Naked Tango
Naked Tango
R | 23 August 1991 (USA)
Naked Tango Trailers

When a young European woman assumes a false identity in 1920s Argentina, she gets more than she bargained for.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Celia A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
nunumu As a latecomer to the Vincent D'Onofrio fan club, I have just acquired a hard to find copy of Naked Tango. After seeing stills from the movie I was prepared to see a prettified, svelte D'Onofrio-but still, to any fan, that would have to be the top recommendation. The story line should have been a nail-biter (it wasn't). It should have been erotic (even with the female nudity, S&M imagery, and attractive cast it wasn't) There were some unintentionally humorous scenes and the violence seemed cartoonish and surprisingly not that gory(a good thing)! The dance scenes were brief and incomplete. All complaining aside, the movie makes good eye candy. The costumes were lovely, the lighting and sets very moody and film noir, and the cast performed well, though the men stayed over-dressed even in the love scenes.
loza-1 I can see why many people dislike this film. Some of the scenes in it are more suggestions of reality than reality itself. I personally liked it. The settings were superb. The dancing wonderful. Cholo, melting the girl's heart just by fancy footwork is amazing.Argentinian Tango musicians will tell you that they have witnessed many couples copulating while they dance the tango, hence the blindfolded trio makes this suggestion. (Since writing that I have been informed that tango musicians WERE sometimes blindfolded in real life.)The costumes and especially the lighting are terrific.The relationship between the two central characters is complex: less talk more S & M.
manxman-1 Hysterically bad movie that camps it up like nothing you've ever seen before. Starts out with a good idea that quickly goes down the toilet. A young wife, traveling with her much older husband on a ship to Argentina in the 1920's, exchanges identities with a suicide victim only to discover that the other woman was a mail-order bride destined to marry a handsome young Argentinian - who made a habit of marrying young European women in order to place them in his mother's brothel. The wife falls in love/hate with the resident brothel thug and tango dancer with whom she dances in the nude. After repeated escape attempts, the wife contacts her older husband who sends hired assassins to the brothel for a bloody showdown. Hysterical scenes with a blindfolded tango orchestra and a blood-red monster of a bordello as backdrop. The kind of movie to throw popcorn at. Dreadful, dreadful, dreadful! Strange to relate, it just might have worked had it been in any other language except English.
dmuel In spite of a strong cast, including the very talented Fernando Rey, and sumptuous settings, this movie is simply a pretentious failure. The story revolves around the sado-masochistic relation between a hoodlum and a hapless woman, the latter abducted into forced prostitution in Argentina. There is surprisingly little eroticism in this movie, even with the presence of the ever lovely, and ever nude, Ms. May. The ill-fated couple tango their way to romance, but the utter lack of chemistry between D'Onofrio and May, compunded by a poorly scripted story line, strains the viewer's credulity. I admire Mr. Schraders' work in other films, but this one was definitely off-the-mark. The video is hard to find but it is most assuredly not a lost masterpiece.