My Name Is Bill W.
My Name Is Bill W.
| 30 April 1989 (USA)
My Name Is Bill W. Trailers

Based on the true story of Bill W. (James Woods), a successful stock broker whose life falls apart after the stock crash of the 20's and how he comes to grips with his alcoholism. Along with a fellow alcoholic (James Garner) he forms a support group that would eventually become Alcoholics Anonymous.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
nbuffett I first saw the movie while I was in treatment. I was having problems grasping the concepts of treatment as my denial still would not allow me see just how sick I was. I give the movie credit for turning on the "1st ligh bulb" and created some interest in me to have a hard look to see if I do indeed have a problem with alcohol. Thanks to the treatment (and a lot of hard work), I will be celebrating my 2nd year of sobriety on the 13th of January, 2008. I have tried to explain the profound impact that this movie had on me personally but unfortunately, I feel that meer explanations just can't do it justice. I am very interested in purchasing a copy of the movie but I have no idea where I might possibly find it. As it was a made for TV movie, I have not been able to find it at the video stores.. Can someone please help??? Thanks Jim Bu
garyhu Hi, my name is Gary H. and I am a recovering addict/alcoholic, amongst other things ... I have been clean and sober for over 10 years now and watching Bill W. helped me get a better insight of what and how the program was started. I choose and chose to break a certain part of my own anonymity as I am writing this review, so that you may know really of what I thought and how I really feel about this movie.Bill W., was a very stirring and sensitively portrayed movie as James Woods took on the role of Bill W. His performance was second to none and I don't think anyone else could have portrayed Bill W.'s part any better and James Garner made an excellent Dr. Bob. Many times as I was watching this film I really related to both Bill W and Dr. Bob which shows the level of acting of these two fine performers.I have the utmost respect and admiration of this movie as it was well performed and having been in a 12 Step Program for over 15 years now. In addition to having the knowledge of Bill W's life and teachings as well as Dr. Bob's story this wonderful Program of AA and the many other fellowships that have sprung up to help the addict/alcoholic who is still suffering. After visually watching this movie I found a greater peace and understanding that I never realized before and that I am not alone.Thanks to the Grace of God, that Bill W. was there to have such a tremendous story to tell and how he and Dr. Bob help create the fellowship of AA. And thanks to the people who decided to create this project that James Woods and James Garner have immortalized forever. In twenty-five (25 words or less) ... "It's a Classic!"
Robert D. Ruplenas Not much to add to the hugely favorable consensus here about this made-for-tv-movie, so I will just echo what has been said. Good story about a vitally important organization, the man that founded it and how he did so. Good acting all around, good writing, and good direction.Well worth seeing, not just as a docudrama, but as a well-crafted piece of cinema.
Walt-11 This was a Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation. James Woods won the lead actor in a special or miniseries Emmy for this. James Garner's role is quite small, but key. This movie wisely spends most of its time with Bill W before the AA formation to give us a strong sense of the long hell that he lived before he found his answers. It is about him more than about AA. A very intelligent, well written, well acted, important story.