Night of the Flesh Eaters
Night of the Flesh Eaters
| 01 October 2008 (USA)
Night of the Flesh Eaters Trailers

On the most evil night of the year, a beautiful blond woman and ruggedly handsome archeologist hitman find themselves trapped in a forest haunted by bizarre flesh eating Native American demon zombies. As they flee the woman's crime boss husband, who seeks to murder them for their illicit love affair, their car is destroyed in a head-on collision with one of the demons, a Stone Man. The blond woman and assassin must escape the perils of the dark and evil forest, on foot, without becoming demon food or getting themselves slaughtered by the woman's vengeful, fat cat husband.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
D. Ceased This is one of the worst movies I have seen in awhile. It's complete and utter trash; and when the film-makers saw how bad this pos is they tried calling it a "comedy" and "horror spoof". Make no mistake, this isn't a comedy or a spoof, they were serious when they were making this and failed hard.A mafioso gangster catches his wife and another guy cheating and has a special man off both of them. They're out in the woods where these mutant-zombie-dwarf things are, hoping they will devour the corpses. But, shocking to no one, it turns out that the hit-man was the real cheater and he and the woman try to get away from the mafioso. As the gangster hunts them down, he encounters many different demon things, each one dumber than the last. These encounters are drawn out and mostly filler scenes. He kills each of them and gets stronger. The other two are armed with plot armor (a talisman) that stops pretty much everything in the movie. A plot point pulled literally out of someone's backside; the cheater-hit-man says he suddenly remembers a story from an Indian tribe that says a demon warrior with mixed blood will come and battle against a medicine man/shaman. After more endless walking and the movie going nowhere, they two finally meet this shaman, through a girl possessed by him. This shaman has the ability to possess people by looking at them and makes them go get a big stick so he can roast and eat them. They try to save the girl, but are unable to break the shaman's spell. Instead they go and steal the girl's boyfriend's car (these are our leads, the characters were meant to feel for btw), as the demon warrior with mixed blood mafioso gangster fights and quickly kills the shaman. He approaches the car the two are in, and his wife gets out and just quickly kills him by shooting his crotch with a crossbow. she gets in the car, and presumably after gaining the shaman's powers, says "Get me a stick".This is a big stinking pile of ####. The characters are one dimensional, insipid, and down right terrible people. The two leads are cheaters, so right there I don't want to see them live. The acting ranges from flat to way over doing it (particularly the girl that gets eaten off screen). The story is a clusterf### that doesn't try to make sense. The effects aren't good by any means, the demons are all so stupid and lame looking. The last time I saw a movie this bad was Won Ton Baby, but that movie knew it was freaking terrible, and was tongue-in-cheek about it. And at least that movie made me chuckle once or twice. This is just terrible, there's no twisting it into something different. Every copy of this should be burned, but that would be a waste of fire.
Anthony Jones This movie is a straight up horror movie and makes no apologies for it. There are definitely some very creepy aspects to this film and the storyline is pretty original for a horror movie. I also like the fact that there was some humor in the movie, there is also good dialog/interaction between the major characters (which is pretty rare in horror movies these days). The special effects are pretty realistic which was amazing given that this was probably done on a relatively small budget. There was also a twist at the ending which was a surprise to me. I won't give anything away but just see it for yourself, you'll be glad you did.
atom-30 There are some definite rewind and watch again moments. Seriously, I laughed out loud - for me anyways it wasn't so much scary as it was funny, but in a creepy setting.The premise is nice and juicy in a Blair Witch or Steven King kind of way. The ancient folk tale coming to life is a good way to pull me in.Hey, honestly, by some standards maybe this movie doesn't have as much exploitive boobs or gore as some of it's contemporaries - hot chicks yes, but not in a soft-core way. Don;t let that sway you from checking it out.If you like monsters and B movies, a touch of camp - and some good funny - it's worth a viewing for sure.The music didn't suck either!
Chris Mackey (guestar57) NIGHT OF THE FLESH EATERS Starring : Gia Franzia and JR McGarrity. This movie is quite amazing, What an original idea, Backs it up with great effects and acting. That JR McGarrity has a way with film and brings actresses like Gia Franzia along for his crazy ride of cinema. Now 1313FX has done a great job with these crazy mythical monsters, That could be action-figures next to anything Charles Band© has produced, Really I couldn't tell which I would want most sitting on my mantle in a place of honor next to the GI Joes or Marionettes, I've collected. Bring them back in sequel or prequel or just for Halloween at Graumanns Theatre, LOL ! Not, So fond of the title, But what's special is I guess was original title to Night Of The Living Dead ( Glad someone used it).