Nasty Quacks
Nasty Quacks
| 01 December 1945 (USA)
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A doting father gives a cute little duckling to his little daughter. That duckling grows up to become Daffy Duck, who soon develops quite a night life, which he loudly explains at breakfast, in the process of eating everything in sight. When the exasperated father's attempts at violently removing Daffy fail, he tries one final measure to drive Daffy away...

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . just 30 days, according to the Warner Bros. calendar seen between 46 and 53 seconds of NASTY QUACKS. During these seven seconds, Daffy Duck ages quicker than Barbie's baby in this week's final TV episode of UNDER THE DOME. In fact, much of DOME's implausible scenarios seem inspired by the misinformation running rampant in NASTY QUACKS. At the conclusion of the calendar montage, for instance, Daffy addresses the camera in English. Everyone knows that bird's lack the self-consciousness necessary to deliver soliloquies, with ducks much more likely to be fluent in Chinese than Sarah Palin's "American." Finally, when Daffy feeds fickle pet owner Agnes' replacement yellow duckling grow-fast pills, Mrs. Daffy sprouts up in an unmistakably buxom fashion. Mammals are named after Mammaries for a reason. Since their eggs are unshelled, they need milk spigots. NASTY QUACKS comes up with a DOME-like finale, in which the Daffy Family produces about a dozen ducklings OVERNIGHT, leaving Agnes perfectly positioned to become a sex education teaching assistant when she starts kindergarten.
TheLittleSongbird I'd see any cartoon with Daffy Duck as he is one of my favourite cartoon characters. I do love Nasty Quacks. The plot is very basic and at times a little too routine. However, the cartoon does have great energy. You can see this especially in the animation and Daffy. The animation is as ever colourful and fluid. What stood out though was when Daffy was manic you could actually see it in the animation, especially the sword-fighting and the banging on the door. Daffy is just brilliant, this is him being manic and at his best, the charisma and energy of this zany character continues to astound me as well as his quotable catchphrases. The other characters especially the duckling make an impression but never overshadow Daffy. The music is characterful and enhances the action wonderfully, while the gags are very funny especially with the duck call and the perfume. The end gag is totally unexpected as well. Mel Blanc as ever is stellar. All in all, very funny with a brilliant Daffy, but part of you yearns for a stronger story. 9/10 Bethany Cox
michaelbauers Best part of this cartoon is some of the "manic" animation. There's a scene of Daffy sword fighting with the father that's great. Another one where he's banging at a door which is great.The gag with the duck call, and duck perfume is great. Hadn't seen this exact gag before. There's another gag at the end with the duckling that's unexpected.This might be a wartime cartoon, because Daffy threatens to leave, then comes back and says he can't because the government has asked that people don't do unnecessary travel.The hatred of the father towards Daffy is also awesome. He REALLY wants to get rid of him.As someone above said, Daffy is very angular. But the overall quality of the animation seems excellent.p.s. What's with the girl's underpants always showing? Seems I recall seeing that sort of thing in older cartoons. Today they would probably get some parent's council on their butts for doing that.
Lee Eisenberg This relic of Daffy Duck's brief angular period (his forehead looks like a right angle) doesn't carry a directorial credit, but I read that Frank Tashlin directed it. Anyway, it goes like this: a father gave his daughter a baby duck...who grew up to be the out-of-control Daffy, to the point where the father starts wanting to get rid of him. But not only is Daffy always a step or two ahead of the creep, the daughter loves Daffy no matter what he does! This features Daffy in full manic form: he sits at the table laughing hysterically while telling jokes, and runs around at breakneck speed. No wonder the daughter likes him so much! Also, there's a brief reference to the recently ended World War II, as Daffy explains that the government doesn't want people taking unnecessary trips.Anyway, "Nasty Quacks" is truly a look back at the days when Daffy's name actually referred to his personality, a few years before Chuck Jones turned him into a greedy narcissist*. Mostly just a way to pass time, but a really fun one at that.*Don't get me wrong, Jones really did some great work with the vicious Daffy; part of the idea in the Hunting Trilogy is that Daffy tries to undermine Bugs Bunny's integrity, and so Bugs gets Elmer Fudd to shoot Daffy.
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