Night of Violence
Night of Violence
| 29 December 1965 (USA)
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Carla Pratesi, a prostitute, is killed. Her death is followed by a number of attempted murders. Carla's sister undertakes her own investigation. Police enquiries uncover a drugs trade connected to a call-girls organization but the murderer remains at large. Finally, a witness identifies the killer as a well-known actor. However, he has a strong alibi (he was shooting a film). The following night, a girl who manages to escape from the maniac's clutches swears he is a different famous actor but he turns out to have a strong alibi too! Eventually the police set a trap in the park and, with the help of Carla, kill the madman. It emerges he had been disfigured by the atomic blast at Hiroshima and went crazy because his disformed features revolted women and but them off having sex with him. He created masks reproducing the features of handsome actors just to approach prostitutes!

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Bezenby Hey girls! When undressing in your room, it's a good idea to make sure the light source is between you and the window, and not the other way round. That way you may not attract so many stalkers and potential murderers.Carla does not heed this warning, and get herself strangle one night while heading to her job as a hooker. Turns out her dad is some political big wig and her pimp lady was into all sorts of rackets, which means things get complicated really quickly.What also complicates matters more is that Carla's killer strikes a few more times (but doesn't get to murder anyone) and every time he's described by a witness as a different famous actor! This confuses the police greatly, and they vent their anger by arresting the massive drugs ring connected to Carla's organisation, and having a few punch ups along the way.Like all good giallo, this one has a masked killer, and like all good giallo, it strays away from the giallo template by throwing in a few twists towards the end, and blending it in with some Euro-crime business too. I never guessed the ending, especially as my suspect was kidnapped by the killer! It's maybe tame in terms of Gialli (with one murder), but ticks along nicely. I can't believe the same guy that made this also made the crap fest King of Kong Island!
HumanoidOfFlesh A masked killer in long dark coat stalks and strangles to death beautiful prostitutes.Comissario Ferretii wants to find the elusive killer..."La Notti Della Violenza" is an unjustly forgotten giallo with elegant mood of noir cinema.The script is entertaining and offers some unusual ideas.Plenty of red herrings and a bizarre unexpected twist at the end.The scenes of stalking and violent attacks on women are quite tame,though.It seems that the version I saw which lasted 77 minutes seems to be missing about 14 minutes.If you are a fan of 60's gialli you can't go wrong with Roberto Mauri's unreal "La Notti Della Violenza".7 white masks out of 10.
morrison-dylan-fan Taking a look at a pile of "must watch" DVD titles of the Giallo sub- genre that are currently placed in the corner of my bedroom,a few days ago,I suddenly realised that I had somehow never got round to previously taking a look at one of the first ever items that I won on Ebay,which led to me excitingly getting ready for a night of wild,ultra-violence.The plot:Waving goodbye to her final client of the day,call girl Carla Pratesi starts to get prepared for her dad's (who is an ambassador) birthday party.As she puts the finishing touches to her clothes,Carla receives a phone call from the head of the agency:Linda,who requests that Pratesi changes her plans,due to Linda having received a call from a business man who is willing to spend every penny for a night with Carla.Initially refusing the offer,Carla begins to change her mind,when Linda tells Pratesi that she could make more money from this one customer than she could in an entire week,and is also told by Linda that if she turns this offer down,then maybe Carla's father might want to know what his little girl has been up to.With a heavy heart,Carla rings up her father and tells him that she will be unable to attend the party,due to needing an "emergency operation".Heading to her final "appointment",Pratesti finds herself in the middle of nowhere,when one of the cars tyres suddenly gets a huge hole.Getting out of the car to replace the tyre,Carla is greeted by a strange man wearing a long dark coat,who kindly offers to help Pratesi replace the tyre.Accepting the strangers kind offer,Pratesti and the stranger begin replacing the tyre,which ends up getting no where near the car,when the stranger suddenly grabs Carla by the neck and strangles her to death.The next day:Arriving to the murder scene,Commisario Ferretti quickly begins to suspect that Pratesi's murder may have something to do either with her father's role,or the job that she was secretly doing behind her families back,which leads to Ferretti taking a close look at Carla's former "agent" Linda,who Ferretti soon discovers is doing much more then just sending the ladies of the night into the sunset…View on the film:Despite the movie having a blood thirsty title,co-writer (along with Edoardo Mulargia)/director Roberto Mauri unexpectedly takes this Giallo into a surprisingly elegant direction.Closely working with cinematography Vitaliano Natalucci to limit the violence to short,sharp shots,so that the movie can instead be given an extremely strong Film Noir atmosphere, Mauri and Natalucci give the film a deep smoky appearance,which along with showing the dark world that Carla has found herself trapped in,also allows Mauri to create a strong sense that the killer could be lurking behind any darkened corner of the screen.Along with showing a superb skill in gradually unravelling Carla's mysterious private life,Mulargia and Mauri also give the firm Giallo centre mystery of the movie some surprisingly blunt social/political commentary. Along with giving the killer an off-beat reasoning for the murder, this also allows Mauri and Mulargia to connect this movie to the post-war Film Noir period,which along with great performances from the beautiful Helene Chanel as Carla,and the quick witted Alberto Lupo as Ferretti,make this Giallo Film Noir one whose night of violence is very much worth witnessing at first sight.
andrabem-1 Roman nights – a masked killer is stalking and killing all the women he meets. The main victims are, of course, prostitutes."Le notti della violenza" may not be a groundbreaking giallo but it's atmospheric, it features, as it's to be expected, lots of pretty women (among them Marilu Tolo, Lisa Gastoni, Helene Chanel etc..) and the cameras are sensitive to feminine beauty (but as we are in 1965 not much can be shown). In short, "Le notti della violenza", in spite of being an early giallo, displays all the characteristics of the giallo genre – women being pursued, killed, slapped around, asking for protection and crying like broken dolls when mistreated. But it's not really a misogynistic film – it shows, it relishes and (in a way) it denounces (!)."Le notti della violenza" is what one could call, a spontaneous giallo, this means, gialli that were made with few resources, but got the most out of them."Le notti della violenza" can't be put in the same league with, for instance, Mario Bava's classic "Blood and Black Lace" (1963) or Bazzoni's psychological giallo "La donna del lago" (1965), but it's still interesting if you like films for entertainment: As I said before, it's atmospheric (the silhouette of a woman seen through a window in the night, a lonely meadow, bushes, pines trees, someone stalking..) and it's also a perfect time capsule – the women, their hairdos, the music, the parties etc..The plot mixes a deranged killer, a prostitution and drug ring and there are even hints about the atomic age! But no need to be afraid! In spite of all, the story is simple enough. The main drawback (for those that don't understand Italian) is that the copies available are in Italian without subtitles.
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