My Lucky Stars
My Lucky Stars
PG-13 | 10 February 1985 (USA)
My Lucky Stars Trailers

Two Hong Kong cops are sent to Tokyo to catch an ex-cop who stole a large amount of money in diamonds. After one is captured by the Ninja-gang protecting the rogue cop, the other one gets his old Orphanage gang, dubbed the "Five Lucky Stars," to help him. They don't like this much, but they do it.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
hellraiser7 This film is another under the radar gem from both my favorite Martial arts stars Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung. It's not quite a favorite of my nor do I feel it's one of their best in my book but still it was a fun entry all the same.Not much to say for the film, the plot which by it's nature is a clothesline just to get the ensemble cast together, kinda like with "Oceans Eleven". I really do like the ensemble they consist mainly of comedic actors whom are really popular in the Hong Kong scene. One of my favorites of the ensemble is the guy that plays Sandy, his character is bizarre but really funny. He's suppose to be a con man that is faking craziness just to stay at the asylum for free for the meals; though the guy might have been spending a little too much time there as he's developed this delusion that he has psychic powers which of course he doesn't.But of course were really hear for Sammo, Jackie, and even Yuen Biao despite in the film very briefly. As usually both Sammo and Jackie are really good at being their regular selves, and I really like the chemistry between both of them despite brief which is one weak point of the film for me. Even like there is a little depth on their friendship as there is a slight strain because of the fact both went different directions which just all the more want us for them to be together again.The music is very good, I really love that end credit theme song which is another of my favorite theme songs of all time, it's has both a fun and exciting tone to it.The comedy is solid, I really like that betting gag where someone has a hair brained scheme to make quick money which of course we easily guess doesn't work out, or where the crew is playing charades to get their eats, let alone seeing Jackie in a mascot costume which looks like one of those My Buddy dolls.The action is great as usual, from the beginning battle at the outside of the amusement park, the confined space fight with ninjas at Jackies's home, though of course my favorite is the battle at the Haunted House which is one of my favorite battles of all time. What I love about it how it is structured, it's kinda like a video game where there are different sections which present different obstacles much like stages in video games.And of course one of my favorite one on one with the female cop of the group against this Japanise Woman (forgot her name) whom is built and I thought is fraking hot, she definitely looks great in that ahem aerobic get up. The fight between them is both exciting and erotic, what can I say there is something about a fight between two attractive females that a turn on for me, I'm honestly not sure why.The only bad things are not all of the comedy works, like that whole tieing up gag I thought was redundant and old, really slowed things up. Most of the ensemble don't really have much to do in the mission, it should of been more like a heist film where each team member has something to contribute. Let alone the middle was a bit slow not much happened but once the third act begun when Jackie comes back in the picture (which took a great deal of time) things got going again.Overall this is another solid martial arts gem, if your a fan of both Jackie and Sammo then this is worth a look, it's a lucky find.Rating: 3 stars
armersj I am trying to find out who did the music for this show, which I have just watched. The background music for the mall scene is a nice bossa, with some "Bob James"-type chording, and I would like to get a copy of it. The show as a whole was actually quite good, as modius pointed-out. I enjoyed seeing Jackie and Sammo together, and both in their youth! The kung-fu of these two, and the swordplay of the girls, is just really amazing. Anyone who has studied martial arts at all can appreciate the skill and precision evidenced by these actors, most of whom hold upper belts in various styles. My main concentration, for this note is, however, still finding out who did the music for the show, or at least, who wrote the mall scene background music. I really liked it, and would like to get a copy of it. Anyone have any ideas on how to find it?
BA_Harrison My Lucky Stars, the sequel to hit HK comedy Winners and Sinners, is another huge serving of not-so-funny slapstick humour and irritatingly puerile hi-jinx from Sammo Hung and pals; nevertheless, its still worth persevering all of this silliness for the outstanding martial arts action sequences that bookend the film.The movie opens in excellent style with kung fu cops Muscles (Jackie Chan) and Ricky (Yuen Baio) on the trail of Japanese gangsters. After an exciting car chase with an amazing jump over a transporter lorry, and a fight against ninjas in a theme park, Ricky is taken hostage by the gang. Afraid that he will be recognised if he attempts to rescue his partner, Muscles decides to enlist the help of his old orphanage pals, most of whom are now petty criminals.There then follows a tedious hour or so of lame comedy, in which the reunited childhood friends play repetitive practical jokes on pretty cop Barbara Woo (Sibelle Hu) and generally act like immature morons. If you can make it past this laugh-less garbage without switching off, then your patience will be rewarded with a terrific finalé in which Chan fights a series of foes in a haunted house, Sammo and friends take on the nasty gangsters (including martial arts veteran Lam Ching Ying), and a memorable moment where Sibelle Hu has a scrap with a musclebound geisha, played by Michiko Nishiwaki.Whilst I'd happily recommend My Lucky Stars to fervent fans of fight action (and of Chan in particular), those looking for a laugh might be advised to seek their entertainment elsewhere (unless, of course, they think that curly haired bus-drivers, jokes about rape, and silly song and dance routines are incredibly funny).6.5 out of 10, but just not good enough for me to round my rating up to 7.
waiching liu My Lucky Stars is one of those Kung Fu films that western audiences are unfamiliar with. There have been serious hard-hitting martial arts flicks; namely Enter the Dragon, Police Story and yet there are also comedy based Kung Fu movies, such as 'My Lucky Stars', the sequel to 'Lucky Stars: Winners and Sinners'. It combines slap stick comedy with martial arts action, though the humour isn't exactly as silly as that of Kung Pow or Beverly Hills Ninja. It is Hong Kong Chinese humour but with a touch of Charlie Chaplin, Laurel and Hardy and Marx Bros thrown in for good measure. The film is mostly set in Japan and there is a lot of Japanese being spoken, although this is still a Hong Kong production. Jackie Chan plays a cop and he and Yuen- the other cop are on a mission to Japan to get hold of a former cop turned thief. When Yuen's character is captured, Chan enlists the help of his friends to rescue Yuen and to recapture the diamonds. Joining the guys is a female cop named Barbera, who apparently takes no prisoners and puts up a decent fight. Most of the scenes feature lesser known names such as Sammo Hung- who later on went to make his US TV debut in the CBS show, Martial Law-, Yuen Biao and Hong Kong comedy actors, Eric Tsang, Richard Ng and Charlie Chin, who are well known faces on Hong Kong television, all interacting with one another and making silly banter. Depending on how receptive you are of the humour, it can take a while getting used to; being Chinese and with Cantonese as my dialect, I understand it better than I do speaking it myself and so I had no difficulties adapting and assimilating to it. Yes it is different but the quicker you get used to it, the more you'll enjoy this movie. It is funny in places and the fight sequences as ever, are excellent. One of the highlights of the film is the battle between the two Chinese and Japanese female characters; it is brilliant to watch and a complete contrast to see women squaring off each other in unarmed combat; not like Police Story where the females such as Maggie Q gets seven shades knocked out of them by the villains. Despite Jackie Chan's appearance being relatively limited in contrast to the other cast members, this doesn't dampen the film's interest. The other characters all play their part; thus for once, Jackie doesn't dominate this movie, as he does with his other efforts. I think that it's a tad shame though that the Hong Kong film industry, thanks to the likes of Raymond Chow and Leonard Ho, no longer churn out these types of movies. The Kung Fu genre began in the 70s with Bruce Lee, continued with Jackie Chan in the 80s and then eventually it died by the 90s, after the efforts of Jet Li and Stephen Chow, only to be replaced by the likes of Hollywood blockbusters, The Matrix and China's Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and Hero. Chinese cinema, well make that Far Eastern cinema's reputation, laid bare the foundations of Hong Kong film making and it was a reputation that was once lauded by many as one of the very best that ranked alongside the US and Hollywood. 'My Lucky Stars' is one of Chan's under rated hits- which spanned a follow-up titled: 'Twinkle, Twinkle Lucky Stars', released in the same year as its predecessor, and yet if you want to see him in a comedy- based role, then you can do no wrong with this effort. I enjoyed it very much and if you're a fan of his, then so will you. Highly recommended