Never Here
Never Here
R | 18 June 2017 (USA)
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An artist whose work involves capturing images of strangers begins to believe she herself is being observed.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
mikicar Most idiotic,boring,waste of time and moronic movie I ever seen. Dear good I waste 3 hours of my life. DONT RECOMEND THIS MOVIE Rate 0
Marco_From_Tropoja I've nothing against any film that holds back on being too literal as to plot and conclusions but that has to be backed up by something substantial in other areas. This movie fails utterly in the latter respect. It's pointless pretentious muck that is a total waste of time. Boring and turgid.
evmcelroy I was surprised to see the low rating on IMDb for Never Here. If you like your mysteries tied up with a neat bow, this movie may leave you dissatisfied. However, the acting, cinematography and music were all excellent. And I was happy to see that Sam Shepard's final role was one with some meat to it. Mireille Enos' artist is totally believable and her gradual mental deterioration is impressive. For me, the twists and turns in the plot were not what riveted me. It was the looming dread that permeated the movie that grabbed me and left me pondering it for quite a while afterward.
eoa-05399 Identity, privacy, and soul thief, Miranda Fall, posing as an installation/performance artist, discovers that by revealing and publicly outing an unwilling stranger, through finding his lost cell phone, and by practicing some amateur sleuthing, unearths far more than she bargained for via the seemingly innocent interviews she conducts of his private phone contacts, and by additionally following him via his phones GPS records, which leads her to clandestinely film and photograph him as the subject of her latest artist exhibition, going even so far as to display his baby and childhood photos which she was somehow able to finagle from the subject's own mother. However, after this man, Arthur, shows up at the exhibition, expressing his displeasure with an ominous, threatening response, a strange series of attacks and break-ins of people and places close to Miranda, wind up with people missing and her apartment and belongings mysteriously rearranged, and she now finds herself the subject of focus of an unknown artiste with a different nature and intent, and subjected to some possibly self inflicted and well deserved consequences. We learn that soon after her successful art exhibition, that the studio has been vandalized, and while Miranda and her staff assess the damage on location and lay blame to the obvious perpetrator, Arthur, Miranda notices a man in an overcoat and hat acting suspiciously and decides to follow him from now on and throughout the rest of the movie, again employing her stealthy surveillance talents from afar. As she tails her suspect (Arthur?), whose contoured, shadowy figure is very reminiscent of the well known 1964 painting "The Son of Man" by the Belgian surrealist René Magritte, sans the green apple covering his face and with the occasional addition of a closed umbrella dangling from one hand while walking, never cleverly revealing anything more than his mysterious back silhouette until later, he is appropriately given the moniker of "S" by Miranda through the remainder of the movie, as he leads her as well as the audience into several perplexing scenarios with any number of suspects and possible reasons for the surreal actions taking place. The acting, directing, twisty plot, sets and cinematography, along with the lead actress's performance and her irresistibly engaging facial expressions are the real work of art on exhibit. The background characters and subplots are just as interesting and expertly acted all with histories and potential plot twists of their own. While the ending is left open to interpretation, one thing is for sure, this is one piece of performance art or surrealist painting come to life, that you won't quickly forget or regret.