My Brother... Nikhil
My Brother... Nikhil
| 25 March 2005 (USA)
My Brother... Nikhil Trailers

Nikhil, a bright young swimmer, finds his life falling apart after getting diagnosed with HIV. In his troubled times, he finds the support of his sister, Anamika, and his boyfriend, Nigel.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Steineded How sad is this?
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
James Forget everything you thought you knew about Indian cinema.No matter where you live in the world, you need to see this film. Onir has taken a potentially controversial story and put it in a context that not only treats it with dignity and respect, but evaporates all of the cultural, political, socio-economic and even geographical boundaries that separate us. It would be easy to dismiss My Brother Nikhil as a "gay film" or an "AIDS Awareness film", but while both of those components are contained in the story, the movie is -- at its core -- a family drama. The crisis in this case is HIV/AIDS, but it could have just as easily been some other problem. AIDS is not the point, homosexuality is not the point. The point of the film is the impact of a tragic circumstance on a young man and his family.Onir has managed to portray this drama in an even-handed manner that imposes no judgments on the characters. Sanjay Suri -- in this reviewer's estimation -- climbed several rungs of the credibility ladder with his performance in the title role. Juhi Chawla sparkles as Nikhil's sister Anamika, Victor Bannerjee and Lillete Dubey offer a seamless portrayal of parents whose world has been turned upside down and relative newcomer Purab Kholi shines as Nikhil's young lover.In addition to being an "important" film, My Brother Nikhil is a masterpiece of lighting, photography and music. Which is why I titled this comment "Yeh film sab log dekhna ki hain!" (Everyone needs to see this film!)
richb01803 To draw an audience and gain access to distribution channels in India, the director selected an actress of considerable talent and fame. Her title role (she's the sister of the proud gay man Nikhil about whom the story revolves) no doubt adds mass-market appeal and human warmth to this film.But it's the writing, directing, and pacing of this drama that pulls you in and never lets you go. There are many aspects of Indian culture touched upon, but the central story is universal. When you watch this film, every little nuance of dialog and on-screen action will immediately resonate with some important person or event from your own life.It's exceedingly rare to find a screenplay that can accomplish so much in 120 minutes (a pleasant not-too-long length given some of the 3-hour Bollywood fare out there). The director keeps the focus on one four-letter word throughout: LOVE. The family values shown in this film should be seen and felt by everyone.When I walked into the screening here in Boston, I expected something a lot lighter. Instead I got the AIDS drama of a lifetime, it really blew me away. AIDS has never been among my favorite film topics; there are too many me-too melodramas and preachy films with cardboard characters out there. Be prepared to shed a few tears, not just of sadness but of pure joy at seeing people caring for one another in the way we all want to be loved.A young doctoral student from China wandered into today's screening by accident, and struck up a conversation to ask me what to expect. He opted to sit through the film instead of touring the art museum. Afterward I asked him if he was glad he saw it. He said no, he's seen a lot of cases (of AIDS-related ostracism) like this in his homeland: it must have been hard for him to watch. But I'll bet he'll remember this story years from now, as I surely will.This is a thinking and caring person's drama. Don't miss it!
rahulbhatia 'My Brother Nikhil' is that rarest of movies made in India: one that presents a serious story without judgment, describing the different manners in which people react to an unfamiliar crisis; all told simply, as most truths are.A family at peace with itself - barring the usual conflicts that affect all of us - finds solace in distance and agony in nearness when their son contracts a virus. There is a dollop of melodrama when the sick son realises his new place in a social hierarchy with no space for victims of the virus. But then the movie finds its pace, subtly conveying a message through a haunting song and the son's exploration within himself.When lives are depicted, this is how they should be. When stories are told, this is how they could be.
MovieFanatic23 (Sob Sob Sob)I was DYING to watch. So finally, I watched it last night. And I have never cried so much in a movie. In one word, I would have to say that this movie is BEAUTIFUL! This movie is groundbreaking; this movie has a "realistic" look at a gay couple and handles the subject of Aids with sensitivity – which has never been in any Indian movies.Story is simple, Nikhil is diagnosed with Aids and his parents disown him. He goes to his partner (soul mate), Nigel. He is treated like a criminal and is locked in a dirty room for months before the lawyer fights for his rights. He has the freedom to live freely and lead a normal life, like any other person. Now, he has no parents, no job, and no life. Only support he has is of his beautiful caring sister, Anu (Princess), Nigel (Boyfriend), and Sam (Brother In-law). Story doesn't focus how or why Nikhil has Aids. Movie focuses how a family and society reacts to the decease. Nikhil is humiliated, once who used to be a star of the town and now he is an outcast. Movie has more of a documentary touch to it (meaning people speak to the camera about Nikhil). We can all relate to this movie. This movies hits home because, we, once in life has had the perfect life but one day everything changes – everyone you loved is gone… This is how I related to the movie. Also, haven't we done something wrong once in our life, that have made are parents embarrassed or mad at us. Don't we all have our soul mates? Don't you have a brother or sister who would do anything for you? Movie is about LIFE! Movie shows courage, strength, and weakness in all characters. This movie is filled with beautiful moments ~ just to mention few: 1- When Nikhil's dad comes to meet him after 2 yrs, Nikhil asks for his dad to tell him, please tell me this is a nightmare and it'll pass.2- When Anu comes with a rakhi to Nikhil and the words "agle rakhi mei tumsei .." – realizing that there might not be another Rakhi for her. 3- When Nikhil and Nigel have a fight and Nigel takes Nikhil to the beach…there are glimpses of the past Nikhil & Nigel hanging out at the beach, which shows a healthy Nikhil… but now, Nigel is holding on to Nikhil…Nikhil can highly walk or stand. 4-A mother says to her son, I wish you had died when you were born. 5-When Nikhil dies in Nigel's arms. Sanjay Suri as Nikhil, shows his emotions flawlessly. Sanjay plays the role of a man who is gay and in the closet, a swimming champion, a guy who is so pressured by his dad, an artist, and a weak sad, strong, human being. Juhi Chawla -She adds the smile in the movie. She oozes happiness and hope and courage in the entire screen she is present. She is one of my favorite actresses. She stands by her brother when no one is there for him. Purab Kohli - I personally think, this movie belongs to him completely! He is the best. He is an openly gay man. He portrayed the role of a gay man who is loosing his soul-mate so well, that I had to take a double take as to if this was really happening to him. His eyes expressed more than he even spoke. His smile showed how much he misses his boyfriend. His frustration showed how he is missing having Nikhil by his side now. Like, I said about Sanjay suri, Purab is also an excellent actor – I became his fan right after Supari & Bas Yun Hi. I am looking forward to his future projects. ONIR, the director, writer, producer He is the best! He handled the subject of Aids very well. He showed utmost sensitivity and sincerity to a gay subject line. He showed "realistic" issues and realistic characters. I am very much looking forward to any of his future movies. Music by Vivek Philip is so beautiful and moving that any time I hear just the "la lal lllaaa.." I get a lump in my throat. Lyrics by Amitabh Verma are so beautifully written and are so relevant. Those words will haunt you… After you see this movie, you'll feel like someone very close to you just left you..I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS MOVIE & CD TO YOU ALL! It's a MUST FOR Everyone! PLEASE GO SUPPORT THIS MOVIE AND IT'S MUSIC! WE NEED THESE KINDA MOVIES MADE IN India. I, for one, am very very tired of watching "masala" type movies. They are not only annoying but make you feel like an idiot sitting in the theatre watching people cry over meaningless emotionless scenes.I simply LOVED THIS MOVIE and it's very tough to put my thoughts about this movie in words, so I had a tough time writing a review on it. So I hope I did my best to promote this wonderful movie. This movie is not to be MISSED by anyone. And for those who are arrogant and don't like gay lifestyle – only this quote can sum it up: "It's astonishing how much energy some people Waste worrying that someone else might be Enjoying life in ways that they don't Approve of"Take care, Bhumi