My Amityville Horror
My Amityville Horror
NR | 14 March 2013 (USA)
My Amityville Horror Trailers

For the first time in 35 years, Daniel Lutz recounts his version of the infamous Amityville haunting that terrified his family in 1975. George and Kathleen Lutz's story went on to inspire a best-selling novel and the subsequent films have continued to fascinate audiences today. This documentary reveals the horror behind growing up as part of a world-famous haunting and while Daniel's facts may be others' fiction, the psychological scars he carries are indisputable. Documentary filmmaker Eric Walter has combined years of independent research into the Amityville case along with the perspectives of past investigative reporters and eyewitnesses, giving way to the most personal testimony of the subject to date.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
koffskeyj The makers of this film should be ashamed of enabling and exploiting a man with obvious mental illness. But after watching, it seems they themselves are likely too out of touch to even realize their mistake. In reality this is a documentary about a man with countless unresolved issues from childhood that he has carried into his 50s; issues that have only compounded as he has aged.
supadude2004 People like to dismiss the Amytiville horror as a hoax: "oh, didn't you know it was all made up to make money" they all too assuredly declaim. However, look closer at the evidence and you'll find that, at best, a case was made that it was hoaxed; And the more you examine that 'case', the more you'll find that its arguments are greatly based on conjecture & hypothesis than on any hard evidence of its being hoaxed. Well, I've spent hours looking at the evidence, and I could not now argue that it was definitely hoaxed. Or at least I couldn't - without ignoring the great deal of documented evidence, which compellingly suggests that there was more reality to the Amytiville haunting than most people are prepared comfortably to accept. So, please research the evidence yourself, and examine *both* sides of the arguments surrounding the events presented. What's more, you could do a lot worse than watch this documentary...Please watch this documentary or not, solely depending on what your views are on the 'Amityville Horror'. If you believe it was a hoax, concocted to generate publicity. then just stop reading my review now, and please just find some other movie which in your opinion would be a better use of your time. Seriously, if you've also no belief in hauntings then you're really wasting your time trying to watch this. Seriously! It's not even the type of documentary which you might laugh at! Nonetheless, if and only *IF* you are open to the possibility that it was no hoax, and that hauntings could possibly happen, then and only then, watch this documentary. If you believe that hauntings could occur and the Amityville case was real, then definitely watch this documentary which tells what happened from, what was at the time, a child's point of view.Daniel Lutz does not endear himself to most people. He is an angry, expletive loaded, blue eyed person, who's not at all in his teens - he's even beyond mid life crisis years - as he is in his fifties, yet happens to play guitar the way most guitar beginners dream of. He also, through no choice of his own, lived for a month, as a child, in what was once the most reputedly haunted household in America. At best, he calls the fact that he experienced such a bizarre haunting, 'a gift' - one which he definitely didn't ask to receive & experience. But he did.This documentary tells his story in his words. As such, I found it fascinating. But again - unless you are open to the belief that hauntings may occur, trust me - you won't find it interesting in the slightest. Most people do NOT believe that houses could become haunted, which is partly why this documentary has such an undeservedly low rating. Most folk simply view this guy as a half crazed, formerly abused man, seeking publicity.Regardless, I am pretty good at seeing through life's 'BS artists', and believe me, if I could put money on it, I would certainly bet that Daniel Lutz has told the very chilling truth in this documentary. The fact that I can tell he is not lying, greatly added to my enjoyment of this documentary; yet (sorry for drumming home this point, just I don't want you to waste your time watching this if you just aren't the type of person who could find it interesting) for most others who don't find it so easy to tell a BS master from... e.g., a respected doctor, then believe me, this documentary will be a reasonably frustrating waste of time.So I say - watch this documentary ONLY IF (1) you are open to the possibility that the Amityville Horror was no hoax; and/or (2) you are one of the few people in this world who can easily sense who is speaking the truth and who is not. Now that I have outlined what type of viewer should avoid this documentary and who should watch it, I rest my case, by saying I hope those few who might just enjoy it, for the reasons I've given, do get to watch it.
C.H Newell Just a short review, but I did enjoy this documentary for the most part. It's shot like most documentaries between talking heads, interviews with Daniel Lutz and others, as well as Lutz playing many styles of guitar in little shots to fill spaces. The man tells his story of being a young boy at the time of the supposed hauntings his family, the Lutz', experienced while living in Amityville after the DeFeo murders. He has obviously been haunted in one way or another, and depending on your views of the supernatural, you might lean more to one side. Daniel was clearly damaged, but significantly more so by the way his mother and his stepfather George Lutz took the chance to go national with their stories of hauntings in the Amityville home, and no matter how much he claims there were supernatural going ons while they lived there it is very evident the family drama going on surrounding everything that had supposedly happened was the most crippling dilemma in Daniel's young life.All in all, I give this documentary an 7 out of 10 stars. It's well shot, and interesting. The only thing which holds me back from giving any more stars to this review is subject matter itself: Daniel is a bit of a jerk, and I understand these events he perceives as having happened are certainly what constitute having a traumatic deal with life, but he agreed to do the documentary, and spends moments snarling at crew members. One particularly off-putting moment was when they visited an older lady (Lorraine Warren) who was close with Daniel, and she asked them if anyone on the crew did not believe in God because her intentions were to unveil a supposed holy relic (a piece of the cross Jesus was crucified on, I believe) to everyone present; Daniel gets a bit unruly about how everyone reacts to being questioned about this, and says if they don't say so now he'll "call them out on it later", which struck me as a bit of a tough guy move. His personality can be awfully rotten at times, and for a guy who acts like he wants to be a part of the documentary, he simultaneously tries to embody an attitude of a guy who wants to tell everyone to get lost, hiding from the media; overall, he is a confused man, or perhaps he also is trying to get his 15 minutes. Either way, objectively it's a decent to good documentary, and highly recommended for anyone interested in the Amityville hauntings, as I have been for some years now.
jerry veneman Great movie. It's more about childhood trauma and human perception than about the scary things that may or may not have happened at the Amityville house. If you're looking for a good ghost story or spectacular new revelations you're going to be disappointed. My Amityville horror asks more questions than it answers and does it in a fascinating way. Daniel Lutz is obviously scarred by everything that took place and uses the opportunity to exorcise some demons of his own. Does that make him a reliable witness? That's up to the viewer. Highly recommended.