Mystic Blade
Mystic Blade
NR | 15 October 2014 (USA)
Mystic Blade Trailers

Sam is a killer by trade, one of a group of merciless men known as the Shadow Syndicate whose business is delivering fate for a price. But when Sam is asked to erase the line between honor and evil, he turns his back on the Shadows knowing this will make him a wanted man.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Manthast Absolutely amazing
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
kamhwy-63711 It is what it is. A low-budget film produced in Thailand. You can't sit down to a movie like Mystic Blade and expect a Lucas production or the like. It's a good popcorn and beer film to watch on a rainy weekend. The fight scenes are reasonably well choreographed, the narrating animation is good and the storyline is enough to keep me interested. One or two plot twists caught me off guard so the writing wasn't too bad. Some of the scenery in Thailand was beautiful as the movie made good use of the varying terrain and locations in the Kingdom. The bond between the main actor and his son (it's really his kid) was heart-wrenching at times as the little boy cried when dad would walk away. You can't teach someone to cry on cue. All things considered, for a movie that was apparently funded by one or two people and done completely by themselves, it's quite well done. Again, it's not going to win any awards, but it's worth a watch if you happen to find it in your youth hostel and have some Thai beers in the fridge. I applaud the effort.
bazza_mckenzie02 this movie didn't have a massive budget so understand that from the start, but the talent behind it in David Ismalone (you'd know from Ong Bak) the great Tim Man martial arts legend and young up and coming martial arts actor and renowned stuntman Don Ferguson whose film it is.Has a good story for a martial arts movie, everyone who worked on this film gave their blood sweat and tears and worked their guts out.For everyone who knocks it let's see your completed film! this stands above so many martial arts films for fight scenes and story wise been watching martial arts movies since I was 5 years old and this is a top notch film worth a look.Great stuff can't wait to see more of your films.
rexraven "Before my showdown with Ken I must leave Sherol (my baby son) with one of the few people I trust, Reyosan, he is a sword maker and he lives the old ways of the samurai".Really? Think that is a good idea?"I walked and I walked 'til I could walk no more."Correction "I traveled for many days 'til I could walk no more."The spots of animation were kind of a nice touch.He develops a conscience after being a, stipulated, don't just rough people up and warn them, kill them (leave no one alive) bloodthirsty mercenary? Really? Story line and monologue needed a lot more for the movie to carry its weight.The action scenes were okay but not enough to remedy the overall production. Killing off his wife seemed totally contrived. Him carrying around a baby was just too weird.Interesting film title but the movie simply does not live up to it.
InOZm I am about halfway through the movie, and if you're anything like me, you'll need closure. So...don't even start to watch the movie.As stated by other reviewers, the acting is similar to the acting you'd see in a local commercial. The fighting is what you'd see in a beginner's fighting class. And the story, it's the same story you've seen time and time again.I love watching train wrecks, so I just have to finish what I started, and see this through to the end. I'm sure it's exactly as I expect it to be, because I expect no plot twists, and I've seen this movie before with a different title, and much better acting.Just my two cents, but save your time, and money, and watch something with more substance. Wish me luck on finishing the rest of the movie.