R | 06 November 2007 (USA)
Natasha Trailers

A young Russian foreign exchange student arrives at the home of the vicar of a very proper english village whose residents are more than scandalised when her secret colorful past is suddenly revealed.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Reno Rangan You can call this B, C or D movie, but this could surprise you. Well, it did for me. It was much better than what I anticipated. Of course, because of not so popular actors or the filmmakers, including low budget, this looks ordinary from the outside. But once you begin to watch, you might forget those and get interested in the narration. The story of a young Russian foreign exchange student who lands in a small English town with a secret past that going to haunt her back.A simple story, mostly predictable stuffs with some flaws, but well made film with good performances, particularly by the title character. An awesome mix of adult contents, comedy and thriller, surely worth a watch. I can't believe it took nearly a decade to watch this that I had all along. No regret, but that makes I'm very bad at judging product by its cover. So I advise you not to do that. Remember, this is not a must see, this is to watch when there's no option. But for some people, that's an exception.6/10
Jake ThePeg The film plot was simple and predictable. The acting was not brilliant. The music sound track was, frankly, awful.Did I enjoy it? Yes, I did - thoroughly. It made me laugh out loud several times, something that few films have achieved.A glaring error on the sound track occurred during a scene at the railway station when the distinctive sound of an American diesel locomotive horn was clearly heard. A few moments later, a very British little diesel multiple unit comes into view. These sound nothing like their American cousins.Don't watch this film looking for Oscar-winning performances because you won't find any. Do watch it for a bit of fun and light entertainment. I think you'll enjoy it.
gritfrombray-1 This was on late TV one night and it was amusing enough at the start with some violence leading to a small bit of intrigue which kept me watching. It is only when Anna/Natasha gets to England the story gets moving and is quite funny in places. Watching her integration into school and English life presents a lot of smiles and surprises. It is a typical rural English village and Anna/Natasha raises quite a few eyebrows in the town but is well able to look after herself! The scenes within the Vicar's house, especially the ones with the son, are very funny. Anna/Natasha is clever, oozes sex appeal and is so watchable, providing a lot of surprisingly good moments. The story in this film is OK, but is definitely a B movie but I thoroughly enjoyed it and recorded it the next time it was on! Probably one of the sexiest movies I have ever seen which more than makes up for anything people might find missing...
steveajfa88 My rating (9/10) is completely subjective-- probably because I'm a single guy, and I fell in love with Jenna Harrison-- and only not a full 10 due to the soundtrack.Objectively? Honestly, how good could a film about a Russian stripper on the run mixing with an English family drama be? The movie begins like a typical action/thriller B-movie, complete with plenty of nudity and boring, amateurish gore effects. Then the film suddenly seems to switch roles to something less like "Pray for Power" and more like "Keeping Mum," as it moves to the English countryside and a surprisingly realistic and interesting community complete with realistic and interesting problems. The Loomis family and their neighbors are much more interesting than the Russian mob and police, which quickly (and fortunately) seems to turn into a subplot, with the family drama taking center stage.There are a few plot holes that don't really bother me, considering the caliber of movie this is, but one of the worst things that would be the easiest to fix is the terribly abrupt, porny, too-loud soundtrack; thankfully it doesn't cue in all that often.I'll admit I was probably in a much too forgiving mood after the sheer delight of watching Jenna Harrison and Algina Lipskis. If you're a serious viewer looking for a deep, touching drama.. don't watch it-- it's not quite that good. If you're just hoping to see some cute naked girls and a flimsy plot, you'll be pleasantly surprised. To me the summary goes something like this: "Softcore-porn marketing and opening decadence trick casual viewers into watching actually good movie."