this possible or is a more worldly force at work? What is this mysterious tape that everyone is asking about?

JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
vainblood Overall, this is a very interesting "slasher" with a pinch of ghost story thrown in. It has a good plot, a good-looking lead character and what I liked the most about it was the suspense that often lingered in the scenes, even if you often knew what was going to happen.Yes, it has some flaws. Some of the actors didn't make a good performance, the chaotic chronology makes it confusing to watch and it doesn't really add anything new to the genre. But those flaws are easily overlooked and overshadowed by the heavy plot that will hold you in a steady grip to find out what lies behind it all. Clichés and confusion aside, the movie still delivers what it promised.It doesn't have to be completely original to be a good movie, because it often comes down to individual taste and what kind of movies you are entertained by. How many episodes of CIS are original and brings something new to the genre? I would say, not that many. They are still entertaining in their own right. If you are the kind of person who is into classic Asian horror with vengeful spirits and a deep background story, then this is for you. But if you are a judgemental movie snob who has to watch something that adds cultural innovation to the screen, then you should probably stay away from this movie.
lost-in-limbo We see a body of dead girl in a morgue with the coroner trying to close the eyes of the girl, but whatever he tries they won't stay open. After this we move into the future and we follow a group of former school friends who hide a terrible secret, but suddenly they start getting picked off one by one in many grisly ways. Through flashbacks we learn of this awful suicide of a shy girl who was trying to be one of the group, but she was shut out by them because they dug up her past and found out some weird occurrences. So, is she back from the grave seeking revenge? Oh what a great and always spooky story! Well, that's what I hoping I could say. And 'hoping' was as good as it got. This is an forgettable, so-so supernatural horror flick that I actually watched before, but I went in thinking it was my first viewing. So to my surprise it hit me when I started picking up on certain things, but like I said it's quite a forgettable mix that it felt like a first viewing again. "Nightmare' is just another type of it's field that adds a 'few' changes to the gruel. Oh, please give me something that's a bit more fresh. It doesn't have to be entirely original, but this is one formulaic and at times quite tired J-horror flick. Even though it strings along the usual ghost story involving you guessed right… an evil looking, vengeful chick spirit.But in spite of my negativity of it being the same old, same old story and jolts. This one kind of entertains when its being grisly and popping in some creepy visuals. The deaths are vividly displayed with bite and some originality. While, the gloomy atmosphere alienates the audience with it's murky lighting. The first scene involving the spirit terrorising one of the girls is one blood-curdling experience, but really when it's not trying to shock you. I found it rather coma inducing and I thought about getting some shut-eye. That might be harsh, but it just didn't go anywhere of any interest between those shock moments. You could say that because the supposed mystery is really not much of one, the unsure story is just simply flat and the characters are a self-centred bunch that you don't really care what happens to them. The disjointed story should have focused more on the spirit than that of these bland characters who have one unconvincing group relationship. It just overplayed its cards by becoming overly muddled and taking too long to get going that when it comes to the climax it's just plain ludicrous. The film's haunting ending is a high point, though.The film looks fine, although it could have done without the snazzy, quick fire editing and the music score was a bit overbearing in playing up the mood. The performances tread a fine line, but Gyu-ri Kim is strong in the lead role.It's nothing new and it shamelessly steals ideas, but if you can look past that it delivers some nasty thrills. Although, I found the handling of it rather lethargic, despite the odd effective chills. A standard effort all round I guess, but still it's equally missable.
Joe Asian cinema has been on a roll in recent years, rewriting the rules of the horror genre in particular. "Gawi" though seems to turn the clock back and returns favours to the American teen horror market. The film centres round a group of friends reminiscing at first about the suicide of an old acquaintance, and then when each begins to be picked off grizzly one at a time, they start to fear what they can't see blaming it on her revengeful return.The film basically combines together influences from Scream, "I know what you did last summer" and adds the now obligatory "loner female with long black hair and a troublesome background" from the Asian markets (someone please now give this a rest!). The shocks are never really scary and the acting can be quite lame.Confusing at first, you will get the hang of it, and the last 20 mins are quite interesting as the film gently twists. Regardless it is not a good film, and very unoriginal. Not by any means the worst, but simply a poor straight-to-video effort in my opinion.
Infofreak 'Nightmare' is only the second Korean horror movie I have seen. The first was the overrated 'The Eye', which many people seem to love (I don't). Personally I enjoyed this less known supernatural thriller a lot more. It owes a huge debt to classic American slasher movies of the past, but they themselves were inspired by Italian giallo, so it doesn't really matter who did what first, as long as it entertains. And this very effective thriller does that. I can see certain superficial similarities between 'Nightmare' and the much hyped Japanese horror film 'Ringu', but the approach is quite different, and I think this is the better of the two movies. The story concerns a group of school friends hiding a secret from the past, which comes back to haunt them. Standard horror fare true, but 'Nightmare' makes this familiar material worth watching just the same. And having a few very cute Korean girls among the cast certainly does it no harm! Worth a look, it's better than you'd think.