New Blood
New Blood
R | 09 May 2000 (USA)
New Blood Trailers

Alan White is a desperate man; his daughter must have a heart transplant to live. He gets an unexpected visit from his adult son, Danny, a criminal who hasn't spoken to his family in years. Danny lost track of a man marked for death and is afraid to face his merciless crime boss. In Danny's plight, Alan sees a way to save both of his children, already prepared to die in order to donate his heart to his daughter, he will stand in for Danny's escaped hostage.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
christutty55 I didn't catch the very beginning but it was easy to see the plot. One thing that i wondered about in this film was the fact that Nick Moran sounded like an englishman doing an American accent, not a very convincing one! And I also thought this was pointless because John Hurt was English in the film. Dunno if i missed something but i think it would have been easier for Nick Moran just to have been English too because that accent wasn't good at all. Apart from that it was a decent film but not the best I've ever seen. I did like all the plot twists though and they fitted together well and the general acting was good. One to watch but not particularly remember!
Scott Marcus Trying to follow all the plot twists made my brain hurt. A day later, I still can't figure out what really happened, with all the lies told along the way by the characters.I *think* there are some plot holes; if things really happened the way it turns out they did, then some things don't make sense. Either that, or the plot is just too convoluted for most people to follow.Either way, the film left me feeling a bit puzzled. While the acting was good, the film as a whole was disappointing. I voted it 4 (out of 10) for the IMDB.
morpheus-113 This was not a terrible film. It was merely a poor execution of current noir film styles. The pacing was slow. The script was melodramatic in places. It is unfortunate that the dramatic pause has become an overused device. The lighting was film school quality at best. Just because the subject matter is "dark" doesn't mean that I should be unable to see the actors. The editor seemed to be overly entertained by nifty but superfluous techniques. Much like a verbal pause, the film pause can become tiresome and overused. I cannot blame the actors for their flat delivery, I have seen them all in other films giving dynamic and believable performances. If the actors were doing what they were told, then we have to blame the director. The plot was very contrived. It took elements from a number of hit movies (Usual Suspects and City on Fire among them) and smothered them. A number of clichés were employed in an attempt to make us care about the characters. They all failed. In a three dimensional world, two dimensional plots get you nowhere.
mkoskela This is a typical 90's Crimefilm. Now I've seen lots of films like this lately, and this is not a bad one, not excellent either. Those who watch lots of B-films(like me) might think that this is just ok.There's good actors, the Script is kinda ok, and there's some welldone gunbattles.