Nancy Drew... Reporter
Nancy Drew... Reporter
NR | 18 February 1939 (USA)
Nancy Drew... Reporter Trailers

While participating in a contest at a local newspaper in which school children are asked to submit a news story, local attorney Carson Drew's daughter Nancy intercepts a real story assignment. She "covers" the inquest of the death of a woman who was poisoned. Nancy doesn't think the young woman accused of the crime is guilty and corrals her neighbor Ted into searching for a vital piece of evidence and stumbles onto the identity of the real killer.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Syl For some reason, this film was included in the Shirley Temple collection but she's not in it at all. I wouldn't have seen it otherwise. I will say that it is both entertaining and light fare. The actress who played Nancy Drew does a fine job. Nancy Drew is well known as the fictional teen detective to readers everywhere. I am surprised that this adaptation was done early. Bonita Glanville was probably the first Nancy Drew. This film is only an hour about Nancy Drew trying to help the wrongly accused. She is believable and likable allay once. Her portrayal is fine. The script is average. The cast does a decent job. There is danger though with an injured boxer on the wrong side of the law.
doug-697 While this movie was clearly made for the young adult crowd of the 1930s, I admit I found myself thoroughly involved in it. The movie had a lot of energy, humour and the characters were interesting.Nancy is a true adventurer without any fear and is usually the smartest person in the room. It's hard to imagine Nancy settling into the clichéd wife-stuck-at-home image of that era. The movie is almost rebellious in that respect. Nancy has a boyfriend in the movie, but she spends most of the film manipulating him to help her with her new career as a reporter. Even in today's films and TV, in our so-called modern and liberated era, girls preoccupy much of their time obsessed about getting a boyfriend. Nancy is way beyond that. Nancy cares about Ted, her boyfriend, but the focus of the movie is Nancy's pursuit of helping an innocent woman falsely charged. It's odd to see a movie from SEVENTY years ago which presents such a liberated female! In fact, while the movie might look dated, I suspect young girls of today would enjoy the film.The secondary characters are great. Nancy's relationship with her father is fun and is depicted as one of mutual affection and even respect. The two kids who tag along on some of the adventures are obviously talented, especially the girl "Mary" who sings well beyond her years. There is some clever invention and humour in the movie. I loved how they got themselves rescued from the hotel electrical room.It's sad, but I don't think kids today would see movies like this today. The closest you would get would be the Harry Potter series. Representations that life can be fun and you can achieve things if you use your brains.
classicsoncall It would be too easy to pick this story apart for it's lack of credibility, but that would be a disservice to all the young fans of the Nancy Drew series of books and films that continue to entertain to the present day. The best thing to do with this one is watch it with a few kids and get their reaction to the on screen hi-jinks between Nancy (Bonita Granville) and her put upon pal Ted Nickerson (Frankie Thomas). Nancy's pretty slick actually, the way she filched the newspaper assignment and how she managed to con her way into and out of the scrapes she found herself in.There were a few things that had me going 'Huh?' though, like did the door man at the gym REALLY charge them ten cents to get in? The other head scratcher was the lettering on the office door of the River Heights Tribune - what exactly is a 'Newspaper Morgue'?
bensonmum2 Nancy Drew (Bonita Granville) and her classmates are given the opportunity to write actual stories for a newspaper. Not satisfied with covering a poetry reading, Nancy switches her assignment with one of a real reporter and ends up at an inquest. Based on the evidence presented, a lady is accused of poisoning an old woman for an inheritance. But Nancy's not buying it. Dragging her pal Ted Nickerson (Frankie Thomas) and her father Carson (John Litel) along for the ride, Nancy is determined to find the real killer.As with Nancy Drew, Detective, the plot is hardly what matters in a movie like this. In fact, the plot is probably the weakest element of Nancy Drew…Reporter. It's too light, too breezy, and, worst of all, too predictable. I defy anyone not to pick out the killer within the first few minutes. However, it's the cast that makes these movies worthwhile. Once again, Bonita Granville shines. She gives real life and spirit to her character. I hate to repeat part of my comment on Ms. Granville from Nancy Drew, Detective, but it remains apropos – "She has an infectious charm that dominates the entire movie. It's hard to watch her and not have a smile on your face. You just naturally root for her." She once again joined by a strong supporting cast. I especially enjoyed Ned's bratty sister played by Mary Lee. Really nice job! Finally, I should probably mention that Nancy Drew...Reporter features a musical number. Nancy and company literally sing for their supper in a Chinese restaurant. While it hardly fits with the rest of the movie, I thought it was cute.